This is a brand new unused, unmounted Stampin' Up! set "Very Punny". Now remember "Nothing is Free!!!" To get this set you need to leave a comment on this post only. Please DO NOT leave your email address with your comment. You do need to check back to see if you are the winner. I will draw a name on Saturday January 3rd, 2009. WOW, 2009!!! Doesn't that sound strange??? I think I say that every year!!! LOL
SO what is the theme for the comment....... Hmmmm...... Let's go with a stamping theme here. When you are done stamping for the day is your worktable all cleaned up, is everything put back where it belongs??
My answer to that would have to be "HEAVENS NO!!! I work on "stuff" until I get just a little space in front of me left to work on and then I just move to the other worktable!!! When that one is full then I HAVE to clean up my mess!!! LOL I'm SO lazy when it comes to cleaning up my worktable when I'm done with one project. I mean, what's the point? I may need some of the stuff from the last project on the new project. Why waste the time running back and forth when I can just reach across the table and get what I need!!! But this year I am going to make an effort to put away the stuff when I'm done with the project. I want to keep my workroom more tidy. I want to get it organized better and get rid of some of the clutter!!! It's a big request but as I see it, I have 365 days to accomplish it!!! LOL
So leave me a comment to this post and don't forget to check back on Saturday afternoon. I'll draw a name in the morning. This way it gives the winner a couple of days to reply back and I can get the package out in the mail next week when I am out and about!
Happy New Year to you all!
Hi Wanda, and Happy New Year to you. No, I don't get my mess put away. Lately (during the Christmas Boutique rush) I even moved another table in the living room so I could work on stuff there. Everything I pulled out is stacked in my craft room waiting to be put away. I agree. I need to be more organized. I am afraid I have a lot of BIBHUIY's. That stands for 'bought it but haven't used it yet'. I'm afraid there is a lot of that in my room. But true, I do have 365 days to get it straigtened out.
Shelby Dunning
Yes, 2009 does seem strange. Thanks for the blog candy offer! Hope you and yours had a nice new years celebration and a great 2009.
I'm terrible at cleaning up my work space! Right now I'm at the point that I need to clean up to make anything.
Hmmm.... maybe that should be my New Year's resolution!
Is my stamping work place cleaned off after my project is finished? Heck no! My dining room table has stamping stuff on it much more than we eat on it. When company comes over, I always say, don't look at my dining room table, I am stamping there!!! I like your question because I am not good at organizing, but I have a friend, who you know, who has everything sooooo organized!
Thanks for the chance at your blog candy again.
Happy New Year!
Maple Grove, MN
LOL, you sound like me! I have a desk and four 6-foot long tables upstairs in my craft room, and they are ALL covered in some manner of craft-related mess. I soooo need to clean up there.
That would be a huge NO!! However, I have spent the AM cleaning up my space and getting it organized posibly that will make me gain back my Mojo.
You don't have to enter me in the drawing, just wanted to share my 2 cents;)
My stamp room looks like it has been hit by a cyclone most of the time! I do get organized periodically and then spend the next week or so trying to find all the things that I "put away." Generally, I work in organized chaos - and it works okay for me. Thanks for all you share with us! ~chris
Alas, no, I don't put everything back in its place - I generally keep a short list of everyday stamping stash tucked beside a chair next to my fireplace ... it's (hopefully) not too noticeable ... and the remainder's in my bedroom (where I'll be working toward establishing a stamping corner)!
Happy New Year! When i am done stamping for the day most of the time I put my things back where they belong unless the project is not finished or I am just too tired. I prefer to start with a clean table and everything where it is supposed to be so that's what motivates me to put things away when i am done. Thanks for the chance to win!
My answer is...Are you kidding??? I have stuff laying everywhere because I don't have enough storage space. One of my goals for 2009 is to work on getting more organized making the best use of what space I do have.
Gina P. Milan, TN
I try hard to make sure everything is back in place at least once a week. There's just no way to put back all my stamping stuff after ever use.
You are too funny! If you saw my craft room we would probably be twins...I just spent 3 days "organizing" my crafts, papers, punches, books, etc...even went and bought new totes...but when I look at my space it just welcomes me to start MORE Spring projects..infact, when I organized my books it gave me ideas for a ton of new projects. Am I further ahead??? haha
Hello Wanda! Wishes for a Healthy and Safe New Year to you and your family. As for the mess, I have my own craft room and I can close and lock the door, lol. When my desk has absolutely no space at all to work on then it gets clean. The funny, or should I say sad, part is, is that I have my own cleaning business. Good thing my clients can't see my studio. Thanx for the chance at some great candy.
Happy New Year to you too and thanks for a great blog! My craft space is at the end of my kitchen, so I use that end of my kitchen table. And it's always messy! I try to put some things away as I go and keep me a nice clean spot to work, but things pile up around me! Creative chaos-hehe!
Happy New Year! I love to leave my stamping area neat and tidy, but it doesn't always happen that way! But I do have a designated place for everything, and I TRY to keep things there.
Happy New Year! A resolution I've made is to become more craft supply organized ~ so things are easier to get to! Then, it won't look like a major hurricane tore threw! Love the candy especially the piggie! Thanks for offering to share the stamp set! ^o^ CM2
Happy New Year Wanda !!! We just enclosed our back porch and made it into my "Scrapbook Room", so since it is still new to me, I make sure everything is put away in it's place. I guess I am a freak about that.
Hey I never clean up my stuff, that would ruin my crafting counter. I still have cards I started a while ago and haven't finished yet.
Happy New Year! I am so proud of myself when I find the top of my craft table. I have a small space and no organizational skills. Have trouble throwing away all the little scraps of paper, supplies that I think I might be able to use again. Thanks for the chance to win great blog candy.
Hi Wanda
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year to you!!
Boy do I ever need some organization as well. My last few purchases are still in boxes and bags!
Thanks for the blog candy offer.
Happy New Year!! :)
My worktable's usually a mess. I try to put away what I can until I get tired... and then I'll just arrange the stuff nicely on my table and get back to it later... much later! :P
Hello Wanda! Happy 2009! I would LOVE for my crafting area to be nice and neat at the end of the day- "sometimes" it is... I really need it to be before I begin to craft - so its usually clean up and then craft!! Here's a to great new year! Happy crafting!
I have so much out right now from making Christmas cards, gift card holders and birthday cards it isn't even funny. Every once in awhile, I will completely clean my craft room, but, unfortunately, it doesn't stay that way for too long.
Happy New Year, Wanda! I've been wanting this blog candy set since it came out, so I have my fingers crossed I'll be chosen!
I'm a neat freak with a small work area, so I do my best to tidy up between cards. When I'm making card sets, though, things sometimes get a little out of control -- but as soon as the stamping frenzy is over, I have to clean up before I start a new batch.
Hi Wanda, and Happy New Year to you!!! My craft and home office are combined. My office part stays pretty tidy but the craft part....not so much =0) My husband always asks me how I work like that...lol. I know where everything is (most of the time). I like to have everything around me when I'm working (like a mad scientist). I like to spin to the left and grab my markers, reach to the right for my stamp stuff, etc. I function much better like that. If it is neat and tidy I have to get up, look around, and a lot of times loose my train of thought. Sometimes I have many projects going on at a time. I use bits and pieces of stuff for multiple projects. I do plan to try to get a little more organized this year though. I'm a new stamper and starting to build my collection. I have a plastic drawer tower to put them in and need to do something else. Any ideas for me ladies? I don't like having to dig thru the drawers to look for a certain stamp. Hmmmmmm.....
Thanks for the great blog candy Wendy!!!
My work space is a TOTAL WRECK!!! My husband cannot understand how I work that way, though I don't seem to have a problem :) Happy New Year's to you and thanks for the chance to win!
t. phillips
Clean up as you go, are you kidding! I am the same way. I work until I have a small space left, then I spend the entire day sorting and putting stamps back in their appropriate boxes. I do clean my stamps as I go along though so they stay as nice as possible. Love The blog candy, I love that set.
Happy New Year, and thank you for a great start on a new crafting year.
I am particular about my punches, and put those away each night. And, I do clean my stamps and put them away. However, my paper and embellishments are often still out the next morning.
Hope this doesn't double post...it keeps closing down on me!
Heck no, if I clean it all up then I have less time to stamp next time LOL. Of course, we can't ever use the dining room table. I call it my creative organization method.
Have a great New Year and thanks for all your wonderful techniques, inspiration and ideas.
Happy 2009 to You, Wanda! Yep, it does sound strange. I struggle to find tome to make a card when I need it, and don't get the mess cleaned up right away. Just been a very crazy life around here - hope it settles down in 2009!
Happy New Year!!
My stamping area is a mess when I get done.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Linda Peterson
My stamping area is so messy; I hardly have room to work. However, a messy work area is the sign of a creative mind. That's how I rationalize the situation and live with it. However, one of my New Year's resolutions is to clean up the mess; (so if I suddenly drop dead) then my family won't be embarrassed or have that clean-up job. By the way, one more stamp set would be just lovely to add to the chaos of my work area. Thanks.
My answer is yes and no. As I sit and make cards, I get up frequently to get things from around my room. I also try and put things back after I use them. But, somehow my table is still covered in stuff when it's time to go to bed. I don't know where it all comes from. I get a lot of exercise this way - at least that's how I look at it. Get up and get a punch - use it - get up and put punch back. See - exercise.
Hi Wanda, Happy 2009 to you! My stamping area is cleaned after I finish a project but during the creating it is more organized chaos than anything. A big mess just makes me irritated...not what I want to feel like when stamping. Love this set, hope I win! jmniffer
I tried to set up our office/den area for my stamping and clay work. My hubby was worried he'd never see me so I work on stuff on my side of the bedroom while he does his hobby on the other side. It's so hard to get things cleaned up. I have been so not inspired since I have no room and don't know where things are at the moment.
in FL.
Happy New Year Wanda! I am one of those folks that HAS to have everything back in it's place when my day of cardmaking is over. I'm so wild about it that I make myself STUPID over it. I work in my craft studio every day and I know it would be easier to just get up and walk away (only to come back.....), but I just can't do it. But at any time you can ask me where something is and without a blink of an eye....I can take you to it. So...there is some method to my madness! Kadie
Because the space I use is also my computer/work desk I usually do put everything back as I use it..since I put things right back it makes it easier to find when I want to use again...my stamping supply area including my stamping space is only a 3'x5' corner of the room so I need to be as organized and efficient as I can be...this also helps me buy only what I really think I will use (of course my DH wouldn't agree on this one!!!) since I think I will use everything I buy!!! anyway works for me
patti moffett
Happy New Year! I haven't had to write 2009 and that's the strange part for me every year. As for the cleaning up after stamping, I don't. I don't have my stamp area ready nor all my stuff organized. When cleaning up for the family to come over for Christmas, my husband wondered how I was able to do anything with all the stuff I had out. Typically when I'm trying to find something, mostly my stamp-a-ma-jig, I start sort all my items until I find what I'm looking for! Here's to both of us getting more organized by the end of the year!
Clean work area? hahaha! Actually, if I'm done with the project, I clean up the area. Otherwise, it looks like a cyclone hit it. Happy New Year and thanks for the chance to win your blog candy!
Happy New Year, Wanda! I am so lucky because I go to my friend Wanda's house to stamp and I hope I remember to put away the stuff I use, but if I don't, I guess you have to, Wanda. I guess that adds to your mess, Wanda, but whenever I come over your craft room is all neat and organized. And you have TONS of stuff! Every crazy little thing we might want, Wanda has! Thanks for the chance to win the Blog Candy, and for your awesome blog.
My craft area is a mess!! I have to scoot things to be able to use my cutting/stamping mat. Everytime I go out thinking, "I'll straighten up," I end up wanting to make something. And here with the holidays, there seemed to be no "extra stamp area cleaning time" because it was: Company is coming...work on the living areas cleaning.
Thanks for the chance for some blog candy......love your art work. Actually I'm pretty good about cleaning up my craft area after working. Not always, but, hey, who's perfect!
Thanks, Lynn Hayes
Happy New Year. I am a perfect stamper in my work, not my work area. You can't creat and clean at the same time! When there is no room left it is time to clean up. My daughter came over one day and commented "this place is a mess". I tell you as I told her "that is why this is called a work room".
Hi Wanda,
Happy New Year and thanks for a chance to win some blog candy!
My craft room gets cleaned up when I have time, but itsn't always neat as I am a last-minute stamper--usually not by choice, but it seems to work out like that a lot!! When my 22-month-old grandson comes, I just shut the door!! Linda in WDM
happy new year!! my stamp room is always in a perpetual mess. as soon as i seem to clean it, i get started with something else.
Happy New Year! Yes, it is strange to say 2009, and I wonder how many times I will have write 2008 before
I get it right. Anyway, it took me an hour to put things away and clean up my desk yesterday, just to start over and make it a mess again. I was actually trying really hard to put stuff away, but alas, it is messy once again.
thanks for sharing
Happy new year! I have all my thing in boxes,, as my hubby is finishing up our new basement. it will take a will before i can scream out to all.. that i have a scraproom. I hope to have in 2009 LOL!! Thats how slow the work is going.. hehehe.. So for now.. my boxes are a mess.. mut my work place seems clean. But full of boxes, Thanks for a chance to winning you candy :) mmmmmmm! :)
Sometimes. It's always nice to start off your next day with a clean surface. So, if I don't clean it when I'm done, I end up doing it the next day before working again. Otherwise, my workspace gets to cluttered.
Heaven's no, if I put it away I can't find it. My kitchen table is more a craft table than an eating table. Not sure my kids know the word of eating at the table unless it is a holiday.
Thanks for the chance Wanda.
Angel hugs
I do try to put all my stamping stuff away right after I am done. The things that clutter up my table is sewing stuff. I am always trying to create something to sew so sometimes the stamping doesn't get done. Will have to work on that.
Happy New Year!
Hello. I have to clean up after im done because i do not have a scrapping or stamping area. i have to scrap at the dining room table.
Thanks for the oppurtunity.
Happy New year to you! Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy. I check your blog faithfully. Thanks for the awesome ideas! I definitely DO NOT put everything away, I usually clean up once a week.LOL That is so I can find things. My stamping room is very small and I need another table. Will be buying another soon. Take care and Thanks again!
Happy New Year! I still haven't got my mind off Christmas, to be starting with Valentine's Day. You have some nice cards, however.
Hahahahahahaha! That's funny. :) No, my workspace is a mess *most* of the time...whether I'm there or not. I straighten it up a lot but it's rarely ever totally clean.
Happy New Year Wanda! Well, as much as I would like for my space to be nice and clean after I finished a project,it is NOT! It usually takes me at least 2 days to get things cleaned up!
Do I clean up my worktable when I'm done stamping for the day? NO WAY! I tried that once - took me hours to straighten up and only a few minutes to trash again, so I leave it in my own organized chaos. I'm always amazed when I get to the bottom of a stack and realize that my table is made of oak!
Glad to read that I'm not the only one.......LOL
What a beautiful card - I'm definitely striving for becoming more organized in my scrap space.
Happy New Year to you and yours! Well I have stopped laughing- put me stuff away after...I'm with you on that one and I also have made it my goal for this year to put stuff away before starting another project. Good luck to us both.
Happy New Year, Wanda :-) I cleaned up almost everything (except the scrap paper left over) because I don't want my 2 year old boy to touch my crafting tools and supplies.
Wishing all the best for 2009.
My goodness it's good to know that it's not just ME that leaves my "treasures" all over the place. **grin** However, I am, at this time, giving my craft room a "makover" so my goal is to have a place for everything... whether I'll complete the "and everything in it's place" part is a goal... but we shall see. I always have big plans to get organized but it seems that being organized takes... well, organization!! Crazy, vicious circle this is!
I need to tidy up after each stamping project; but usually doesn't happen.
I wish I did clean up and put things away after a project but I just move it further down the table and move on to the next one until I can't stand it any more and have to go in and put it all away. Love your goal to do better this year!
Happy New Year!
You are suppose to clean up your mess. OOPS!!!! I missed that part in the stamping world. I just move it some where and when I'm done with having fun I thought you were just suppose to shut the door..sort of like when you were a kid. LOL Thanks for a chance at some of this sweet SU candy.
Wanda- Thanks for the offer. Boy does my workspace(S) need a tiding up. My family thinks I have taken over the house. I can only hope one day to have a room of my own to keep it behind closed doors.
Happy New Years!
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