A change in the Blog Candy. this fun "To Cheer You" set is the one up for bid. And what would you like to bid for this fine item??? Get any of those "wonderful" gifts for Christmas you have no idea what to do with or what the person that bought it for you was thinking???
Have fun!!!! I will draw a name on Sunday afternoon. PLEASE check back to see if you are a winner.
Thanks for playing,Wanda
Hey I will take it!!! My daughter's name is spelled Aimee,does that count? Jane
Oohh, me, me! I think I still have some cat hair left over from my MIL's! You're welcome to it!! ;D
um-I didnt get anything other than the IRS tax booklet. Now what would I like to do with that?
I would like to bid Disney pin does that count?????
I got a new computer chair...and I'd be willing to part with the OLD one!!! I've had the old chair for about 40 years (I'm 43 and I remember it vivdly growing up). It comes apart easily (for shipping) because all of the glue has deteriorated!!!
Cute candy!! I'll give you my extra pounds I've gained from all the holiday goodies I've eaten! LOL!
I would like to bid my chocolate orange that is partially eaten. Thanks for the opportunity!
i've got a new stamps...its count?
thanks for the chance... love this set!
This Christmas was cool but I could give you the raft of gifts from my mom's dollar store visits from past Christmases!
How about a lucky copper rock from our new casino The Four winds? This is my first blog entry at something like this, so exciting!!!
I'd like to bid a gift my hubby got....a cheese ball, that had been left unrefridgerated and going bad so the plastic it had been sealed in had expanded like a balloon to twice it's size and we didn't want to handle it because we thought at any moment it would explode and I can only imagine how it would smell. Want to trade for it?
I have some Godiva chocolates - not even opened yet - that I'd be willing to give up for the stamp set. Carolyn
I have a snowman mug that plays music when you lift it off the table! And no, there's no "OFF" switch! Thanks for the chance :)
I'll bid the pine needles I keep finding even after I sweep and mop! Where do they come from? Oh and I'll throw in one of the million Dora the Explorer things that my daughter aquired! I can't offer any presents, I loved them all!
Great candy! Thanks so much.
Oh boy - how about the candle that we got from a SIL that was CLEARLY regifted, stinks and is from the dollar-store! NO JOKE!
Julie S.
Great prize! I'll bid 40 lbs. of unwanted fat....I know you really want it.
I just went to the barn and cleaned out a horse stall. Guess what I have plenty of to give away.
I have those little pieces of wrapping paper leftover that you kept in case there is something to wrap with that size. I think they are to small for cards also. Since you are so creative you might be able to use them. (teehee)
Thanks for a chance.
Great Candy and I love blog
candy. I will bid some extra
weight I'm carrying these days.
:) Barb
"Sweet candy!!" I would like to bid a snowman cookie jar and snowman bowl. They aren't even the littlest bit cute. I am not sure what the givers were thinking!! They must have gotten them on clearance...and to think that these people really know me. I honestly gave them kick butt gifts! Hmmmm, well, I guess there is always next Christmas....
Thanks for the chance Wanda....you rock!:)
Ear muffs - does anyone still wear ear muffs?
I will bid some dried up pizza, half drank diet Pepsi, and some Christmas candy I don't need to eat and better you gain the weight than me! Oh, I will also throw in some cookbooks I no longer want.
I have a bottle of the worst-smelling lavender body lotion, that I would be happy to trade..
I heartily bid this awful 101 temperature, (along with the chills & sweats), the worst sore throat I've ever had, (may be strep), my aching bones and body, sore glands, and my brand new chest cough. Its just something I need to get rid of... not that I want you to have..ohhh nooo! I must crawl back to my bed, I've been up a whole 5 minutes, and that is 3 too long! :) bluemoonbynite@yahoo.com
I love the stamp set. Will give you all the extra chocolate laying around here.
I would like to bid the leftover uneaten fudge I have still laying around from Christmas. I am really over sweets at this point!
Enjoy your blog!
Hmmm... this could be just the thing I'm looking for! I'll bid all the "McDonald's Toys" my kids have collected over the past ten years! Any takers?????
Great candy!! I got a new baby boy for Christmas...well a little before but I think it still counts - who could ask for anything better than that? *g*
You can't have him though. heehee! He's my sweetie even though he needs to eat constantly. I could send you the slightly odd matchbox cars road puzzle that DS #1 got if you're interested... Not sure what Santa was thinking there.
OMG I didn't get anything for Christmas that I can part with, hmmmm.... let me think here. I could part with the box that my Scor-pal came in, I don't think I will miss that. My boys are using it to make a lego house in but they probably won't mind if I take it back.
I bid a $4.95 gift certificate to pcCrafter. Would love to have this stamp set. I am just now trying to learn how to rubber stamp. I have been doing digital scrapbooking.
I received two 4 foot tall skinny, but pregnant clear vases! Well, I also have a snowman up for grabs but it would probably melt before it got to you!
Hey pick me.. all I got was my yrly property tax bill.
Since hubby and I didn't exchange this year, this would make up for it!
I got a wonderful knitted scarf from my mother. She made scarves for everyone. It does have few holes in it. Not quite sure how she added these unique features because they are very secure holes. I normally do not use scarves because my hot flashes keep me plenty warm.
Linda Peterson
Fruitcake has gotten a bad rap over the years & I can see why! Those speckled colors in it that they call fruit, appears to be nothing more to me than rainbow mold. If you choose not to eat it like my family has, I suppose it would make a nice paper weight or anchor for your boat.
I have an 3 foot artificial tree that still has 1 (of the three) original legs. If that is not tempting enough, how about a copier, that no longer works, but weighs a TON!
Hey Wanda:
Another cute set. Hmmm I loved everything i got.
But you can have the gray hair I gained from my dad's
christmas health crisis. (He's ok now)
I have a CZ earring & pendant set my dear neighbor gave me - I can't think of one occasion I could wear it, or anyone I could regift it to! Her heart's in the right place, but taste???
NancyS (momsnack)
Oh yes I do! My wonderful MIL wrapped up my hubby's dead grandpa's USED pajamas for me for Christmas! That is ALL I got from my in-laws! NO Joke! I'd let you have them, but I already donated them to the local senior center!
I have a classroom full of kids. I bid one or two of them. That should really count for something!
I'll bid the snowman my grandson sent me for Christmas. Of course, by the time it got to Arizona......
I got an angel porcelin doll....so not into those... :)I'd sure trade it in for some cute stamps!!! Oh...we got a mouse pad with a built in speaker phone and calculator....you could take that gadget too! :P
I am bidding a vintage (think 1960's) rolodex that just one page....I think it was the a's....LOL!
Would you believe me if I told you someone gave me a watch with a metalic green band. It plays "Jingle Bells" too.
I have a good one for you .....MY father in law bought us a basket full full of ....Jars of all kinds of stuff YA !!only for decorations he tells me .......Well he knows I hate clutter and he keeps buying me things to put on my kitchen counter cause he thinks its bare !!!
HELLO i dont like clutter so you can get all my bottles of hot peppers and nice decorated bottles of OILS and a box of outdated chocolates that he stuffed in there !!!!!
OMG, I've been ROFLMBO reading all the bids!!! Fortunately this year my dear mother opted to not give us all her garage sale specials!!! In past years, she has given each of us a large box, filled with little wrapped "treasures" she has picked up at garage sales. It was horrible! We finally convinced her to just give us a little cash instead, so we could find our own "non garage sale" treasure! Yoo Hoo, she got the message!
So, I do have a small decorated paint can filled with egg nog flavored hot cocoa I will bid with!!! You've got to have this lime green thing...I'm sure you would find the perfect stamp and paper to alter the thing into the most adorable and envied item ever! LOL
Well I didn't get anything for Christmas this year, we all decided to save our money. So I have a few broken ornamnets from when I took the tree down. How about that? Thanks for the candy.
I really cannot compete with the great and funny bids. It is just fun reading the comments, even if I never win any candy, I still win because of the laughs and giggles I get here for free. I use to think my MIL was the worst gift giver (nothing this year, though!) until I heard cakvd getting her hubby's dead grandpa's used PJ's. My mind is boggled! How about 10 years worth of unread magazines that I always think I'm going to read and never do? Thanks for offering the sweet, sweet candy, Wanda!
This is hilarious....reading all your comments! Well, I have for bid is Christmas (bright green with shiny circle tassels) hand towel that I received. There is nothing in my house that is this bright (neon) green color. Want it....it's yours!
How about a bottle of "chocolate" body wash that was obviously opened???? I'm all about chocolate but, um . . . at least it wasn't an opened candy bar! LOL!!! Love your site!
thanx for the blog candy opp, Wanda, and the inspiration!
later, alligator!
- SueB of sueblondin.blogspot.com
I will bid my DH's old underwear that had a little hole in it. I tore a bigger hold in it and put it back in his drawer. He will get a big surprise when he puts it on after his shower!!!! hee hee !!!
Sammi :D
I will bid the ornament hooks that Im still finding in my living room carpet that for some reason the sweeper never finds but my feet seem to :) Will that count??
I can't possiblty compete with any of these comments. The best I can offfer you is the wax (I think) pink starfish that I got from my aunt and uncle who live in FL and seem to think that I want to decorate my CO home to llok like a beach house!! (Even though my mom keeps sending me very well received moose and lodge theme items....hmmmm...) If you take that, you can also have this 17 pound cat laying on my arm which is why you can;t read my typing very wel... (hairballs included for free!!)
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