Thursday, April 18, 2013

More Snow

Once again we are getting a lot of snow.  It seems that Minneapolis is the epicenter of this storm.  We've already shoveled about 4" and it's still snowing.  And the bad news is that it's suppose to snow all night.  UGH!!!  I have to work in the morning and I'm going to have to leave an extra 15 minutes or so earlier so I can drive like a little old lady!! LOL

After the shoveling was done I got to make a snowman with hubby.  Or should I say, hubby got to make a snowman with me? LOL  He's such a good sport.

I had gotten a very fun Christmas gift from my friend Katie.  It was a box full of snowman parts.  The smile killed me and I just had to put it on this snowman!!!  I LOVE the nose too! And the hat was in the box too!  Cute, isn't it?  There's a lot more snowman parts in there too.  There were heart shaped buttons, sunglasses, a bow tie, other eye and button shapes, different shaped mouths and noses.  Such a fun present and I finally got to play with it!  The snowman won't last long but at least I finally got out to make one this snow season.  Between colds and a bad hip I didn't think I would get to make one but today I was actually feeling good and got out there.  Man was that snow heavy.  I had hubby lift the body parts for me.  And he helped pack them and smooth them off.  I had the 35mm camera and he had my cell phone and we were both taking pictures.  This is one he took with the phone.  It was fun making the snowman and it was especially fun that he helped me make it!  And this guy may end up being on our next Christmas card!!  He's cheery enough!!! LOL

I have a fun little project to show you tomorrow so be sure to stop back.  

Thank you for visiting today,


  1. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Very cute snowman. Yes, we sure are getting a lot of snow for the middle of April. I hope that we don't miss spring and summer - winter all year would not be fun. Thanks for showing us your snowman; did you name him? LOL


  2. omg, this is too cute. too bad you weren't in the pic with it so it would have been a cuter Christmas card. i had heard of those boxes. thanks for showing us some of the pieces. in nc that box would sit perhaps 10-15 years waiting for enough snow for the man. play on girl have a grand time with the snow.

  3. Sorry to hear about the snow. Hope it will melt soon and Spring will show up.
    Love your Snowman!
