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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Blog Candy WInner!!!

Ok I guess the third time is a charm, right??? Let's find out if the winner of this blog candy will respond. If I don't hear from the winner by Saturday I will just add this blog candy to the next blog candy. I will be celebrating something. I don't remember now. Was it the blog reaching 600,000 hits, or the Chatty Cathy one or something else?? I'll have to check on that and get back to you. But one thing for sure is there will be more blog candy coming!!!

The winner of the Blog Candy is Jen and here was her comment:

Ok here you go: When I was a kid we would go to my grandmothers house for a Christmas eve party and stay really late. We would always go thru downtown Indy to get home (which as a kid was really exciting)but my favorite part about that night was when we got close to being home we would drive past a White Castle and it would be closed and to me that has always been my favorite memory of christmas as a kid, that White Castle's was closed on Christmas Eve. I know strange but its true. We know have the Christmas Eve party at my parents house and unfortunatly I dont have a White Castles to drive by. Thanks for a chance to win the blog candy.

Congratulations to you Jen. Please email me by Saturday December 13th with your snail mail address and I will get the package out in the mail on Monday morning!!!

Thank you all for playing along. It was fun to read your stories. Holiday's are always filled with memories, mostly fond ones. I hope that this holiday season finds you well and is filled with new memories to share,



Diane said...

Congrats Jen!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Jen..i hope she sees it

Jen said...

Thank you, when I say I had won your blog candy I was really excited. I emailed you my address, last night. Thanks again, have a Merry Christmas