This Blog Candy is in celebration of my blog reaching (and now surpassing) 1000 posts!!! So for this celebration I am offering up a brand new Scrappy Cat clear stamp set "Flowers." There's 22 images in this set. The set measures 6 x 8 so it 's pretty big. And with spring just around the corner what a better time to have some flower stamps. And we all know flower stamps can be used any time of the year!!!
BUT there is a catch here. Always remember "nothing is ever really free." LOL To get this stamp set you will need to leave a comment to this post only. And in that comment, since spring is just around the corner, tell me what you like most about spring!! Your name will be drawn by the random number generator on Tuesday March 17th (St. Patty's Day)!! How fun. Please don't leave your email address in your comment. Spamers LOVE it when you do that. You'll have to check back on here to see if you are the winner!!
I have many things I like about spring. The smells of the fresh air, the cool breezes with the warm sun. The birds returning (though I don't miss their poop on the deck!!!) and things growing again. It's like watching things go from brown to the soft greens and seeing them get richer as the spring progresses. But I would have to say my most favorite thing is to be able to have a window actually open (no screen) and no bugs flying in. YUCK, I HATE bugs. Before we moved to the home we live in now we had lived in a wonderful HUGE apartment. The building was sprayed twice a year, inside and out for bugs. We never had bugs. Then we decide we should "invest" in a house and the first day there I saw a spider and wanted to move!!! LOL I HATE spiders. And I've been told many times that they are more afraid of me than I am of it. Well, it's debatable!!! I only have two lets they have eight. Ok, there have been times mine were just as hairy and I suppose to a spider that may be scary!!! LOL But then again I didn't walk across the spider!!!! EWWWW. Why I'm afraid of them I have no idea. But I just stay away from them and hope they stay away from me!!!
So tell me what you like best about spring and you will be entered in the drawing for this stamp set!!!
Good luck to you!
I love watching the little buds pop out on the trees and the crocus and iris and dafidols start to pop their green through the soil. Of course I had the weeds of spring. Some years I have more weeds than flowers.
Congrats on the hits Wanda. I like most about spring is being able to get out in walk without the snow. The flowers blooming, and as you said being able to open the windows. I had mine open for a bit today as it was nice in MN so they was open for a few hours to air out the house.
Angel hugs
LOL at your comment about your legs being as hairy as a spider's. My favorite thing about spring is the bloom of the cherry blossoms. I live in Japan and cherry blossoms trees are everywhere, turning our world into fragrant pinkness each spring. I'm guessing two more weeks and we will be there!
Congrats on your 100th post! That's awesome!
Spring means flowers, their smell, the freshness and the return of color when the buds appear on the trees and flowers after a very long winter. I love the warmer weather and more hours of sunlight!
Greetings Regina from Germany
Well, since you are drawing on St. Patty's Day, I'm going to say my favorite thing about spring is the color green. After all the dingy brown of the winter, I love to see green pop out all over. So far there hasn't been much of that around here but I'm hoping green starts popping up very soon. Congrats on 1000 posts. Thanks for the chance to win. Flowers are my favorite and you can never have too many!
Congratulations on 1000 posts---I think I have read most of them.
I love the smell of the spring days---the disappearance of the snow---the plants starting to pop thru the dirt----the return of robins, actually saw my first one yesterday.
Linda Peterson
I love walking around the yard, seeing what's "waking up" from its winter sleep. I love getting into the dirt again and maybe, if I'm lucky, having warm enough weather during Spring vacation to be able to start mulching the gardens.
There's so much to love about Spring...I can't wait!
I like the new life - bud on the trees, blooms of the flowers and of course the baby animals. The crystal blue skies and the warm sunshine on my skin. The smell of all the flowers and the clean smell after the rain.
I love to see everything blooming, from trees to flowers and even the little birds coming out. I like planting flowers, but not the spring clean up!! Congrats and thanks for the chance to win!
Jannette E.
Wanda, I love the new growth and the beautiful songs of the birds you can hear even through the windows. I also love spring because my DH and I can get back out on our screened in porch to sit with a cup of coffee after dinner, even if it's in a jacket! LOL It's also Spring Break which is 10 days off for us teachers!
I Love being able to go out without putting on boots, coats, hats, gloves, etc. just to get the mail! I love it when the robins return (saw 2 yesterday), the flowers, - so many things to love about spring! Congrats on the 1000 + blog entries - I check it daily! Love your project.
Congrats on your milestone! That's a lot of posts! I think I love the green in spring. Here in Colorado it really is only green in the springtime. By June or July things are looking a bit brown and they stay that way (except for a period of white) until the following spring. Having warmer breezes and a little rain is also pretty great! ~chris
Good going Wanda on the hits! The best thing about Spring is the rebirth of everything.
I love spring because I can get in the dirt and play (sorry Mom for not listening)!! I love to plant my flowers and trim my bushes and watch everything "wake-up" again! Also my two daughters are April "spring" babies!!
I love the smell of the fresh cut grass and the smooth straight lines after cutting the grass. I also love to get in my car after it's been sitting in the spring sun. You get in and the warmth surrounds you, it lets you know that summer is right around the corner!!
Cindy Didrick
Perfect set for talking about spring. I love the weather getting warm, the flowers starting to bloom, trees getting their buds and the grass starting to green. Being able to open your windows to get the fresh spring air and of course putting up that winter coat. Thanks so much for a chance.
I love the smells of spring... the air is more fragrant as the trees start to bud, the grass starts to grow, and the flowers begin to pop their little heads out and begin to bloom. Flowering trees are the absolute best!! I will drive out of my way to pass trees in bloom, both for the fragrance as well as the magnificent scenery.
Hi Wanda! My fav things about spring are wearing flip flops because it's warmer and smelling the orange trees blossoming-it's sooo yummy! Congrats on so many hits and for an chance to win!
Love your blog! Thanks for a chance at your blog candy!!
I think the best thing of spring is everything is new again...& of course, Love to spring clean! NOT!!
I use to love spring when I lived up north, but here in Florida..You just get to enjoy the lighter colors. The same flowers are still blooming that were blooming in November.
We don't have seasons here but guess I can say spring reminds me of flowers. I love flowers! Even through we have flowers all year around, the stores decorates their window displays with flower themes. I love when the kids get excited to celebrate Easter, with their easter baskets, easter clothes and looking forward to easter hunts!
I love seeing all the fresh colors blossoming. And I do love the green - I missed it so when I lived in the desert.
I love when the bulb flowers poke through the soil and bloom. There's no trace of them all winter, and then one day they poke through and surprise you!
Thanks for this wonderful blog candy. I love flowers and would certainly enjoy those stamps. I am crossing my fingers and toes to win this one!
The best part of spring is the weather, and going to the beach.
I love that color begins to show up again...in the flowers and the grass. I love that most days I do not need to wear a bulky winter coat and/or boots!
Spring is my favorite time of year. I love the warmer temperatures, and all the "new growth." I also enjoy having my windows in my house and my car open!
Happy Blogaversary! I Love spring because it warms up outside and I can get back on my bike and ride it. [I LOVE my bicycle almost as much as I love my craftroom and I hate the cold weather!].
Way to go on all the hits on your blog! Here in Vegas there's not much change except that it's not so cold and it's not extremely hot yet. It gets darker later and we can still enjoy the wonderful weather and the kids can stay outside and play later with their friends which gives me more time to play with my stamps!!
Congrats on the hits and the anniversary! I love Spring because of the longer days-MORE SUNSHINE
after the long winter.And I'd love to win those stamps because I am just getting into this crazy addiction- I mean hobby, of stamping!
I'm not much of a yard person, but do a little planting, so when spring comes, I get excited to see what peeks it's little head out of the ground (and lived!)and what colors are in store for me! Things are new and fresh- a new beginning so to speak!
Congrats on the hits! I'd have at say the thing I like most about Spring is watching nature come to life. Trees start to bloom, birds chirp, the grass turns green, and my favorite thing about Spring is the fabulous weather!
Congrats on 1000 POSTS!!!! I am putting a link on my CANDY BAR...
Good luck on the next 1000
Spring: I love to be able to sit out on our balcony and have lunch and or coffee out there on our table and chairs. I also put out many flowers in the spring and it looks like a garden - way up on the second floor!!!! Even the humming birds find us...... Having our windows and balcony door open is wonderful also. We are next to a small forest and we face the lake, so there is always things to see including the deer, bald eagles, and so many other birds.
Congratulations on yet another 1000 hits; wow, way over 720,000 already. When I am at home, I never miss visiting your blog; it is so informative and beautiful. Your technique pages, that were given to me by my friend, Peggy, are such good reminders to use some of them.
Joan G.
I love spring time--I can get outside and plant and trim and clean up. I would much rather clean up the garden than clean the house. It shows !!
Your post made me laugh when I got to the part about spiders...my twin daughters are like that...they HATE spiders...have to get one of their kids to kill them. I love spring!!! Sunshine, trees & shrubs "greening up", and daylight savings time!!
Congrats on 1000 posts!!!Wow that's wonderful!
My favorite thing about spring is watching the flowers pop up,especially the tulips. And then the 2nd fav thing is to take out my convertible car out,then I know it's really SPRING!!!
Thanks at a chance of this beautiful flower set!!!
The thing I really love about spring is it's not TOO hot yet. I like to window shop at the home improvement stores and dream of the perfect flower garden. I can only dream cuz they don't seem to last for me! lol
Thanks for the opportunity to win some blog candy. What I love about Spring is the birds chirping, the flowers starting to bloom and the grass/trees all getting greener.
Oooh, I love the first signs of spring - the trees here are starting to bud, and my Mom reported yesterday that her crocuses are blooming (she's about an hour and a half south of me)! Can't wait to see the greens - my fav color lately!
Hi Wanda...congrads on the hits...not surprising tho your work is loverly! My *thing about spring* is that it means more daylight here in MI and I get to start putzing outside a bit...our winters are long and cold so I start getting antsy right about umm NOWWWWWWWWW...It is always a crapshoot to see if Mom Nature tricked my perennials or not lol...so far they are safe..but got my eye on em! ty very much for sharing your work..and ty for any chance to win..as I am clearly a sucker for flowers lol Cher
I like Spring the best because of the weather. Not to hot and not to cold. I live in the mountains and the drive down to the valley is wonderful as you see all the greenery pushing up. Even the tree in my front yard thinks its spring. Buds are forming. Wont be long before we will have leaves.
Happy St Pattys day from an irish lady.
I love it when the red bud trees blossom and I can see them all over the place! They are so beautiful here in Texas. Love your blog and your creations.
Spring means I don't look like a snowman with my coat all bundled up anymore. LOL Really, I love the flowers. Lilacs, tulips, fressia, hyacinth - they're all good!
Congrats on your hits. Spring is in the air.....love the freshness, birds chirping, and in general how it makes people happy...especially after the long tough winter we had this year.
My daughter was born in spring and I still remmember all the flowers in full bloom the day we brought her home.
I love that the birds are coming back and the snow is melting, and 50 degrees is so warm in Northern MN. I also notice people are so much happier.
The beautiful rebirth of everything around us. Including attitudes of people and animal! Our grandson is amazed at all the wonders of this time of year. Reminds me to try to see the world around me through the eyes of a child. Congratulations! Wanda, you are a cherished "gift" to all of us. We never know what's in your package (blog) until we open it. Thank you.
My favorite spring smell--DIRT! I love to open all of the doors and windows and sweep all of the old dusty dirty smells out of the house! I love to go outside and play in the mud in the yard! Dirt-just sooo much fun to get messy with. Who said that you need to grow up? Thanks for sharing your creativity. That bit about the hairy legs was a hoot! After a long yucky winter I bet you and the spiders are not alone! ;0
Congratulations, wow, you sure have a very successful blog (look at your site visits!). I love the warmer air. It's a sigh of relief, and it just feels so good and makes me smile. :) I hibernate like a bear in winter, and since I have to walk, it can get downright miserable at -25! What a wonderful spring set to colour in, thanks!
Congrats Wanda !!! I LOVE springtime, I think it is my favorite time of year. I love to open the windows and doors and let the air blow threw my house. I love to hear the birds chirping also. Thanks for the chance at the stamps.
This is the easiest blog candy questions I ever answered! With spring, I am finally able to get out and work in my garden. It's my passion in the warmer months. We have a larger pond going in this year so it will be fun. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the flowers the most! Usually the first flower I see here in Western Mass. is the Crocus, but I just saw the most beautiful purple Pansy blooming outside the door of one of my patient's homes. It was exceptionally beautiful, being the first flower here on March 10th!
I love your stamps and congrats on your 1000 post
Congrats on 1000+ posts! Love your blog. What I love about spring is finally seeing the snow on my lawn melt enough to be able to see the neighbours house across the street! (11 feet high this winter!)
I love the daffodils and the crocuses, but most of all I love wearing the light jackets, and not having any more sand tracked into the house!! Jeanne
It's got to be that I am finally able to turn the heating down a little... this winter really was expensive! And of course my 150 spring bulbs finally poking out their noses (well, some of them at least! Hope the others will follow soon...)
I love seeing all the different types of birds that come out looking for food. Iseems like each year I see a new type of bird. I also love walking my two dogs (papillons) They love to be outside, but tey are so little I have to be carefull with how long then can stay out. But GUESS WHAT not any more with the warmer weather. I love spring it is my favorite time of the year.
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