These were easy and sort of fun to make. I say sort of because it involves a needle and thread. Not a passion of mine! Click on the photo for a closer look.
Materials for these cupcakes:
Metal Condiment Cups
Decorative Paper
Decorations for the tops
Glue Sticks
Glue Gun
Crystal Effects
Tacky Glue
Snail Tape
Colored head pin
I made a circle out of copier paper as a pattern and cut them out for the top of the cup cake. I stitched around the edges of the circle (the part I didn't like doing) and I stuffed it with fiberfill. Then I gathered it tightly and tied it off. Now I had LOTS of problems there because apparently after 20 years a spool of thread is not as strong as it use to be! My thread would break now and then. UGH! Once I got it tied off I stuck it inside the cup with hot glue. Careful not to burn yourself on the cup. Once that hot glue gets in there the cup heats up and it's easy to get burnt. I just did one after the other so I didn't touch the cups much at all and by the time I got back to the first one it was cool enough to handle. Then I had made a pattern for the outside of the cup. Another not so fun part. It is very difficult (for me) to make a pattern for something that is round and tapered at the same time. But I manages! I cut them out and ran tape down the center. Then I ran Crystal Effects around the tape. And finally I added the tacky glue. I used the glue because I wanted the paper to stick quickly. Crystal Effects will make it hold well but it takes a while to dry so I had to do something so I could move to the next one quicker. Glue was the best way to do that. I ran some tape on a strip of ribbon and set it in place just under the lip of the cup. I added some Stampin' Up! "Sweet Pea" felt flowers to the cup cakes. I had also added some felt dots I had punched out. I glued the flowers on top in place and the little dots are held on using a colored head pin. I saw these on someone's blog and I forgot to write down who made them. I printed out the photo and logged off. If you know who did these please let me know so I can give them credit. I know theirs are larger than the ones I did but they do look a lot alike. I tried to Google "Felt Cupcakes" and was surprised at what was out there under that search. But it didn't yield the name I was searching for.
Basically they were fun. I especially LOVED the end when I got to add the flowers and dots. It was the best!! Won't these make great gifts? You could even hold a class on making these. These are such cute pin cushions!!!
Did you notice I didn't whine about the computer today? It was the wireless mouse having issues. I did a midnight run to Wal-Mart and picked up a new mouse, plugged it in and was trying to catch up on what I needed to. Computers!!! So helpful and yet SO frustrating!
Thank you SO much for visiting today,
Thank you SO much for visiting today,
Awwww Cute Wanda!!!!
What a neat idea for pin cushions. Too much work for me, but very cute! Thanks for sharing them with us. They will make darling gifts.
Wanda, these are YUMMY great job!
these are so so cute. I am like you and don't like the needle and thread but I know my mom would love one of these. Will have to see if I can find the condiment cup to see if I can make one for her as a surprise. Thanks for a great idea.
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