SO for this one I am celebrating my 600,000 Hits. Yup, look at the counter. It's well beyond 600,000 now and there will be more candy for the 700,000!!!
But for this one I am offering an adorable pink mail box for you to decorate and it will be to you in time for Valentine's Day too!! Plus there's two sets of Scrappy Cat clear stamps. One set is called "Birthday" and the other is "Friendship." The links on the words will take you to a website that has close up photos of the stamp sets. They are VERY nice sets. Brand new, still in the original packaging.
And as usual I will be adding more items before it goes out in the mail!!!
Now nothing is ever free!!! SO to be in the random drawing for this set you must leave a comment to this post only. Hmmm, what shall the comment theme be??? Well, since Valentine's Day is around the corner share with me something fun you do or have done on Valentine's Day.
As for me I can not think of anything that we usually do. We don't go out to dinner because the restaurants are TOO crowded and we don't usually do anything fun (ever!!! LOL). Just kidding. We do fun things but not usually on Valentine's Day. Though I do remember one Valentine's Day hubby came home with roses for me. Not only because it was Valentine's Day but because he was proud of me for quitting smoking. I think it had been around 6 weeks for me at the time. Other than that we usually don't do anything special for Valentine's Day. Kind of sad but then again it doesn't mean we feel any differently about each other the other 364 days of the year!!!! Gosh, I don't even think we do cards for each other!!! LOL So that's my story, kind of a bummer of one but it's all mine!!! LOL
I will draw a name on Wednesday January 21st and post the winner along with my email address for that lucky person to contact me!
Have fun and good luck!
This is the first time I've ever been first! I usually get pretty corny with heart shaped meatloaf and chocolate lava cakes dinner by candle light you know the whole 9 yards because I'm so lucky to have such a great man.
Hi Wanda,
I'm with you - not going out to a restaurant on Valentine's day- they are way too busy! Instead we say corny things like, "EVERY day is Valentine's Day because I have YOU in my life"..sappy, huh? But it works for us! (most of the time!) :)
Congrats on stopping smoking...that must be one of the hardest things ever to quit!
Last year, my husband (a pastor) had a board meeting on Valentine's Day...who thought that was a good idea? All of these men sitting at a meeting on Valentine's day!
I would just like to stay home and either spoil my husband with back scratching and he spoil me with a foot rub.
I want that mailbox............LOL. I see so many of them online. We don't have Target in Canada. *sigh*
Now on to Valentine's Day...after 41 years of marriage what can I say? Things are pretty tame here.............LOL. We have done the dinners out.the fancy gifts..red satin...........and so on and so on. Now we just cherish what we have after all those years. Thanks Hun!
I love to get little gifts for my husband and my son. I usually make a heartshaped meatloaf and heart shaped cookies. They love it.
We usually don't do anything special, but I remember many moons ago when my now-husband surprised me with roses. It was such a surprise because I was living half-way across the country! I still have the roses too. :)
We don't do anything special for any days...I decorate cakes and we are usually tired of the holiday before it gets here....oh well I can keep on stamping in the mean time..I do make ALL holiday cards to send to my 3 boys and my sister...such fun..Congrats on quiting smoking..my husband did that about 40 years ago and it was really hard for him...JAN
Congrats on so many hits! The fun part of Valentine's for me is going into the kids' classrooms for their class parties and watching them have a good time and making goodies for it. We don't usually go out to dinner or anything-it's too busy!
thanks for the chance to win!
I don't normally do anything, but this year I may go to a Valentines Day "Dance"... I hope it will be fun!! Have a great one!
Wanda-I have your blog in my favorites and check you every day! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us :-) Well, my birthday is the day after Valentines day , so we usually do something nice-but it always involves the kids too-Many years now we have gone to the Baltimore Aquarium and then to Hard Rock cafe-just a great day to spend time with each other.
We too stay home on Valentine's day. I agree with you, the restaurant's are to crowded. I usually make a nice dinner and give the hubby and my 2 boys chocolate. I always get a nice gift also.
Hey Wanda - I usually roast a turkey and have a really nice meal. when my daughters were still at home I made heart shaped pizzas for them and always had a gift for them wrapped up - I always told them that it was more important to celebrate a day that you loved someone than it was for a groundhog or equally ridiculous holiday! Ofcourse there is that crazy little cupid! Now that they are married - they fix special meals for their husbands on that day - none of us go out on V. Day either - way too crowded!!
We usually make treats for our friends on Valentines day. Two years ago after making chocolate covered strawberries (with both milk & white chocolate) we found we had a lot of melted white chocolate left over.
So we grabbed the box of Milk Bones (yep, dog treats) and began dipping them in the white chocolate. When we were done, we had treats for our friends AND their dogs ... lol.
Congrats again on your blog's success!
Well, heck...we don't normally do anything fun for Valentines, either. DH's birthday is the 12th and we're usually more focused on that. But my older son, who is six, is really getting into holidays and looking forward to them. I'm trying to find a fun (yet easy) project to do for his class this year. So, short answer, we're still making our traditions. :-)
Years ago I decorated the Xmas tree with Valentine lights, heart doilies and cut-outs. The kids loved it. They added the Valentines they recieved from scbool. it was a work of art-really. I sort of miss the days when our boys were young. Jeannie
Unfortunately, after 20 years of marriage, DH and I don't celebrate it :o( What I end up doing is creating valentine cards or decorated valentine cookies for the kiddos to take to their school.
Like you, we don't do the restuarant thing! Usually just do a family thing at home and enjoy the quality time together. However, this year by 13 yr old DS wants to take his girlfriend to eat @ Chic Fil-a....so guess that is what we will be doing. Thanks for the opportunity for the blog candy. Enjoy your creations. -- LaCee
Hi Wanda, e the blog, inspiration and wow, i've stumbled into Blog candy Heaven.
What is something that we do on Valentines day. My husband and I have our 4 yr old pick out a very special dessert recipe, then we make it together. Our daughter, who is 1 gets the first piece.
We dont usually do anything too special either, maybe go out for dinner, but we do that a lot too. LOL, its almost just like any other day ...
Great Blog Candy!!
Thanks for the opportunity!
We also don't really do a big dinner since it's so crowded, and I don't get roses either (my choice). But he always makes a point of buying me a sweet Valentine's card. My husband absolutely does not stamp, but I appreciate the time he took to pick out a special card. Our anniversary is 3 days after Valentine's so we usually will have a nice, special meal at home then.
Congratulations on your many blog hits, Wanda. I come here everyday to see what new ideas I can get! When our girls were young, I use to make heart shaped pancakes and heart shaped fried eggs. Now, I make Valentines for my grandchildren and one great-grandchild to mail to them because they love getting mail...yes, I put money in the cards too.
My DH's birthday is the next day and so is my grandson & his wife's anniversary - so we have a lot to celebrate. If we go out to eat, we go early enough to miss the crowds.
At one of the restaurants, here in Maple Grove, MN., they let everyone who is married 50 years or more, come for a free breakfast on Valentine's Day - but DH and I don't get up early enough to take that in.
Thanks for the chance at winning your candy blog - and Happy Valentine's Day to you also.
Maple Grove, MN
When I was growing up, my dad always had candy, a toy or flowers and card for me on Valentine's, then we'd have a special date (just us two) sometime that week.
I love Scrappy Cat - I hope I win! ;o)
great candy! i usually try to cook a nice dinner. last year i made lamb and a fancy dessert.
My birthday is in late February, so we usually go to dinner then...a two-for-one deal I always tell my hubby! He'll occasionally get me roses, and I try to have a card for him and for my daughter, and sometimes I'll make heart-shaped sugar cookies and or a heart-shaped cake. I'm intrigued by the heart-shaped meatloaf comments...I may try that this year to see what they say LOL!! Thanks!
Wow! you guys feel the same as me! I try to show my family I love them EVERY day! Don't need one special one but, then again, it is fun with the commercialism of it! LOL! Thanks for a great blog candy opportunity!
Hi Wanda thanks for a chance at some yummy candy.
Since I lost my DH in September this Valentine's Day will be much different but in the past I have come home to candy and roses waiting for me. He even ordered some raspberry cordials off the internet and managed to hide them from me.
I use to make special Valentine outfits for my kid and made her wear it to school. She is probablly scared for life!
Hi Wanda,
We ususally spend Valentine's quietly at home, and will probabbly do the same this year.
Since you don't go out any longer on Valentine's, just cook a special meal, decorate up the table, and leave DH a sweet handmade card and favor on his plate. Decorate with ballons too!
My best Valentines Day for me was. 20 yrs ago. My husband and I had just got married we didnt have money to buy gifts so I made his. I made a card for how much I loved him 365 days and thmy lips and kisssed 365 kisses on paper and cut them all out 1 by 1 took me a long time not too mention how long my lips stained red LOL and put them into a handmade decorated box with the card I made and so he could have a kiss from me every day. He still have this in his dresser drawer and we get it out every now and them and have a good laugh over it . he thought that was the best gift he has ever got . I get a colored single rose every yr on .Happy Valentines Day . Cheryl I should take a picture and post it. My first paper crafting time now I am hooked .
My husband and I don't really do anything too exciting. I think just being with each other probably takes care of it. Oh, we do prune the roses in the garden on that day - how exciting is that!
Lynn Hayes
I make heart shaped frosted cookies and sometimes a heart shaped cake. I always get the kids gifts ( when they were little they always got new spring jackets from my Mom). Thanks for the chance to win. Love the blog and check in daily!
Nothing comes to mind about any special Valentines Days! My husband is not the romantic type. What I usually do is fix a special dinner at home--steak and baked potatoes is a favorite. Thanks Wanda. You are a popular blog and with good reason. Thanks.
Cheryl Sims
I always gave thought to somewhere along the line Hallmark got together with Brach's candy and designed Valentine's day to make a quick million! I make mini packets of birdseed tied with ribbon to small bottles of bubbles for the grandkids to give to their friends, so far no complaints from either birds or kids! Enjoy the day!
We usually don't do anything either, my hubby will usually buy me flowers though and flowers for my daughter which is so sweet. We stay in and enjoy each other's company. Great blog candy and blog too. Thanks for offering this chance to win.
My husband and I normally go out to eat and see a girly romantic movie I would like. If Valentine's Day falls on a week day we typically wait until the weekend for the dinner and movie.
Wanda....is your DH and mine brothers? :-) Just kidding! My DH isn't the flowers and candy kind of guy - but we will go to a great restaurant and have a fabulous meal and glass of wine ... and that would have to be my favorite Valentine's Day.
Congrats to you for joining the No-Smoking Wagon....great work!
Congrats on your hits! I look forward to your updates and inspiring MOJO everyday. Ok now since the stucking up is done, I'll answer this question. LOL!!!
We don't do much for Valentine's Day. Usually we spoil our girls. They usually get a bouquet of balloons with candy and a stuff animal. Ok sometimes I get my DH chocolate. Thanks for a chance at this sweet celebration candy.
I enjoy a really nice dinner on Valentine's a just spending time with my husband of 42 years. We're still in love!
I don't think my husband and I have ever gone out for Valentine's day. He works away from home so he is not usually home on Valentine's Day but he has sent me beautiful roses occasionally. To be honest, I am not crazy about flowers. I thank him, of course, and then I can to into the bathroom and look at the beautiful flowers he sent me. We have 3 cats that LOVE to eat the greenery and so I have to keep them in the bathroom locked away. I take them out when I am downstairs so I can see them but I have to remember to put them away each time I go upstairs or I will come down to a tipped over vase of flowers so they mostly stay in the bathroom. Anyway, nothing really special done at our house even when hubby is at home - boring boring boring (hee hee).
We usually don't do much either..but we always plan to *later*...lol....
gone are the days he would surprise me with a babysitter and we'd go out for the night!!
love your stuff and your blog!!
Valentines Day for me is CRAZY!
I'm a Florist, so by the time we close the shop on Valentines Day I'm too exhausted to do much of anything... LOL
But.... I have to say, that it's a wonderfully fun day because I get to see all the sweet romantic things that everybody else dreams up.
Congrats Wanda! 600K is pretty awesome, and 700K is coming up soon! We used to do the eating out PS (pre-son) but now we just exchange cards and I pray that he DOESN'T buy me roses! Yes, you read that right! I hate the idea of him spending that much money on roses just because it is Vday! One year he bought me a mini rose bush. Now that was awesome!
When my hubby used to travel for business zi would always make sure he came home on Valentines Day to his favorite dinner and a banner that said I love you or similar. Now that he's home and we have a youngster we play it up for him... decorate the house a little bit, help him make Valentines for his friends, simple fun things to make it special for everyone
Hi Wanda,
We don't usually celebrate Valentine's Day but this year it's on Saturday. Since we eat out on that day anyway what the heck, let's celebrate. After 41 years we don't need too much excitement. Thanks for a chance at some awesome Blog candy and congratulations on the hits.
Valentines is pretty quite..I do more for the girls at work..But actually a real fun Valentines Day was when hubby and I were first dateing only 11 years ago,I filled up his bedroom with red and pink ballons!
Your blog is on my everyday list.
Love all the ideas!
If I had been chosen in November, I would have contacted you! I've never won blog candy anywhere! So, on to Valentine's Day....nothing as a 'grown up' but, when my children were small [they're 38 & 39 years old!] I always made heart shaped sugar cookies, frosted in pink; then, of course, I had to write cute things on them like those conversation hearts. I loved doing that!
My son-in-law paid for my flight to see my daughter in Naples, Florida as a surprise Valentine's Day gift. We hadn't seen each other in several months so it was a gift to me also. He picked me up from the airport and I stayed at their house while he picked her up from work. She was speechless when she saw me. It was a great Valentine's Day.
We don't do nothing special either. Used to but don't no more. DH sometimes buys me a chocolate rose, and I do a special dinner.
Angel hugs
Hi, Wanda Thanks for the chance to win some candy. For my kids I try to make all red and pink food for the day. They have strawberry foods for breakfast (pink oatmeal, strawberry milk in their cold cereal, we've had pink and red pasta with red sauce, red jell-o, etc.) The hubby and I don't go out to eat, but lots of times we get take out from our favorite restaurants (Outback Steakhouse, i.e.) and have a nice dinner at home, and some romance after! (TMI!)
My hubby always stops at the store and buys me daisies ... my favorite flower. But he does it on the 13th becuz "all the flowers are picked over if you wait until the 14th" ... I think it's the only day of the year that he thinks ahead. Ha! Jilly
Congratulations on all your blog hits. I read it daily, it is in my favorites under "must read daily
" section. You are right, no restaurants. My husband has gone to be with the Lord so Valentines Day is a day to remember and share cards with friends.
We usually don't do anything special as a couple, but I like to make little treats for the kids and hubby to wake up to. Little bags of candy or chocolate. They always love it!
Congrats on your many hits!!!!! Your blog is always one I check regularly! What I did last year for darling husband was make him an 8x8 scrapbook album titled "50 Reasons Why I Love You". I coordinated each number with a picture (which took awhile to print) then started off with Pride, Honesty, and so on down the line. He never knew I was working on it and then on the valentines day before I left for work I had selected 9 songs and made 9 3x3 cards with instructions inside to listen to what song on the CD at what time during the day. And there was a small giftie with each envelope that he had to locate somewhere in the house. I already had the table set and decorated. By the time I got home, he grabbed me and just hugged me. But after him cooking our favorite dinner (filet mignon, julianne potatoes and green salad, a couple of glasses of wine I gave him the book, and as he read through each page, the tears began to roll down his cheek and when he was finished he was so in awe that he was speechless. LOL!!! He told me that this was the best gift out of the 16 years we've been married he has received from me. Now to figure out how to top that this year is going to be hard as he still picks up the album and looks through it.
I love to either make cupcakes or sugar cookies for Valentine's Day. When the girls come home from school we have a blast decorating them in lots of red and pink. After dinner we have them for our dessert. Yummy!
This is story to make you smile - it is about Valentine's day! I have never married and when I was about 28 (I'm 50 now) I went to have dinner with some friends on 2/13 - The guy worked around metal and he and his wife came up with a great idea. They made a license plate for me for Val day - so while I'm in the kitchen with my friend, her husband goes out and put the plate on - neither tell me about it. On may home I notice a police car behind me and then the officer starts laughing - I go home, go to work the next day and take may care in to get new tires. About noon I get a call from my friend asking me to go out and look at my license plate - I tell her where my car is - she's laughting. The plate they made for me said - "marry me please - desperate" Needless to say - the men at the car place loved it and several asked if I was really desperate. I explained that it was a deacon in my church who had made the plate for me and we all laughed together! You have to realize that I've been a lot of things - but desperate to be married has not been one of them! I love my life and I love that my friends tease me! Happy Valentine's day!
My husband and I like to have our children and grandchildren over for dinner---lots of red and pink food, and heart shaped items.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Linda Peterson
Last year on Valentine's Day members of our church prepared a meal for over 100 people in inner city! We wanted to do something special, so we took popcorn and coated it with red, white, pink chocolate wafers and bagged it up with an attached poem/topper for Sweetheart Popcorn! As our dinner guests left they were each given a treat bag! Felt good to share our bounty with the less fortunate! ^o^ CM2
PS: The candy you're offering ...certainly looks tempting! TFS
we never do anything special any more. I do fuss over the kids though. my husband &i usually go on a date the following sat.
kristina seymour
we usually make dinner at home, as my husband works until 9 pm. but we cook something nice, and maybe watch a movie. thanks for the chance!
Congrats on so many hits! I'm not surprised though, with your talent-it's why I keep coming back!! Usually for Valentine's Day we just exchange cards, because we've just had Christmas, then the last week of January is my hubby's b-day, our oldest son's b-day AND on the same day is my b-day and our anniversary! So by Valentine's Day, we are a little partied out. Cool blog candy-maybe I'll win it for my birthday,hehe!
Hi Wanda,
After 34 years we are going to enjoy our 'alone' time. Which will probably mean he will fall asleep watching TV. But that is O.K. He is still my 'special' guy.
We used to go out to eat, or a movie, then the kids came along, so we usually ate dinner at home and gave the kids a little something. NOw that the children are grown (almost, 18 & 19) we are just planning to eat dinner at home, not sure what the kids are doing, but I'm sure they will be busy with their own friends, or school. I am with you when it doesn't take a named day to act any different towards each other, we should just act that way always.
thanks for sharing
I never go out to a restaurant on a holiday. That is just asking for aggrivation. One year for my DH I made a card with various different candy bars in place of some words. He actually appreciated that one as he is just so sentimental...not:)
For Valentine's Day I usually send Valentines to all my nieces and nephews who are still young enough to think it is fun to get them. Wow!! 600,000 is a LOT of hits! Congratulations!
mi ds wurct at a local florist and he wud bring home the big baloons that wur animals for the cidos tha thor that waz the best az long az tha have ar in the it iz stil valintinse da here and tha last for so long that valintines da went on for evr at mi house
merri b
I never win these things but that mailbox would be so cute for my niece so here goes...we don't do anything real special for Valentines day like we used to, but we just make sure that what ever we do we are together. Sometimes our evening is spent by the fireplace with finger foods and watching a good movie.
Hmmm. I don't really do anything fun. I do look forward to getting roses from my son whose in high school.
Hi Wanda,
We don't usually do anything special, either. Although - 18 years ago, on Valentine's Day, we both quit smoking. We never smoked again and are very happy about that.
When the kids were living at home, each year I used to buy everyone a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Now, with just the two of us, that tradition has ended due to trying to live a healthier life style.
I remember one year getting a dozen roses at work and getting a pretty red box when I got home with a card. I opened the box and inside was a pretty 1/2 carrat shappire ring with two small diamonds on each side. My husband told me he had gone to my favorite jewelry store to get it and if it wasn't what I like I could exchange it. He knows that I love jewelry.
Hi Wanda,
We don't do anything special for Valentines Day, after 41 yrs of marriage to the same man, he knows I still love him or else he wouldn't be my husband. He feels the same. We usually exchange cards and have a good dinner, and thats about it.
Great Blog Candy! Would love to win.
Valentine's Day is spent running to the elementary school and having parties (of course the night before - preparing the valentines!!), not letting the kids eat ALL their candy in one night and having a nice dinner AT HOME - together - the family!
"Keep Tough" in your quest of smoke-free; proud of you! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Wanda, love your blog and have subscribed to it for all current updates. Congrats on the 600,000 going on 700,000. I made a few of those hits. LOL I am 72 and my life partner is 83. When we first met 8 years ago, he gave me two dozen red rosed for my birthday. And he still loves to give me red roses. Easter its Lilies. And he picks out some georgeous cards for all occastions. Some are corny but I love them all. We usually wind up going to someones house for the holiday and celebrating with friends. I of course being a stamper always make him a card. Sometimes they are corny but most times they are mushy. Just love the old buzzard to bits.
Thanks for the chance at some cute blog candy.
Shelby Dunning
Santa Paula, CA
I got married! It's also my ddl's birthday so we have lots to celebrate in our family. ~chris
I usually get taken out to eat by my hubby, which I love! I love the stamps in your blog candy, I sincerely hope I win. I have never won any blog candy before.
Valentine's? Not in my DH vocabulary! So I enjoy making the kids treats for their friends!
Jannette E.
A card, some flowers, maybe candy and always dinner out. That's my typical Valentine's Day. My hubby is so not romantic in person but he always manages to say great stuff in the card!
Great blog candy - would love to win! Thanks!
Dorothy A
My husband and I generally do not go out for Valentine's Day, but last year we decided to go out. Both my sons work at White Castle (fast food). For Valentine's Day, White Castle does it up right! They decorate the inside restaurant, have wait staff who dress up (suits, ties for the guys and nice dresses for the girls), they have music playing in the background and you can have your picture taken and it is posted on the website so you can print it out. Also, you have to call and make reservations. It was a lot of fun. My youngest son, dressed in his suit, took our order and served us dinner. Pretty cool!
Hi Wanda!!! I'll share that I like to surprise my family with a very special meal. It's not often that we eat very formal or fancy, so a few Valentine's ago, I totally decked out the table, complete with pink tablecloth, my grandma's special dishes, candles and flowers. Then I made a huge meal of clone recipes for cheesy biscuits, coconut shrimp, and a pasta dish. I made a wonderful dessert too. Everyone was wondering what the heck was going on? I just told them that I loved them very much and couldn't imagine my life without any of them. Needless to say, it was a very memorable meal. I am thinking I need to do that again!
Thank you so much for your generous offer!
this is the first time on this site! for vday, my husband and i will put the kids to bed and watch a movie and eat thai takeout :)
We always eat a nice dinner together.
Your blog is wonderful, and I make sure to visit it often. 700k hits? Excellent!! Congrats!
We will be staying home and having a nice dinner here! Probably will go to the assisted living place my daughter works and help the residents have a good time! :)
For Valentines my husband and I usually have a romantic dinner at home because I usually forget to reserve LOL
I always make V-Day special for the kids ... leave notes in their lunches, red drinks, heart shaped deli meat and cheese, and of course a little love note. Lyndsey saves all of hers, Chris is more sentimental IRL but is "too cool" in front of his friends (he's 10!). TFS! Jeannie
Like many others, we don't do much of anything out of the ordinary. Special things happen everyday--no special reason necessary! For the kids I try to do a little something--heart shaped pancakes, a little note. We try to "spread the love" all year round.
We really don't do a whole lot! Just something a little extra to say, "I love you."
I picked up a heart-shaped tin and will make heart-shaped breads and cookies, etc. Corny, yes?! Other than that I generally put small V-day gifts out for my guys - two sons and DH so they see them first thing. Thanx for the inspiration and chance at t'riffic blog candy AND congrats on the hits!
Just found you r blog and am loving it!!! I am just getting started on making my tags for valentines using Tim Holtz ideas!!!
Don't feel bad we do nothing for the big v-day either!!!
We used to get a hotel sweet but the last time we did that I ended up with a black eye! LOL
Yeah sitting in the hot tub in our room he goes to open a bottle of champagne and bam the cork hits me in the eye!!!
We still laugh about it!!!! LOL
Oh goody. I still have time to get in on the fun.
Count me in, please...
As for the requirements...
We do not celebrate Valentine's Day. It took me a couple of years to convince Randall that I truly did think it was a crock. But now we just kind of look at each other and giggle at some of the insane things that other people might do. We don't even have a special dinner or anything. It's just another day.
For some reason Feed Blitz stopped deliverying yours and many other blogs I read for weeks! I'm so glad to see you back!
With 31 kindergarten children to make a Valentine for, I need all the ideas I can get!
Hi Wanda, As for valentines day, well....my b-day is the 13th, and since I was born my Mom always celebrated it on Valentines Day. I was born 3 min. to 12 (short lived b-day,lol). She always said, ya never know, the clocks could of been a few minutes off, lol. Sooo, I have always gotten everything hearts, pink, red, chocolate for my Valentines Birthday. Mom has passed, but my dh and children still do my special day extra special.
Thanx for the chance to win. Have a sparkling day.
Two years ago I made heart shaped pizzas and heart shaped Napoleons. They were cute and delicious!
I love to bake for everyone!
Thanks for having such fun candy!
Hi Wanda - I love your blog, very informative. Thank you for all the sharing you do. I must say that on Valentine's Day we don't go out to dinner either, too crowded and usually more expensive. We usually exchange cards and maybe a gift but nothing fancy.
Wow I just found your site and I love it thanks for all the great ideas!
On Valentines my husband makes me a beautiful dinner and we take the opportunity to remind each other how much we mean to one another. I also make sure to get the kids a bit of candy.
On Valentine's Day I try to make an extra special dinner. Something that my husband likes a lot. Sometime swe eat by candlelight. But we do avoid going out because the restaurants are always so crowded. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to be entered into the drawing for the mailbox.
It is "so sweet" - just like you Wanda.
I start Valentine's Day out by making breakfast for my husband. It is either eggs cooked in a heart shaped thingy and toast that I stamp with I Love You on it. Or blueberry pancakes made in a heart shaped skillet. I will bake goodies for him BUT he will take me out for dinner!
I think that is a fair deal...Candy
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