I know you are asking "How can I win this Blog Candy?" Well, it's SO simple. Because it's "garage sale" season I'll ask a related question. Most of us have been to or had a garage sale at one time in our lives. Tell me what's the strangest thing you saw for sale at a garage sale. Your comments will be posted and I will hold a random drawing for it. Please don't leave your email address, spammers LOVE to see those. Plus I don't email the winner, you much check back to see if you're the lucky winner.
I can't wait to hear about your garage sale finds!!!!!
I will post the winner on Tuesday May 20th. So be sure to check back.
Thanks SO much and have fun!
Congratulations all of your blog hits!! I know I enjoy popping by to see what's new (and I need to comment more!!!)
Hmmm, garage sales... I don't go to a lot of them.... and have only had one. I just hate the thought of people going through what I consider my "crap".
Wow, awesome blog hits!
This may not seem funny to anyone else, but a very used potty training seat that had seen better days.
Hi Wanda,
Well, the weirdest thing was probably a window screen with a hole....and get this. The seller talked someone into buying it by saying, if it doesn't fit (too small) then you can just use some masking tape to hold it up in place. Well duh, then what good is the screen? All the bugs can get is where the tape is?? LOL I thought it was funny!
Congrats on the hits! I love seeing all your creations! As for garage sales, I've only had two and both were small. I've never really been to one so I really can't say that I have seen anything strange. :(
I think the weirdest thing I ever saw was a piece of fur from the collar of a coat. We now have it in our house. My son asked the lady if he could have it and she gave it to him! What the heck do you do with a ratty old piece of fur.
Congrats on your blog hits!
Hmmm.....I rarely go *garage sale-ing* so nothing really unusal is coming to mind right now....But I find it very interesting that people put out their really worn, out-dated shoes, thinking people are seriously going to want to buy them and wear them. I'm talking shoes that are way too worn out to even donate to charity....Congrats on 400,000 hits!!!
Congrats on the hits!!! I can see why your so poplular! I'm definitely a regular. As your something weird for sale...well I once saw a big pile of USED little boys underwear. EWWWWWWW. Who would want USED underwear?????? Thanks for the chance! {SMILES}
Thanks for sharing. It has been years since I have been to garage sales. Going to them was a life saver when my daughter was little. This is not so much strange, but I can't stand when they try and sell clothed with stains.
Oh its been years since I have been to a garage sale. But I do remember one time seeing a sign on the back of a woman at one that said "Mother-in-Law...no offer refused"! At the time I thought it was funny. Now that I am a MIL, well, not so funny! OK, maybe still a little funny. LOL
You are a creative genius. I look forward to seeing what you will come up with bext.
I've seen a few things over the years that made me scratch my head and wonder why. Two things come to mind - a coconut head and a toilet, minus the water tank.
I LOVE garage sales. But since I moved out to the rural area I just don't get to them much.
I thought the strangest and saddest thing I've ever since at a garage sale was someones wedding pictures (1940's). It was a sad statement on the family. (I believe the couple passed and it was family cleaning out the house.)
Congrats Wanda.
Wanda, you blog is one of my favorites. You are so consistent and I have you derived right to my e-mail each and every day. Congratulations on the hits.
As far as garage sale finds, my hubby cringes when he hears that I am out doing garage sales, I have bought so much "junk", some really cool stuff, and even my cat at garage sales. I always find it strange when people sell their family scrapbooks or pictures of family members? Also who the heck wants to buy you old underwear! Around here though you can usually find some really cool and super priced stuff/junk.
wow how cute .Congratulations all of your blog hits!!
Did you ever think you would hit 400,000 hits? YIKES-that's a whole lot of LOOKING going on at your blog. COGRATS to you on your successful Blog-and PLEASE keep the counter running. LOVE YOUR BLOG! Kadie
Not - what I saw - but "what I did". 2,500 miles from home - found an awesome set of dishes - service for 12 with ALL the accessories. Had to buy two extra suitcases and do some pretty fancy packing in order to get them home on the plane! I still use and love them.
Congrats on the hits.
Hi Wanda,
Congratulations on your blog hits! Your blog is one of my daily checks for inspiration. Well my hubbies new hobby is going to estate and garage sales. He then brings home what I consider junk. The most interesting thing is that he then turns around and puts it on Ebay and gets good money for these trinkets! I guess its true one man's junk is anothers treasure.
Congratulations on the blog hits! I love to check in and see what you've been up to, creatively. I've had a few garage sales and been to some. I even got some great stamps and supplies at garage sales. I just remembered something odd about one of my sales. A woman came and Bought all of the girl clothes my daughter had outgrown - but this woman only had boys! She never did have a girl! Strange!
Congratulations on your blog hits!!!
I can't remember anything that I've seen for sale at any other garage sales, but when I was younger, my cousins would put a kool-aid stand at our parents' garage sales so we could earn some money too.
Congrats on the hits!
I love garage sales, I have found the best bargins at them. Last time was 4 full spools of organdy ribbon in my favorite color choc. chip for 2.00. 25 yards on each one. Gotta love that.
Angel hugs
Congrats on your hits! I go to a lot of garage sales and have had a couple myself. There is a lot of weird items out there that I just ignore because I don't know what they are! Lots of incomplete items that people lost part of it and try to sell the other half. Last week I bought 2 cd's on positive affirmations and when I got home there was nothing in the case.! Duh! I know better!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Used underwear...nuff said. And, it was an estate sale...a dead person's used underwear!
Congradulations on the large number of hits to your blog. I subscribed and look froward ton seeing what you post next. Great blog candy. Thanks for sharing. The funniest thing I saw at a garage sale was used shoes. They were run down on the side. Seen better days for sure.
The strangest thing I have seen at a garage sale is used underwear. Does anyone really want to buy that?
Oh I have to say it's the sex toy we saw at a garage sale! I couldn't believe it.
Not weird so much as gross ... a v-e-r-y used, v-e-r-y dirty toilet. But it came complete!
You are not going to believe this but about ten years ago I popped into a "tag sale" (as we call it) and lo & behold on a table with other junk was a jar filled with water with false teeth in it. I seen that and walked directly to my car and left. Gave me the creeps. Who knows, maybe they were a famous persons dentures? It's funny now but gross then!
I used to go to garage sales a lot more. I think it is weird when poeple sell shoes that are so old and worn that they belong in the garbage. Also, undergarmets at a garage sale are just nutty. I'd be too embarassed to sell my old bras and such!
Congrats on your hits!
Hi Wanda. Great job! I grew up with garage sales, but I have to say the most memorable experience was just recent. I am with my 7 year old daughter and she picks up this item that is all colorful, gooey with ridges. Oh my gosh..she turned it on. I quickly said it helps with pain. I could not believe someone would sale a used &*%$!@)$! YIKES. At least the batteries worked.
MORE blog candy? OMG! Eventually, you'd think I'd win some, wouldn't you? MMM, garage sales....I'm 62 years old and have been to many of them; most have have had strange stuff where you scratch your head and wonder WHY they'd put something like that out. But for the life of me, I can't think of any particular thing but I'd still love to win your blog candy! "Pick Me, Choose Me....." from Gray's Anatomy, first season I think.
Not that this is strange but a couple weeks ago I saw a childs stroller with 3 wheels... I was like, WHY would one buy this!
Hi Wanda!
Congratulations on 400,000!
Your incredible little blog just keeps on rolling...yea!!!
Thank you for always spoiling us when you celebrate...your prizes are so neat :)
The strangest thing I have seen at a garage sale...at least I didn't expect to see it at a garage sale...was a box full of puppies. And they were going fast!
Underwear! Hands down!
Congrats on your blog. I don't know that I have ever seen anything really weird but the best deal I have ever gotten is a Guesstures game almost brand new for $1.50.
Congrats on your hits. Just love getting your updates. I look forward to them everyday.
Stranges thing at a garage sales...ummm...I would have to say that one I went to they had a mixer, but was trying to sell the bowls separate. Go figure! Thanks for a chance.
Congrats on your hits!! Woohoo!
I can't remember all the strange stuff I have seen at a yard sale, but I did sell my 1977 Ford Pinto at my own yard sale!
4K! That's terrific. I haven't gone to garage sales in a long time because I am overwhelmed with my own clutter and a storage room full of my mothers belongings (had to put her in a nursing home), so my daughter and I are getting ready to have a yard sale to help finance a trip to see Mom at the nursing home 800 miles away! I'm sure I will have some weird stuff up for sale myself!
I've really enjoyed reading these! The strangest thing that happened to me...was I had a working stove from our kitchen update (FREE)...no takers...I put $10 price tag on it...it was gone in 30minutes. I couldn't give it away, but I could sell it.
400,000 comments - woohoo! I guess the weirdest thing(s) I saw at a yard sale was a box of headless Barbie dolls. Gotta wonder what happened to all their heads????
wanda woohoo on the 400000 hits i luv yor site it gives me lots of col ideas
az for the garage sales wel i hate to sa this but i mil sold her fals teth with a mising toth at her sale the scare thing iz that sum won got them now wat wud u du with them wen u got home
Hey there Wanda...The stangest and funniest thing I've ever seen at a garage/yard sale was about 18 years ago. I was in college living with my Grandmother who loved going to these garage sales. One particular event had a used urn for sale. This family did not like the urn their loved one (I believe it was the father)was placed in, so they picked out another one, bought it, and transferred the ashes into the new one. We were there at the end of the sale and she was willing to drop the price. Needless to say, we left quickly and that was the last garage sale I ever went to! PS...Congratulations on your success - your blog is the first I check! Happy stamping...Jules
400,000! Wow! I LOVE garage sales! Hit them all the time.
Congrats on the success of your Blog! I haven't been to a yard sale in years. I used to go every weekend to find yard toys for my kids. The funniest thing I saw was a woman selling all her husbands tools and stuff from the garage. I guess she was tired of asking him to clean it out - so she did! She was selling his stuff faster than she could get it out into the yard...
WOW!!! Congrats on 400,000 hits! That is amazing, but after looking at your blog I can understand why it is so popular! I can't really think of anything really strange, but I did see an empty wine bottle with a tapered, have melted candle sticking out of the spout. What the heck?! People are just strange. And what is even scarier is that someone probably bought it.
Thank you for the blog candy!
I bought a used chair at a garage sale and I swear it was perfect when I sat in it. A few days later it started tilting then in about one week it was almost laying backwards. After further inspeciton the whole inside that been "temporarily nailed" together, the wood was splintering. Had to throw it away but my kids laugh to this day about my "how my mom goes to garage sales and buys us broken furniture that she couldn't even give away!" I'm such a savvy shopper?
Congrats on the 400,000! Wow!
I do love garage sales. The strangest thing I ever saw was a wagon wheel coffee table (as in When Harry Met Sally) along with a bull's head skeleton. Very Southwestern, but not exactly my taste. :o)
Hey Wanda. I love to go to garage sales - I try to fit a few every weekend - I hit 5 yesterday an scored a few cool things! I am having my own the second weekend in June - mostly to get rid of all the "stuff" I bought at other garage sales and ended up not liking or can't use (LOL). Anyway, I have seen some strange some - a real stuffed owl, numberous bedpans, broken dishes (isn't that garbage?). Thanks for the chance to win!
Congrats, Wanda! You are the man! I've been to way too many garage sales, and had some myself, and have seen lots of weird stuff, but can not
think of one at the moment. I bought something which I thought was really weird for a joke. My baby brother ( he is 45) loves mashed potatoes, I mean really loves them. So, at a garage sale I found a giant "potatoe masher", I couldn't believe it, it was huge. I bought it for him as a joke to mash all his huge quantities of potatoes. Turns out the joke was on me. It wasn't a potatoe masher, it was a tool that people use to mix up wallpaper paste or drywall paste. It looked just like a giant potatoe masher, though.
Congratulations on way over 400,000 hits. I check your blog out between one and four times a day! I love your ideas. Thanks so much for helping me make pretty cards.
I went to a garage sale yesterday and I wondered why she had a sale. There was hardly anything there and it just started yesterday! The strangest thing that I saw there was: A donut cutter (similiar to a cookie cutter) which was so bent out of shape that you could never have made a round donut! No, I did not buy it! LOL
This is the first time that I am trying for a Blog Candy.
Lots of interesting comments! It's been a long time since I've been to a garage sale but we usually have one every couple of years. I guess the weirdest thing I can think of is from one of our garage sales. LOL It was just a wooden stick of some sort (maybe an old broom?) that I don't even know where it came from...might have been left from the previous owners. Someone was very happy to have it, though. :)
Congrats To U . Love all your Shares.Look forward to seeing what you come up with. Thanks . Cheryl
It has be totally worn out shoes, now who would want anyones old wornout shoes. Or a ginormous stuffed animal....I think everyone with kids must already have their share of stuffed stuff.
Okay... you are not going to believe this, but the strangest thing I ever saw for sale was a set of USED false teeth!
What I can't stand is when you go to a sale and everything smells like smoke or like basement. I went to a sale this weekend and I looked at a coat hanging it had a big stain and they wanted 7.00 for it, I knew right then to get the heck out of there...
Woohoo!! Congrats on your many, many blog hits!!! It's amazing!! Woot!! :)
Hmmm. garage sales? I haven't been to one since I was a kid!! Honest!
But i do remember seeing gross items like worn out things that should belong in the trash.
I purchased a tea bag spoon...antique, never would've guessed it. Also, my husband purchased antlers.
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