Saturday, July 09, 2011

Fabulous Florets Scratch Pad Holder Weekend Project

I made and sold a lot of these scratch pad holders in last falls craft fair.  What I like best about them is that they are refillable.  I got the pattern for them from Linda at Splendiferous Creations.  

These scratch pad holders are very simple to make too.  You make 4 scores on the full sheet of card stock and cut away two sections.  I did find that if I trimmed the part that goes between the cardboard of the the scratch pad and the papers on the pad that it fit in the holder better.  It just needed to sit down in there a hair deeper for that back fold to lay nice.  You'll know what I mean when you make one.  

I did cut out the flower. Actually I cut out two flowers and I lost one somewhere in my workroom.  When it turns up I'll make another scratch pad holder with it and next time I will move the words over a tad bit more so they aren't in the stem of the flower.  Once again I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing.  But I will on the next one.  I'll be making more of these with different designs and I'll share them with you.  I had gotten some emails about some of the things I make and if they would be in the web store.  SO I am thinking about adding some of these to the web store so check back there now and then to see what else has been added.  Right now I have several new retired stamp sets in there.  

SO back to this cute scratch pad holder.   Lisa has the instructions posted on her blog.  The link is there in the first paragraph of this post.  You can get scratch pads at any of your local or online office supply stores.  They often sell them in bulk packs.  Just be sure to read that they don't say "irregular shapes" or you may have a bit of trouble getting them to look nice inside the holder.

Thank you SO much for visiting today,

1 comment:

  1. what an awesome project!...i may have to attempt this...the flower looks great btw
