Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Mr. & Mrs. Frosty and Cat

Just a little change of pace today and I'll be back at it tomorrow with a very fun background technique.  I promise!!

I just wanted to share with you the ornament I made for my niece and her husband.  She asked me to make her an ornament to commemorate their first Christmas together and to quote, "It has to have a cat on it."  So the same night (two days before Christmas) I'm in my workroom playing with clay.  She had seen a cute snowman and snowlady ornament that she thought was cute so I thought I would go that route.  I got out the clay and began to play!  I

I even took some scrap clay and made the kitty and stuck it to the side of the snowlady.  It's kind of hard to see in the photo but it's there!  

The second photo is of the backside of the ornament.  I had made it so the snowman's arm was around the snowlady but it got hidden behind the veil.  

I was not thrilled with the flowers.  I like how they looked but not at the bottom where I had affixed them to the head with liquid Sculpey.  I should have done something different.  But now I know so the next time I make these they will look better.  

And I'm not thrilled with the wire in the back either.  I had to make a wire to hang them and then I had to split the wire at the end so a piece could go into each character. There was no way just to put one hanger in the middle of them.  That is something I will have to work on later when I have more time.  Something like that is all about balance.  Had I stuck the hanger in the man it would have hung in one direction and had I stuck it on the lady it would have hung the other direction.  It needed to be in the middle.  I may have to add a wire first and then attach the two bodies together.  That is something I'll work on the next time I make a pair of these!  

But the most important part of this was that when they opened them and saw it they loved it!!!  That made me happy!!  They were fun to make.  Anytime I get my hands all oily from the clay is fun!

Thank you SO much for visiting today,


  1. So sweet! Love these and the gingerbread house. I have been avoiding getting into're not making it very easy.

  2. Wanda, another wonderful ornament. So precious!
