
This Scrappy Cat set is called "Sunny Days." It's got lots of fun flowers plus words for your summer cards and scrapbooking.
In the past I've asked you to bid on it with those wonderful useless Christmas gifts you've received. I have plenty of them now!!! LOL How about a new question? What is the ugliest thing you've ever worn? Aware of at the time or not until later in life!!! Mine I would have to say would be something I discovered later in life. In looking at photos I found one of me wearing this horribly bright yellow shirt, the color of Stampin' Up!'s Summer Sun yellow. It was a long sleeve shirt with a nice collar and a few buttons but yet it was a pullover. The fabric was a bit fuzzy, not a velvet fuzzy but more of a flocked fuzzy (gagging yet?? LOL). And here's the best part. It had a HUGE smile face in the front!!!! "Have a nice day!" should have been written on it somewhere too!!! SO ugly. And it just screamed "here comes Wanda." LOL I have LOTS of clothing photos like that and hair do's (now considered don'ts!!! LOL). SO tell me yours! Your name will be entered in a random drawing and I will draw a name on Sunday night February 10th. Please do NOT include your email address with your post. Spammers LOVE it when you do that. And you will need to check back on Sunday night/Monday morning to see if you are the winner. On that post I will provide an email address for you to contact me with your mailing information
Have fun!!!!
The ugliest thing I ever worn is a coat that was sewn by my mom. It looked like I was wearing a raccoon! Not only was it the color of raccoon fur but it also looked like raccoon fur.
The ugliest thing I have ever worn - take your pick of any of those blazers with the HUGE, I mean HUGE shoulder pads. How were they ever in style???
wow, where do I begin? LOL I have a multitude of horrors that once lived in my closet! I'd have to say it may have been a pair of stretch, stirrup pants that I thought looked so cool at the time worn with flats! LOL Then again, it could have been those favorite fire-engine red, wide-wale corduroy pants that resembled well-worn velvet in the seat area LOL Shall I stop now before I totally humiliate myself? LOL
When I was about 9 or 10 my aunt made me (from scratch without using a pattern) this top with 3/4 sleeves that angled down. It had a hippie feel to it. This was back in the 70's so perhaps it was still stylish???? But somehow I doubt it! LOL!
OMG how abowt this i saw a scol pic at mi moms the hare looked like i had mushrum on mi hed then the wite jumpsuit with the pocets that had primare colord stripes on them with the wide legs and wudin clogs cant evin beleve mi mom let me owt of the howse
Count me in on this sweet candy! I remember when I was younger and I got to wear my older sisters pants that were to big for me. So in the pictures she looked good and I looded really dumb. We look back at them now and laugh at my pants. Thanks for a chance.
all my clothes probably are ugly. I buy something and wear it out. But if I had to pick one thing, it would be my black running tights. Moth holes, runs on the side. thin in spots from me rubbing my sweaty hands on it. I have had these 10 years. I just can't give them up until they fall off and then you will see my ugly white undies with holes in them too!
My sister and I wore ghastly shorts & tops made out of print feed sacks! This was our summer play clothes. We lived in the country and chicken feed came in print feed sacks.
NancyS (momsnack)
I think I've always liked what I've worn...hmmmm........maybe my son's hooded sweatshirt with a big old dragon down the back of it, and crawling around the front and side. I wore it to the drugstore when I was sick, and someone commented that they loved it...this was the kind of person that I was sort of scared of, but maybe they weren't all that bad - just intimidating looking!
The ugliest thing I can remember was a hat my mum made me wearing. It was fluffy, with really long soft "hair", completely round on my head (my face looked like a cannon ball - no joke!) and the hat has had two long fluffy "pieces" sewn on it - to use as an attached scarf. And now comes the worst. It was the colour of GREEN JELLY! I hated it that much that I put in my schoolbag - immediately after being around the corner when going to school. Even now I think that it was an embarassing piece of "fashion".
And believe it or not - when my children refuse to wear something, I always compare it with this green hat and think that my children have no clue what "embarassing" means -lol!
Have a lovely day,
Nessie (who still can't log herself in!)
OMG! I still have nightmares about mine! I had to make an project for Home Ec in junior high. I chose a shirt and vest - never wore this stuff before so I should have gotten a clue off of that but NO! LOL! It was a beige flowery type fabric and the vest was brown cordorouy - ugh! I sewed it, not too shabbily, and when it was done I knew I was so not going to wear it! LOL! No choice though as we had to for our grade and I was teased mercilessly! I seriously looked like I should be a member of the Partridge Family! LOL! I'd have been kicked off there too as I can only sing in the shower when the house is empty! LOL! That's my story!
One I remember many moons ago would be the pastel striped crimpaline type material long skirt. Yikes I looked like a walking Easter Egg.
The ugliest I worn looking back at my school pics,is a turtle neck sweater,it was white & navy blue stripes and boy was it UGLY!!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win Wanda!
Well, I was born in '64, so everything I wore through 12th grade was questionable. My ugliest thing would have to be a plaid blazer - take every color of SU's Bold Brights and make them into a bad plaid with seersucker fabric - I'm talking my Grandpa's Bermuda-shorts-gone-wrong plaid. Add a matching (??) Glorious Green skirt, Glorious Green socks, and saddle shoes for the perfectly ugly outfit! However, there was that one "shocking mint green" prom dress...... Thanks for a great site with awesome ideas and some candy every now & then! - Susan :-)
Congratulations on so many hits! At the time I did like it, at 18 starting my first full time job, I needed a good long coat to wear over dresses riding transit. My mom got me a very long big scale red plaid dress coat with big collar!! My parents liked it because my dads heritage is Scottish (rolling eyes at self now). The pic of me in front of the house with a friend was made even worse with this coat...I had been sick a few months prior with mono, lost alot of long hair by the handful, and my mom crookedly cut my hair off to make me feel better. I went to the hair dresser and she decided to give me some body back...my pic was of me, this coat and what turned out as an awful short curly afro... I had just turned 18, and had long dark blonde hair...oh UGGGG! bluemoonbynite@yahoo.com
The ugliest thing I have ever worn would have to be the gym outfits we had to wear during gym class in Junior High School. The school handed them out to us. They were one piece and a bright red. They fit just awful! So big and baggy! Kind of funny now. LOL
Once, in 10 grade, I had sewing class in high school and I made this blue top. Oh, I remember it being really hard to sew but I did manage to finish it. I wore it once. It was so ugly. If I remember correctly, I got a C in the class - that should give you an indication how bad it was! Thanks for the chance for this awesome blog candy.
Mine is also a faux fur faux pas....I had a jumper I made with fake fur that looked like a holstein cow. I distinctly remember that the shoulder straps went through giant metal rings. One of the boys at school said "Moo" to me when I wore it so I NEVER wore it again! Why did I even think it would be cool????
My mom has a pic of my when I was in my teens wearing a "tunic" over white pants. The tunic had two very large flowers in front. Very 70's,very ugly!
When I was 14 I wanted a leather skirt SO bad...obviously couldn't afford one, but being the clever sewing that I was I made one...out of nagahyde...yes, couch material. Um, it turned out ok, a little stiff and crinkling when I walked - ah, what a fashionista I was at 14!
The ugliest thing I ever wore is on my 13th birthday (a long time ago). I wore red, white & blue striped pants and a burgundy baseball t-shirt.
Thank God I have a little more fashion sense.
I had a velvet dress with a gold lame bubble bottom. It was totally 80s and i thought i was so cool when i wore it. Now i look at pictures and it is absolutly tragic looking. But i love it in the day.
I can imagine there were A LOT of ugly things I wore back in the 70's and 80's. I have pictures from my confirmation in which I was wearing this lovely striped (diagnol stripes) pastel dress with my poofy feathered hair.
Stirrup pants were big with me, too. I'd pair those with a nice ugly long sweater that practically came to my knees. LOL!
I had these Really BRIGHT ORANGE leggings that I wore with the brightest oversized YELLOW sweater - My hair was so blonde it really blended with that yellow in a horrible way - and it was a bob cut too!
I wore it was - penny loafters - AHH ok there I said it!
The ugliest thing I've worn was a pair of elephant pants back in the 70s that were made out of flag fabric. lol It was an election year, what can I say? lol
A flower dress that I thought was beautiful. I wore it to church one Sunday and my sister wore the same dress that day. I didn't even know she had bought it. My mom laughed the whole day and told everyone that it looked like we were back in school when she used to dress us alike. I never wore that dress again. I passed it on to my other sister. Ha Ha.
I am laughing so hard right now...but after I post my comment I'll be hanging my head in shame! LOL I think the worst thing I ever wore was men's boxer briefs...as shorts. They had little cows on them. Somehow the "look" just didn't work on me like it did for the young high school girls.
Ha ha ha
You sold yourself short...
your counter didn't just pass 27,000...
it passed 270,000!!!
and now...
it's passed 280,000!!!
The ugliest thing I've ever worn, which I thought was really cute...way back when baby-doll tops were popular...I had one that was that same Summer Yellow, in a plaid with navy and purple. I had a doctor's appt. that day and he asked me if I knew what colors I was wearing :)
Back in the late 80's when shoulder pads were in, I had the genius that I would LAYER 2 tops with shoulder pads in them and amplify the look. One turquoise scoop neck top with shoulder pads, and a grey and white striped cardigan with shoulder pads on top! Now if that weren't big enough, I have broad shoulders to begin with and a short neck. So I literally looked like a football player in uniform! The top of my 'shoulders' was up to the bottom of my ears and my shoulders extended well beyond my natural shoulders. Nice.
I don't have the courage to list the many fashion don'ts that are a part of my past! The first that came to mind was the only orange skinny jeans with the big bell bottoms and matching orange crocheted vest back in my teen years...you could see me coming from a mile away!
My oh my! This one brings back memories. My mom took up sewing when we were little. She loved to sew little outfits for my sister and I. They were this horrible polyester type of material and they had pants and a top to match. They were never plain material either. Always patterned and busy. I stood out like a sore thumb! I don't think I will ever forget that.
I shouldn't say this, but the ugliest thing I've ever worn was a Toni perm done by one of my mom's friends! Something went horribly horribly wrong with that one! Maybe with all of them?! That's a smell I won't soon forget!! Jeanne
Especially my sister made some huge mistakes in her teenage years. She had fluo orange trousers. But the ugliest thing must be her coat with black and white cow-pattern. 10 years later we still tease her with this one.
The ugliest thing I've worn was when I was like 8 - me and my sister had these dark blue VINYL jackets with white stitching - EWE!!!
Thanks for the candy!
Funny that you bring this question up as I still give my hubby a hard time regarding the answer - LOL. The ugliest thing I have ever worn was a fuscia pink dress, it had an empire waist and a big rose on the vneck bustline. My hubby let me where that for a year and a half until he told me it was the ugliest dress and it didn't really look good on me. Yep... ya feel my pain???? Gotta love him for not wanting to hurt my feelings - BUT ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? LOL
I used to have the purple pyschodelic looking stretch pants when I was in the 8th grade. I thought I was the bomb back then. Oh man were they ugly.
Mine was probably a sweater coat my mother in law sewed for me.
But it's not her fault...
*I chose the Pattern
*I chose the fabric
She just put it together
It was made of polar fleece, the colours were totally NOT me, and I looked like I belonged in the bush hunting with the way the jacket hung.
Not pretty!
I don't know where to start...being a heavy kid and trying to wear the cool clothes was a disaster! I think about the early 70's and everything was so ugly...I don't know what we thought in fashion...Twiggy was our role model and being heavy wear a two piece bathing suit...wasn't too twiggy looking! :) kt
Hey Wanda - great candy! I would have to say the uggliest thing I was was in when I was 19 = it was to a wedding and it was a solid peach dress with cap flouncy sleeves and a huge matching peach silk flower at the low v neck - it looked in pictures like I had 3 boobs. Thanks for the chance to win!
The thing that makes me cringe the most when looking back at old pictures isn't so much the clothes, but the HUGE TINTED glasses that I wore then - Sally Jessy Rafael style - if you can call it that!
A zebra print dress that had a velvet red collar. At the time I thought it was stunning..... gag gag gag.
Congrats on all those well-deserved hits, Wanda! Your blog is such FUN:)
I look back at old photo albums and just cringe. I went for all the latest fads no matter how crazy. And why I ever thought that the white lipstick & eyeliner looked good on anyone other than a corpse, I'll never figure that one out. And those awful hotpants...yikes!
I would have to say the ugliest thing I remember wearing was when I was in Jr. High (late 80's) and we had those parachute pants that were in NEON colors with the abstract patterns. And to complement the ensemble you wore a black t-shirt and big bangs. Way cool there....LOL God I am glad I don't have any pictures of that!
anything from the 80's!!! what happened there? but the ugliest was a bad haircut--way too short with BIG clip on earrings! what was i thinking? never again.
OMG! I guess that would be an outfit my sister made me when she was in highschool. It was a plaid pantsuit. Ugliest thing I ever seen but beings she made it my Mom made me wear it.
When I was in middle school, I had a pair of pastel plaid capri pants. I loved them at the time, then saw photos and thought What was I thinking? Luckily, my friends never made fun of me! thanks for sharing - i enjoy your blog :)
The ugliest thing...hmmmm...you've really got me thinking back. It would have to be some of my homemade clothes when I was a young teen....many moons ago. Oh, I was so proud of them at the time, but now I look back and cringe. Knit shorts and tank top sets, and I was all legs!
My sisters are 9 years older than me, so I always got their hand-me-downs. I never had any clothes that were "mine." The worst was a lime green dress that my mom made in the 1970's. My hair was even worse than the dress!!
Cheryl KVD
How about a red and white checked pair of pants - my daughter looked at the picture and asked me if I was wearing a picnic table cloth! U G L Y! (Mind you I wore these in the 70's.)
TFS! I have the visual now!! I have so MANY of those moments. When I was a child it was Whale pattern pants (pink/purple) with a green and yellow plaid shirt!!
As a 'cool' young adult it was shorts with white stockings...it was a European thing! I swear it was the style there...and well now I cringe!
The ugliest thing I have ever worn was my head to toe neon yellow outfit. The top was knit and bulky, the belt was black, talk about a contrast, the tights were neon yellow, socks and beret to match with Madonna cross earrings. I wore neon head to toe in the 80's. Sad thing was I also had similar outfits in the neon pink, neon green and the neon orange. Can't believe I got dates back then.
Thanks for putting up the blog candy fun.
Oh wow............I have so many........lets see..........i guess it was a baggy black and white top that was tighter at the knees, along with black stirup pants.......what a site....it was strange now........
I had a spring green with large light yellow/green polka dots, pant set that I thought was really cool at the time. I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole now!
My daughters make fun of an outfit I used to wear when I was a SAHM. I would sit at the dining room table with my sewing machine wearing an ugly old sweatshirt and black sweatpants that threads all over them. I loved those old comfy clothes but will admit they were not clothes I would to the store.
Linda Peterson
As teens I recall my sis and I heading to New Hope PA for the day and trying too hard to be "hip" - I wore some teal 'n blue 'n green mix flowered bell bottoms w my brown suede fringed jacket and a droopy hat. My Mom snapped a pic of us to use as blackmail in our later years as we left the house!
Thanx for the grins!
- SueB of sueblondin.blogspot.com
Ugh, I have some hideous pics of clothes I wore growing up. I used to wear coloured jeans (purple, blue, green) and big baggy t-shirts..(I had one with a giant mickey mouse, and other with a parrot). Talk about GEEKY!!
Thanks for the chance at winning!
Nicole L.
I don't know where to begin, the downfall of the American Housewife was probably stretch pants! All my pants were stretch pants and most of them had the stir ups too! UGH!!!! I hate to even think about them.
Great Blog... TFS.
I would have to say the ugliest thing I've ever worn was parachute pants....what was I thinking????? Can you believe some of the trends that come and go?!?! Thanks for the chance Wanda!! {SMILES}
I think a lot of my 70's attire would classify as ugly, but one I remember most was my 5th grade school picture ... an adobe printed southwestern top with a floral pinafore ... what was I thinking.
I had a multicolor top back when those longer tunic type tops that you wore with the stirrup pants were in. The colors were hot pink, bright orange, purple, yoyo yellow (think Bold Brights family). BIG patches of color...you get the picture. It was very ugly, but I guess I liked it at one time, because I bought it!?!
The ugliest thing I've ever worn was a puck green colored jumper with a yellow turtleneck shirt. What was I thinking? Thanks for the chance to win.
Ahhh, the ugliest thing...I actually have a ton that now I wonder "WHAT WAS I THINKING", but back then it was "The Style"...sigh...live and learn I guess. Right now the thing that comes to mind is my prom dress for my Junior High Prom. It was a deep burgandy nightmare...reminiscent of those dresses in "Footloose" LOL. Thank goodness I got rid of it long ago, but unfortunately the pictures still exist.
Julie S
With the new movie "27 Dresses" just coming out, I have to say the ugliest things I have worn have been way too many bridesmaids dresses! One in particular was bright green and purple with a big bow right on the rear. Ok, those colors and a bow to bring out the behind?? I dont' think so!
The ugliest thing I remember wearing was some blue and white striped bell bottom pants back in the sixties. And they were the low rise ones at that. Oh how I hated those pants. Guess I'm telling my age when I say back in the sixties I was in high school.
The ugliest thing that I have ever worn was a pair of plaid, polyester, bell-bottom pants. This was back in the '70's when I was a teenager...they were SO UGLY!!!
Sharon Canter
Thanks for visiting my blog, Wanda, I am glad to have found yours! Just in time for this great candy too, thanks for the chance to win.
I got a hand-me-down dress and my Mother loved it - but I hated it! It was a paisley fabric in ugly yellow - like yoyo yellow - and the paisley was a bright orange. Horrible to wear when you are a shy violet at fourteen.
There are tons of ugly things I have worn or at least now I can't believe I used them, maybe at that time I was going with the fashion but now.... don't even want to see the pictures! The ugliest, olive jersey pants with a lot of extra fabric in between the legs, better stop here!
This is EASY! It was a hairdo. I was eight and my trusting mother had left me with my adult cousin and her husband for a wonderful summer vacation week. My cousin decided to give me a perm (she was a newbie at this, yes you can see what's coming). To my mother's eternal goodness, when I got out of the car smiling a crooked "look at me I got a PERM!!! I'm so grown up!!!!" smile she hid her horror at my fried, cruncy new do. She ended up cutting off most of it and it was a good year before I actually had a healthy head of hair again. Oh my!!! : )
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