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Thursday, December 11, 2008

They ALL Can't Be Winners!!!

Oh my, I am SO not thrilled with the card I made for the Wednesday Sketch Challenge at SplitCoastStampers. I did try words at the bottom and it looked awful and not having words at the bottom doesn't look all that great either!!! LOL

I'm going to chalk this one up as a card that needs to be reworked. This sketch challenge was exactly that for me, a challenge. And after I get caught up on a few things around here I am going to give this challenge another try. I know I can do better than that!!!! At least I hope I can!!! LOL

There is no stamping on this card. It's all done with card stock and stickers. I had gotten these stickers in a package of 5 for 99 cents at Michael's. It did make the card quicker to do but it didn't improve the looks!!! LOL

The only ink on the card is the Gable Green I used for sponging on the white piece.

Your helpful comments on this card are GREATLY appreciated!!!

Thank you for stopping by,


Anonymous said...

Hi! What about a little glitter to lighten the card?

Anonymous said...

I love the card. I still have some cards to finish---and this gives me some great ideas.
Linda Peterson

StampinCathy said...

This card is just adorable. I just love the colors. Great take on the sketch.

Bella Rose Creations said...

Okay I REALLY like the card...maybe the color selection isn't my favorit.? But I love how you interpreted the sketch...I really like the little gifts...they are cute.

Cheryl said...

Can't help you as I like it!!

Heather in FL said...

I think you're being too hard on yourself. I think it's cute! :-)

Unknown said...

Wanda, I love this card the Gable green looks great with the color of presents. I think you are being to hard on yourself. I LOVE IT!

kat said...

You DID make your card exactly to the sketch and what you did was perfect. It's a cute card, but it's lacking just a little somethin-somethin, huh? What about wide ribbon with a bow where the strip across the top is? [maybe not cuz there's not much room]. Maybe if you used designer paper instead of a cuttlebugged piece? Don't know if I"m any help at all but I tried! No wonder I rarely do challenges; too much pressure!

Anonymous said...

Well its a winner to me ..loved it . the colors rock!

mudmaven said...

I like it alot! Love the colors. Have you thought about putting your words on gift tags on the presents? ~chris

Anonymous said...

I think you did a GREAT job !!! I really like the card, good color choice. I dont think it is missing anything. Just really cute !!! I might have to use your idea.