Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Feedblitz Issues Figured Out - Sort of!

Upon checking into my subscriptions part of feedblitz I saw that all of my subscriptions had been canceled. I didn't cancel any of them. I have no idea what happened and I did email feedblitz yesterday but have not heard back from them.

I had checked my junk mail and spam folder and nothing. I had to go and reinstate each subscription individually. That took a long time since I subscribe to almost 100 stamping ones as it is!!! But I finished it and we'll see if I get the feeds tonight. Keep your fingers crossed.

What I find odd is that the responses I got back from a lot of you was that you were receiving your updates regularly. I had subscribed to my own blog and I was not getting the updates. It's such a mystery. But now I know where to look should this happen again. I hope it doesn't happen again. Reinstating each blog one at a time was very time consuming. They need a button to click on to reinstate them all at once. There's one to stop the subscriptions all at once.

Thanks for letting me vent!!!


  1. Wanda,
    I have ot had any problems gettin your posts omn "feedblitz."

  2. Wanda
    I believe there is a reinstate button for all if this should happen to you again. I went through a similar issue about 1 month ago when starting up my blog - www.kjskorner.blogspot.com Good luck hearing from feedblitz support. I had figured out my issues well before they got back to me about 2 1/2 wks later - and of course, their response would not have helped the issue. Good Luck
    PS Love all your creations. I CASED your little treat bags and gave them as thank yous to my guests at my first workshop. What a hit! Thanks

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I always get your posts! thanks!
