Actually I was looking though my stamps to see which ones I have to part with to make room for some new ones and this set caught my eye. I have hardly played with it at all. I bought it because I liked the flower, ladybug and the butterfly. So I've done a couple of things with that set. I will show you the card tonight and early next week I'll show you my altered letter. I can't show it to you until after the DIVA event. I don't want my fellow DIVA's to see it before Sunday!
So here's the card. Brocade blue is another color I don't use very often and it matched the circles in the decorative paper very well. Not exact but close enough. And you're probably wondering why I chose Really Rust for the flower. Well, under the flower on the decorative paper is a rust colored circle that went SO well with the flower. After assembling the card the rust was no longer visible. Oh well!!! It's not like it doesn't go with the other colors it's just that there is no other rust to tie it all together. So your eye is immediately drawn to the flower and it kind of just hangs there. This card doesn't allow your eye to move around much. I like the card layout and I think I'll do another like this but try to get the rust circle to be visible!!! It's a very easy card to make. I used Chocolate Chip card stock for the main part of the card. Using background papers really save you a lot of time stamping, especially if you are doing a lot of cards at one time.
To color this flower in I used the "Direct to Rubber" technique. You color right on the rubber with your markers. When you are done and have your card stock in front of you to stamp on, you "huff" on the rubber. The steam from your breath remoistens the ink and it's all fresh and ready to stamp. I usually hold my stamp on the card stock to the count of three. Do not rock your stamp. Lift straight up and your image should be nice and clear. I cut my card stock the same size as the wood on my rubber stamp. If the image is smaller then I can always trim it down. Cutting it the same size as the wood insures you that your paper is at least big enough. I sponged the edges after stamping the image.
The layers range from adding 1/8" larger card stock to 1/4" card stock. It's all in what the look you trying to achieve.
The "Thank You" is from a self-inking stamp I got from Vista Print.
I added some grosgrain ribbon and assembled the card. This was a pretty quick card to make. It looks like it takes a bit more time than it did but I was surprised at how fast I was able to make this card. Coming up with the idea and layout took a lot longer!!!!
Don't forget to leave your comment for the blog candy. One comment per person please, duplicates will be deleted. Drawing is Sunday night when I get back from my FABULOUS time at the DIVA event my manager has for us!!! SO much fun and I LOVE to be spoiled and she's SO good at spoiling us!!!
Thank you SO much for stopping by,
Great card Wanda!! Love the way the flower is ,it looks like it's in a frame!! Very lovely!!
I like the whimsy set also, great card!
Thanks for the great detailed info to re-create this card. I love it! I love the rust color too - it works with the polka dot DP. Now STOP using those 4-letter words that begin with "D" *shudder* :)
dust---that's a four letter word---goes along with iron. i try not to use those four letter words! lol
luv the card.
I don't use Borcade Bluevery much either for some reason, which is funny since it's one of my favorite blues! Jeanne p.s. I don't dust enough either! I like the idea of leaving the cloth by the stamps though!
I really like the way you did the layout on this card Wanda. I don't know why but I always tend to put my large embellishments on the left side of the page. I like the flower on the right...but do agree that the color just doesn't match up. Sometimes what is in our minds eye doesn't always come out on paper! LOL Been there, done that!
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