Once again this blog candy goes unclaimed. SO lets try it one more time!!! I have added more items to this but I NEVER disclose what they are. But be assured they are fun and useful!!
Leave a comment on this post only. Comment on some fun Christmas memory!
Here is mine:
Many years ago when our son was a little guy we had gotten home from the family Christmas parties. It was around 3 am when we finally got settled and went to bed. At 5 am there is a little voice in our room saying "Santa came!" I sat up in bed, looked at the clock and just fell back onto my pillow!!! And so began Christmas morning!!! LOL We went out to the living room and the gifts that Santa had stacked so nicely were all over the floor. And get this, he "found" them that way!!! LOL
PLEASE be sure when you leave a comment that you will check back on Friday to see if you won!!! I will draw a name on Thursday night and post it on Friday.
Good luck and have fun!
I cannot believe no one claimed this blog candy again !!!!! WOW !!! My christmas story is when my husband was little, he lived in a trailer. He could not ride his bike outside that santa just brought him, so he rode it in the trailer. He could not stop and ran right into the christmas tree and knocked it down. I would have loved to been there to see his face !!!
I remember was I was about 10 (yes I can still remeber that!) my Mom was insistant that she loved me in red. It was close to Christmas and I threw a fit, "I hate red (I'm sure we know how that one feels with our own kids) so Christmas day when we got to open our presents guess what I had? YUP! you guessed, red slippers, red robe, red p.j.s, red bonnet to wear over my curlers...WOW I felt so bad that I had thrown such a fit. By the way I love red today and wear it a lot. Jane G.
Ok here you go: When I was a kid we would go to my grandmothers house for a Christmas eve party and stay really late. We would always go thru downtown Indy to get home (which as a kid was really exciting)but my favorite part about that night was when we got close to being home we would drive past a White Castle and it would be closed and to me that has always been my favorite memory of christmas as a kid, that White Castle's was closed on Christmas Eve. I know strange but its true. We know have the Christmas Eve party at my parents house and unfortunatly I dont have a White Castles to drive by. Thanks for a chance to win the blog candy.
I figure folkes leave comments and then don't recall where they've visited, LOL!
One of my fav Christmas moments is back when my eldest was small. My DH and I foolishly would put the tree up, wrap presents and place them under the tree on Christmas Eve (no, we don't do it all on Christmas Eve any longer, thank goodness!). The look on my son's face when he turned the corner and spotted the tree and booty was priceless!
I remember when I was 6 yrs. old, I woke up in the middle of the night because I needed to go to the bathroom. I walked through the living room where my older brothers and sisters (there were 10 of us) were wrapping presents. As soon as they saw me, my sister Mary clamped her hands around my eyes and asked me why I was up. I told her and she walked me (hands still over eyes) to the bathroom and back to my room. The next morning I asked my mom why they were wrapping presents. Without blinking an eye she told me that there were SO MANY good boys and girls that year that Santa needed help so they offered to wrap them for him. :D
~ Snoopy
When I was young, my dad sold Christmas trees and my mom always said, pick out a good one for us. Well, my mom also decorated the tree and wrapped the presents on Christmas Eve, after the 4 of us had gone to bed. When she went out to get her lovely tree - there was nothing left but 2 almost branchless trees! She had to put the 2 of them together to try and make one pretty tree......Of course, we didn't know the difference. LOL
Maple Grove, MN
When I was small my dad was a milkman. He delivered to a wealthy area. Many of his customers would send home gifts for him. Our tree was surrounded by those gifts.
My best gift that I always remembered was my Tiny Tears doll. My mom made a lot of doll clothes for her. She got many years of love.
I had 4 older brother & sisters and my mom must have threatened them not to ruin Santa for me and my little brothers because I still believed there was a Santa Claus in 6th grade. I kept that to myself at school because others claimed it was all fake. But I knew my older siblings would tell me if it was fake.
Santa gave me a craft of the month club membership that year. When I open the wrapping paper and saw that it wasn't from the North Pol I was shocked. I then put 2 and 2 together and figured it out. That was a sad Christmas for me. The magic was gone. But I kept the secret for the boys and they too believed until middle school.
(My kids too believe for that long.)
Well I can't believe this is the third time you had to post it. People must be busy with Christmas stuff and forgetting to check back.
Thanks for the chance Wanda!
PS Great idea to put the pages on CD. I'll be purchasing one for my sister.
I hope I can participate even though I'm in New Zealand?
I have to share with you about something that happened just this week. My husband is American and he was playing Santa for his work family Christmas party. When he was calling up the kids for their presents he called "Come up here Parker" to my 5 year old, and Parker said "HEY, that's not Santa, that's my ...". His 10 year old brother put his hand over Parker's mouth and said "the real Santa is so busy making toys right now that he has to have fake Santas to help him out".
I thought it was so special that my elder son was so eager to help his younger brother believe for a while longer by explaining the "facts" about the real and the fake Santas.
Same christmas 2 memories. It was the year that I knew santa didn't exsist but mum and dad still bought me Paul Mccartneys Frog Chourus and signed it Santa.
That was also the year that really kick started my crafting obsession. My grandparents made me a craft hamper in a pink plastic breifcase. It had construction paper, decorative sissors, glue and all sorts of fun bits and pieces, which meant that my card making went from drawing and colouring my cards to cutting and sticking.
Heres to many more christmas memories yet to make.
I remember as a small child (probably about 5 years old) that on Christmas eve my whole family was down in the basement and I wasn't allowed. I now know that my dad and brother were trying to put together my bike that I was to receive the next morning from Santa -- but at the time, I just sat at the top of the stairs and wailed and went to bed thinking they didn't love me!
One year we did a "joke" present exchange. We laughed so hard with some of the presents that my sister started crying and couldn't stop. It was pretty fun because now, everyone remember and make fu of her !
Jannette E.
Several years ago when my husband's grandmother moved out of her apartment she insisted I take her artifical 4' tree as I had admired how she decorated it every year .... even though it was small it was always decorated so beautifully. That was several years ago; and that four foot tree is proudly displayed in my home. We call it "Gram's Tree" ... it wouldn't be Christmas without it.
Oh my gosh. So many wonderful stories. Well we just got home from families at Christmas eve. Not too late. I was bushed I just wanted to go to bed. My little guy was sitting watching some Christmas show and he heard a thump on the roof. (sqirrel jumping from tree or something) and he panicked and ran for his bed. And banged his head on the wall. But he didnt want Santa to not come because he wasnt in his bed. Oh man I think I might have to try that this year too.
Merry Christmas
Beth f
WoW that's amazing that no one claims these FUN stamps! One story that comes to mind is when I wanted this purple bedspread so bad. There was a big box under the tree and I knew that it was IT! I couldn't wait to open it and when I did it was ONE yes ONE stick of gum, not the whole package. I was so upset that I ran to my room and guess what I found in there? That's right...my purple bedspread on my bed. Thanks so much for taking me down memory lane and a chance at these FUN stamps.
I remember the wonderful Christmas's at my grandparents' house. They had a very small 1 bedroom house and there would be 30 some people in their living room and kitchen---as a child, I thought it was fantastic. My parent's thought it was way too crowded.
Linda Peterson
Well, I have lots of Christmas memories. A good one was the year my mom gave me a kit to make a crewel embroidery pin cushion. I think she thought it would keep me busy for a week or so, but I had it finished before we ate our Christmas dinner. Little did she know what craft addition she started! :D
My best Christmas memory doesn't come from my childhood actually! It comes from the traditions I have adopted from my DH's family! My family had a few but none like his then again when you have 8 kids you do all sorts of things to keep them occupied! LOL! So, choosing one would have to be helping his Mom make egg noodles every year! She makes a spaghetti meal for Christmas Eve dinner complete with home made noodles! We have Italian sausage and an old Italian dish of codfish with the tomato sauce. When it's time to make the noodles she usually had the dough already made by the time we get up and we would take turns rolling it out and then cutting it with a butter knife into strips! Over the years an addition of a noodle press has made it a little easier but the time spent together is the best! The next best thing would be frosting the sugar cookies with all the grandkids - same scenario but it's just precious to see and watch them all! I just love it!! Thanks for the chance to win...again!LOL! I thought I had put in before but maybe thinking and doing were two different things again! LOL!
Yes I think they are very busy with the holidays coming that they for get to check back or were they were.
I can remember when I was a kid we would get so excited that we would get up in the middle of the night then we would wake up mom & dad and if whas to early they would tell us to go back to bed for a little while. But me a my brother would be so excited that we would sneak in to the living room so see what santa would leave us. Gloria
My father was a pharmacist, and years ago the local drug stores took turns staying open for Christmas in case of emergencies (this was before our little town had big box stores). My dad told of many incidents when someone would come grumbling into the store, complain that someone had given the family a gift. They now felt compelled to give a gift in return and in frustration wanted to know, "What in the heck do you have?" The true spirit of the holiday was not there, and it was if the season had brought out the worst in these shoppers who were grumpy and unhappy over "sweating the small stuff." So I've remember this story and tried to hold onto the true spirit.
The funniest year I remember is when my Dad helped my Mom wrap the presents (always her personally chosen task) ... and put the wrong names on the packages, resulting in the girls receiving the boy's presents and vice-versa! Mom had a hard time explaning Santa's problems that year, lol!
I'd give this blog candy a good home! When our children were quite young a cousin of my husband's called one evening, and asked to speak to our kids. the told them he was Santa and was checking to see if they were being good! Their eyes got SO BIG! We used to leave a bale of hay for the reindeer on Christmas Eve. Great memories!
Well my favorite memory was when I was twelve years old (I know how can I remember that far back LOL) anyhoo...we all woke up at the same time (four of us all four years apart except my two brothers are only two years apart. My sister was 16) we opened our presents but then my parents said there are notes to all of you on the tree....each one of us had notes to go to our rooms find another note (while we were doing that my parents continued) once we got to our room and found the other note it told us to go to the christmas tree and follow the cord with notes on it....so on and so on. Long story short the cord brought us to our basement where we found four brand new bicycles...how exciting is that especially when my father worked three jobs and my mom worked just to get us these bikes we loved it so much we stayed home that year!!!!
I sure hope I win but remembering is not my gig....so if I do and I don't remember pass it on! (or you could email me LOL Krazy4Bears@yahoo.com) if that's allowed.
Oh my gosh, another chance. Great!!! I remember the time when I was a little girl that my grandpa lifted me up to the kitchen window that looked over his fields and told me that Santa's reindeer were there and waiting for me to go to bed before they could bring Santa to the house. I ran to bed!!!
Cheryl Sims
One of my favorite Christmas stories is the year my sister received a package that had bricks in it. She has been shaking packages and just knew (I'm sure she opened the package and retaped it) she was getting roller skates. She was really surprised to find the bricks.
When I was really little (5? 6?), we visited my grandparents one year for Christmas. As is usually the case, my sister and I were full of energy and didn't want to go to bed. My grandmother snuck on the back porch and rang her wind chimes, and said "Oh no, Santa's coming, you'd better go to bed!" But I think we knew it was the chimes. We went outside and looked in the sky, and it just so happened that a plane was going overhead with a flashing red light. I screamed "There's RUDOLPH! It's SANTA!" and RAN up to bed to go to sleep. :-)
Thanks for the opportunity for the blog candy.
Many years my family would visit my parents for a few days leading up to Christmas. On those occasions I would have a neighbor come to our house and fill the kids stockings. The look on their faces when we would unlock the doors and they would find the filled stockings was priceless. Third time is the charm for the blog candy! jmniffer
I remember one year, after the Christmas program at church, walking out into the dark and snow and looking up at the clear sky and the stars. Not too long after, we moved to the desert and no longer had snow for Christmas.
I am glad I'm getting a chance at this candy, because I missed the first two times. A favorite Christmas memory for me was the year my parents forgot to put one of my presents under the tree, so right before we were leaving for church they put it out in the snow. When we all went outside to get in the car, I spotted the gift and my parents told me it must have fallen out of Santa's sleigh! WOW! Confirmed for me that Santa was real. Thanks for the chance to win some sweet candy, Wanda.
I remember always going to my Grandparents every year with my family. We lived in Tucson, AZ and they lived in CA. It was fun to travel in our station wagon with all of our gifts and play games, etc.
I remember when I got my very first album. I felt like I was growing up, having my own album. It is still my favorite of all times - Glass Houses by Billy Joel.
Okay who needs a"SLAP"...I'm in shock no one has claimed it.My fond memory would have to be when hubby got the bright idea to get my son a pocket rocket...and Daniel(age 7) watching him fire it up and then promptly sprain his wrist, then Daniels turn ...all I heard was "Dad, don't tell Mommy but I think it's more than a bandage this time" Needless to say that the "Man Eater" went back to the store.
PS...Ty for sharing (or at least trying to!)
Hi Wanda,
Guess everyone's rushing too much these days. My favorite Christmas memory happened in '06. We returned home from Midnight Mass to a phone message from our son-in-law. He and our daughter were in labor and delivery at the hospital--did we want to come? Ben wasn't born until 9:20 Christmas evening, but he was worth the long day. Over 30 years ago my brother-in-law woke us at 4 a.m. Christmas morning to say my sister had just delivered a daughter, several weeks premature. Also have a sister-in-law with a Christmas birthday, so we have LOTS of cake that day!
(JIB -- I remember the craft of the month kits! They had some great projects!)
I would love this blog candy.....My christmas story is when I was little and sick. I used to walk in my sleep esp when I was sick. My parents had been out for a dinner party and everyone came back to the house for dessert. I interupted the party when I came out sleep walking with one of my shoes in hand to put on the xmas tree as an ornament. Everyone had a good chuckle and my mom rerouted me back to bed all without me waking up!
When I was little we lived in a duplex. My grandparents lived on the other side of the house. About every other Christmas my cousins from SC would visit. Each Christmas Eve we would trudge up the stairs on our side of the house, through a door, and down the stairs to the other side of the house for dinner and presents with my grandparents and cousins. Those holidays were the most fun. Now we all get together in the summer, but in a much warmer location.
When I was growing up, Santa always deliverd on Christmas Eve, usually when we were at church. When leaving for church, my Mom always "had to go to the bathroom" and then my Dad had to go back in "to see what was taking Mom". One year when all of us were in our teens, Mom didn't have to go to the bathroom. Us kids looked at each other wondering what was going on!! Well, when we got home, all of our presents were out--Santa had still delivered. What a shock! When my Mom could no longer hold it in, she told us she gave the key to a neighbor and they put out our gifts! We still laugh because the looks on our face (both when she got in the car right away and when we got home) were priceless!!!
Thanks for letting me share that story and for the chance at your blog candy. I love your site and check it daily!
Ooh me, I want it, hehe!
My brother and I always compete over who has the most presents (from our mom). I always win (boys "toys" are so much more expensive). We still do this to this day (and we are 31 and 26), it is just so funny!
One year my parents had left my two older brothers home alone just before Christmas. Yep... you guessed it the snooping, sneaky pete's found where my Mom had hid the presents and openend some of them up and were playing with them when they got home. The look on my Mother's face was priceless. Needless to say I think the boys got an extra gift that year called a Christmas spanking LOL.
PS I'm sad no one has claimed the blog candy but SO GLAD to have another chance to win!!
When I was 7 years old our family was at Christmas Eve midnight service, finding it difficult to celebrate the reason for the season when we had just buried our new born brother earlier that day. Santa sure wasn't on any of our minds. A snowstorm had brewed up while in church so driving home was slow, long, sad and tearful. Upon opening the front door we were all in complete shock to see tons of presents under the tree! All these many years later, minus 1 more brother in the family, we still talk of that special Christmas. No one in the family ever found out about the secret Santa or even how he got in the house that night. Over the years it has been shown over and over again the reason behind the season! Merry Christmas everyone!
A favorite Christmas memory of mine is when I was loving my EZ bake oven...and I saw a box that was just the right size for the 12 mixes!! I just KNEW that's what it was, so I told my Mom that I had "Peeked" and I knew that's what it was. She got SO mad...and then i said, "I didn't really look, but since you got so mad, I know I'm right!" But the surprise was on me when the box turned out to be a big kit to make yarn octopi. (I loved it!)
I cant believe no one won. My favorite Christmas memories are every year when we joing together and watch almost all 24 hours of a christmas story. My parents and my uncle sit on the couch and talk and drink and nap and usually end up watching the whole movie as little snippets. We have never stayed up and watched it all the way thru in one shot. It takes up hours to get through it but we have so many memories of us crammed on the couch.
I have 4 sisters and My mom would always buy us (usually red) new pj's and houseshoes that all matched, to wear to bed Christmas Eve. I looked forward to those as much as Santa.
I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! (I just wanted to take the opportunity to tell you that!!)
Christmas is "MY TIME" of the year, so most of my memories are AWESOME ... especially those with my kids.
Thank you for all your creativity and inspiration!! You are WONDERFUL!!
My Dad couldn't keep a secret, he would slip and tell which presents were ours, even if they had someone else' name on them, and if Mama didn't catch him, he would tell us what was in it, too. But he was also great at guessing what you got him, too. One year I got him a tackle box. I put it in a huge box (much bigger than the tackle box), wrapped it and went to put it by the tree and he said "Nice tackle box" and laughed and laughed when he saw the look on my face. Great memory, thanks for reminding me.
carolyn s
ceashark at aol dot com
I remember being ruldoph in the school play and not being very good at it. I laugh everytime I go to a school Christmas play.
Gosh I hope it wasn't me and I missed it. Awesome blog candy.
My story would be when my oldest was around 3 or 4 he wanted a Nerf Bow and Arrow set so bad. Well he got up on Christmas morning and went through his gifts and threw a fit cause the Nerf set was not there. Heavens we looked all over for that gift. Dh went to the bathroom and low and behold it was behind the door. LOL, we forgot the night before Santa had to go potty and he left it in there when he went to the bathroom. So the standing joke for several years was check the bathroom, Santa takes potty breaks.
Angel hugs
When our oldest was a little tyke, we bought him (from Santa) one of those race car beds. We decided at the last minute to put it together in his room. So we slowly and quietly picked him up from his own bed, put him in ours and proceeded to put the new bed together. When we finished, we transferred him into the new bed to wake up in on Christmas morning! It went off without a hitch! He was so surprised and excited and we were so proud of ourselves!
I just have so many wonderful Christmas memories.....each year is so special to me. Guess one of my favorites is when I got my first bicycle....I know my parents didn't have the money for it, but somehow, "Santa" provided the "miracle"!
Thanks for the chance to win. Lynn Hayes
Thanks for the chance to win. Love your technique cards.
My husband was in the military and we were stationed at a base in northern Japan when my first child was born. When he was about 17 months old my husband was asked to play Santa for a small church group on the base. We sat in the very back of the hall but when my husband started his "ho, ho, ho" my son started yelling "Daddy, Daddy".
My favorite Christmas memory is of the year I remarried. We married on the 23rd of December, left for a quick get away to return Christmas morning. My three boys were to stay with friends but when we got home, the boys were sitting there waiting for us. They hadn't opened any gifts at all... just waited for us to get home so we could open them as a family. If you knew my boys, you would know how special that was to me that they wanted to wait!!!
We always drove an hour to my Nanny's house and the house was always full of 9 aunts and uncles and their families, but Nanny's tree always had the same familier ornaments. I loved to just sit and look at them. When she passed away at the age of 101, the only thing I requested from her belongings was a Christmas ornament!
It always brings a smile to my face and love to my heart!
Thank you for the 3rd chance,plus, it has been fun reading everyone's story.
It's been so much fun reading these Christmas memories of others!! Mine happened when I was in the 1st grade. We lived in Northwest Iowa and my Mom's parents lived in St. Joseph, Mo. That was the only year ever that they came up to see us in the winter and I got a 3ft. bride doll for Christmas from them! She was so neat and almost as big as I was, and I loved her!! The night after Christmas we suffered a fire in our house and she survived, but was never "white" again--soot damage, you know!! I still played with her, though!! Gosh, that was 51 Christmas's ago!
Thanks for the chance to win, Wanda, and a Merry Christmas to you and yours!!
Linda Larson
Unclaimed blog candy! Can't believe it!
Christmas memory:
When my daughter was 3 1/2; she got up in the middle of the night, snuck downstairs and emptied out her and her baby brother's stockings. Unfortunately for her, she did not put all the little gifties back into the correct stockings. She found small cars and trucks in hers in the morning and my son found girly things in his! We still laugh about to this day.
We had an old set of horse sleigh bells (no horse--lived in the city) and my Dad would go out in the backyard after my sister and I were in bed on Christmas Eve and ring them. Made us think it was Santa's sleigh!!
I want to share a story that when we were little my older sisters would search the house at Christmas and find our presents which would be wrapped all ready. We would be really bad and open them up and then retape them. If the paper ripped we would just get more wrapping and rewrap it. I always knew what I was getting and it really spoiled Christmas for me. My parents were never the wiser till we told them in later years when we were adults. LOL!!!
Vivian Swain
I remember opening the ONE chosen gift on Christmas eve from my aunty and LOVING the special, very pretty little jewelry box inside!
Wow! I can't believe no one has claimed it. That's just crazy!!
Honestly, I can't think of any individual memory of the holiday. I can remember having such a great time with my family when growing up, every year it seemed our close-knit family had such a wonderful time. There were many eves when my older sister and I would stay up as late as we possibly could (midnight, perhaps) talking and talking because we were so excited.
Now the fun times are seeing our kids' faces when they open their gifts, in addition to all of the traditions we're trying to establish while they're young. And now that all of my nearest-in-age siblings are all located in the same area, as opposed to different states, we have a huge gathering. My dad flies in from Alaska, and five "children" and eight grandchildren get together and have a blast.
I can't believe no one claimed the blog candy! Well, our first Christmas together as a family, our DS was 1.5 y/o, we were stationed in Germany and my DH and I had to take turns in the bathroom being sick. Fortunately, the switch off was smooth and our son didn't get sick, but we were so excited to have our first "perfect" Christmas that it was sooo disappointing. Now all we have to do is remember that Christmas to remind us to keep life in perspective. :)
I LOVE Blog Candy and will respond - PROMISE! hahaha! Here's a story... When my oldest son was 3 yrs. old, he wanted a Santa pinata - so I bought one... no one told me that you were suppose to fill it up with candy yourself... so my sweet son, got a Santa pinata - that was empty... for Christmas! Being 3 yrs. old... we made up a story and he was fine with all the other presents! But the true story still remains - argh!
LOL! Cute story! My story wasn't so funny when it happened but I chuckle about it now. One year my husband forgot to put anything in my stocking so Christmas morning everyone was looking in their stockings and, of course, mine was empty. My stepdaughter, who was young at the time, said, "I guess you weren't very good this year."
That was the year we decided to tell the kids that Santa only filled children's stockings and that it was daddy who forgot to fill mine. :)
I have always liked surprises. When I was growing up, my mother would get all the gifts ready (box, tissue paper, gift) and write in pencil on the outside of the box for who it was TO. I would wrap all the gifts, including mine, and never ever peeked! I wanted to be surprised come Christmas morning. Now that is trusting your kid...
A funny event one Christmas was when it took us ages to find out why the dog was acting rather strangely - as if it knew it had done something bad... it took us ages to notice that all sweet tree decorations had disappeared - we were left with the non-edible ones only...
When I was 17 and in need of encouragement, I received a beautiful bangle bracelet under the tree. I presumed my parents gave it to me and thanked them. They both looked at me with puzzled faces...neither of them had purchased it. Neither of my grandmothers, not my older brother...today it is still a mystery...adding to the wonder, awe and magic of Christmas
the Lord's blessings to you and yours
Wanting to make Christmas more exciting for my teens, one year we decided to add some mystery to our Christmas morning. We gave each of them "clues" that they had to figure out the location of their gift. One son wanted a "fossil" watch, and so his gift was buried in the front yard. Watching him digging around for it was priceless. Another son asked for a Stratus electric guitar. We placed his gift up high in our pine tree! My step daughters had just flown in to spend Christmas with us, and we ended up taking them to the mall so they could pick out a bunch of new clothes. We had instructed them to act surprized in front of their grandparents when they opened their gifts! That wasn't a problem because I had swapped out the new clothes with some extremely funky ones! Boy were they surprized! It was so much fun and added great memories that we all still talk about!
Thank you Wanda for your generocity and all the creative ideas you share!!! Merry Christmas!
My younger brother received a book filled with all the Charlie Brown cartoons, and he spent most of the day lying under the coffee table on the floor reading this book, nad every so often he'd laugh so hard that he'd rise up and bump his head. He's still like that!!
I've left a comment twice, and they never show up?
when I was little I always wanted an easy bake oven!!! never got one that is why I am a terrible cook, and It's my parents fault!!!!!! Laurie O
I remember when I was 8 years old I wanted a toy stove so badly. My mom said we couldn't afford one that year, I was truly dissapointed. When I woke up on Christmas morning I was so happy to see "Santa" brought me a plastic green turtle stove, that was the best gift ever!! I was the happiest 8 year old on my block!!!
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