In the wee hours of the morning we had to take KC to the emergency vet. He was having a seizure. His temperature reached 109. When we got to see him he was still panting. They had him packed in ice with an IV. His eyes were glazed over and the pupil was tiny and fixed. We felt there was no hope for him in the condition the seizure had left him in so we had to make the decision of letting him go. It's going to be a very tough day. He was such a nice kitty. He was a very mellow cat and I loved him very much. He loved to lay on me, especially by my face! And he would give "kisses." I would just ask him to "give me a kiss" and he would rub his whiskers across my nose. And if I would say "no, a nice kiss," he would do it really slow and go almost to his ears.
I got him on Christmas eve in 2001. We were at hubby's niece's farm and they had kittens outside (in the cold). This little kitty came up to greet me. It was love at first sight. The entire time I was there I kept telling hubby that I want that kitty. Our son was saying "let mom have the kitty" and even my mother-in-law said "let her have the kitty." I even went as far as saying, "if you let me have this kitty I will quit smoking." There were a lot of kittens in that batch and as we were leaving, hubby said, "pick out the one you want." I eyed this fuzzy orange stripped one but looked for the little guy that greeted me. He was dirty and smelly. We brought him home, put a litter box in our son's room and went off to the Christmas party at my folks place. He just made himself right at home the first day and has since (as you can see in the photo!).
Every day he greeted hubby when he came in the door from work. He loved to be brushed and he especially loved under his chin scratched. He would gaze off into space and we'd rub his chin until our hand was tired! If he was laying on you and you were rubbing under his chin and quit, he would pull your arm back towards him. Even if you were done, he wasn't!!! He was quite the character!
He liked to play pickle in the middle with our son and me. We would toss his mice back and forth between us and he would jump in the air to get them. When he got them he didn't want them, he just wanted to play with us playing with him.
He loved to lay under the Christmas tree. I think it was to remind me that he was a gift. You know, one of those that keeps on giving. I got hair balls, litter boxes to clean and cat toys to pick up!!!And I got a lot of love from him. He was such a special cat.
He did have issues with crystals in his bladder and all in all over the last 5 years, I think we spent over $3,000 on vet bills for him. Pretty expensive for a free cat!!! LOL
We had some nicknames for him too: Bug, Butters and Buddy.
Thank you for being such a wonderful cat KC, I am glad you were a part of our family. I am going to miss you for a very long time.
Thank you for reading this. I will have something stamped to post later,