Here is the page I had done at the last DIVA Day event I attended. If you look at yesterday's post and today's post you can see how much they are alike. Just the photos and names have changed.
These two cats are a riot together. K.C. is the gray one, a male cat and Boo is the typical striped tabby, a female. They are 3 years apart and are best friends. They play together a lot and lay together a lot. Boo is usually the one to instigate the playing.
The photo of them with their heads together is one that I caught by sheer luck. They are actually laying on my lap while I was reclining and I happened to have had the camera on the end table. Don't ask why, I never leave it there. I just kept taking pictures and looking to see what I got in the photo area and I continued to take pictures for about 3 minutes. The flash helped them keep their eyes shut and, at this point, pretend they were sleeping. But when I finished with the photo shoot they did go back to sleep.
Isn't that just the sweetest photo. I was told by SO many people to send it to the newspaper under the "pet of the week" category. I may do that some day!
If you click on the picture, look at the top right one on the page. They were "playing" on the chair in the dining room and you can see Boo's little tongue sticking out. He must have tasted delicious!!!! LOL Oh and on the other one on the top Boo has her arm on his shoulder. She's such a riot. These two cats really bring a lot of joy and laughter to our home.
And one word you can not say in our house is "brush." You'd better be ready to brush them, especially Boo. She won't wait for the brush to make contact. Before you know it she's on her back feet and meeting the brush with the top of her head. And the tail shakes like it's electrified!! LOL
I have LOTS more photos on a million other topics to scrapbook. I may try to do at least one a month! It's a good goal to set, it's doable! And even if I only get one set of pages done a month at least it's one more set than I would have had if I didn't try at all!!!
Thank you for visiting today,
Very nice! It's addicting - this whole scrapbooking thing - so watch out! ~chris
Oh aren't they adorable! I have two labs that are so close to each other that everyone thinks they are litter mates, but are 6 months apart in age. They are BEST friends!
Those 2 felines are so fun. Maybe try inking up the cats paws and letting them wander over the page for a nice background next time!
What gorgeous kitty cats. I have two too and they are fantastic fun. Love the pic of just there two little heads sleeping. Makes your heart melt. Jaqui x
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