Monday, August 16, 2010

Comment Posting Issues

Is anyone having problems leaving comments? I've had a couple of people email me and tell me that they are not able to leave a comment. I'm not sure what the issue is with that. I don't know if it is something on Blogger's end or if it is an issue with an upgrade to the computer system of those posting. Would a few of you be willing to test that out for me. You can just leave a comment on this post.
Thank you so much for your help,


  1. Seems to work for me.

  2. Wanda

    I have been having issues with some blogs lately that I couldn't leave comments or I could and the word verification wasn't working I'd just have to do it two or three times before it took..I seriously do not know what is going on, but if you figure it out let us know!

  3. I'm hoping this post comes through for you! Test, test, test!

  4. Hi Wanda, I've had someone tell me the same thing but don't quite know how to fix it. A person told me that if they didn't have a Google account, they couldn't post a comment. Let me know what you discover. Thanks!

  5. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Hi Wanda, the post came up for me but then all of a sudden it went blank. Thought I would let you know and also this would be a test. Thanks for all of the great stuff you post.

  6. Interestingly the word verification had a red x when I came here. I hit the refresh button (F5) and the word verification appeared.

  7. I tried yesterday and the word verification picture was not visible. I tried again today and hit the refresh button and it fixed the picture so now I can see the letters for the word verification to complete my comment.
