Friday, November 06, 2009


Today is my "Blogoversary!" I wasn't even paying attention to the counter! I began this blog on November 6, 2006. WOW it really doesn't seem like it's been that long. I am still loving every minute of it and still have LOTS more to share with you all!
Now for a what to do to celebrate. I gave this some thought and I'm going to post a stamp set tomorrow but this is going to be a "progressive" gift! In the past I have always added more "stuff" to the package before I send it out to the winner. But this year I'm going to post the new items every week until New Year's Day. Then on New Year's Day you can leave your comments there for the drawing! And of course I'll have some silly little question for you to comment on!!
So starting tomorrow and then every Friday after that I will post the items up for grabs including the new one I add on New Year's Day!! It will be fun and it will give me time to find a box for all this fun stuff someone is going to be starting the New Year off with!!! SO be sure to stay tuned!
Have a fun day! It's sunny and in the upper 50's right now in Minnesota. The wind is blowing but that's ok it's too beautiful out to complain about that! I have a few windows left to clean in my fall cleaning routine so it's a good day for that! SO I'm off to do that, not so fun but when I'm done I get to spend my afternoon in my workroom (I LOVE being in there)! I have been asked by many of you to see photos of my workroom. Well.... it's been such a mess lately that I don't like anyone seeing it. But I am in the process of organizing and cleaning up things. I got new counters for the cubes I ordered from Oriental Trading and it's WONDERFUL. It's nice to have solid work surfaces! They look fabulous too! Oh and they sure do hold a lot of junk. I dumped a lot of "stuff" in them that needs sorting too. SO much to do but I'd rather stamp. And thus you have the reason why the room is so disorganized!! I mean, be real. Which would you rather do? Clean or stamp? LOL

Have a wonderful day and stay tuned for the BIG Blog Candy!


  1. Congratulations! I love to stop by here everyday to see what you have been up to. It is a real treat. Make sure you post pictures once your room is done. I always like to see where others do their crafting.

  2. CAn't wait to see your work room. Love my visits to your blog. Diane

  3. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Congratulations on 3 years of blogging! I love your blog.


  4. Dee Libis3:01 PM

    Congratulations and your celebration sounds like fun!!!

  5. Happy Blogerversry!!! Looking forward to your exciting candy.

  6. Congrats on your blogoversary! I can't wait to see what you come up w/next!

  7. Congrats on 3 years blogging, I love every post! The candy sounds like fun;)
