Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ladybug Weekend Project

Wouldn't this make a great summertime party favor???  I had seen this ladybug a long time ago, probably when these Sweet Treat cups first came out and I filed it away.  I didn't realize I had filed it away that long!!

This adorable ladybug is SO fun and quick to make too.  The part that took the longest was waiting for the glue to dry on the stick.  I was thinking that if I had a lot of these to make I would use a hot glue gun for that but then again if you have a lot to make by the time you are done with the last one the glue will be set up enough to handle.  I guess it's whatever you want to do to keep the stick on!!

To make this I just punched out some red card stock, I filled the cup with red candies and stuck the cup to the card stock.  I punched out small black circles and glued them to the outside of the cup.  And for the head I just punched out a 1-3/8" circle and glued it to the back of the red circle.  I used the white gel pen to dot in a couple of eyes. But I think those wiggly googly eyes would be adorable on it too.  I couldn't fine mine so I just went with the gel pen.  When I find the eyes I'll just glue a couple on and she will be even cuter!

These are a great thing that the kiddies can help make too for a class gift or just a single one for a teacher gift.  They are fun and easy to make, not to mention how adorable they are!!

Thank you SO much for visiting today,

1 comment:

  1. Indeed it would and I love ladybugs;) So cute!
