Here is a BEAUTIFUL shadow frame that Kristi made. I just LOVE it and I asked her if I could post it on my blog to share it with you all. Isn't it just fabulous??? It makes me want to redo mine with these words instead of the seasons one. Which by the way got stuck on crooked. If I do redo it I am going to have some help. Right Sue????? *winks* I'll somehow sucker her into helping me with it. Actually I don't have to sucker her in, she's such a sweet person that she will be more than happy to help. Don't you love having people like that in your life???
I just LOVE the layering of the papers in the background and then the flowers just seem to just burst forth. It's absolutely stunning!!
Thank you Kristi for allowing me to post your beautiful work on my blog!
And I thank you all for visiting,
Thanks for the wonderful compliments! Kristi Kelly
Wow, that is soooo pretty!
This is just gorgeous. What a fabulous job Kristi did.
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