I had bought some Santa stationary to write our yearly Christmas letter on. I just couldn't resist the face on this stationary. Isn't he just sweet. I thought I'd take a piece of the paper and cut it to fit a notebook. I have one that is for notes and the other is a photo album. I want to have somewhere to put this years Christmas pictures. I will add the year to the front of the cover. Isn't he just adorable??? I'm going to have to keep my eye out for some Christmas/Holiday stationary on clearance when I go out shopping. Oh, I don't make a point to go out bargain hunting. I go out shopping when I have/need to. I don't like the crowds and sometimes people are rude when they are hustling to get those fabulous bargains. I like to keep that part of the holiday away from me. I like it to be as positive as it can. SO when I go out shopping and if I happen to find some stationary that will work on notebooks I'll be buying it. I do recall getting this stationary on sale at Walgreens. They have some pretty cute stuff there!!! I will be stopping at CVS Pharmacy sometime after Christmas too and I'll take a look there. That is where I got these cute to and from tags last year. I will post what I did with them tomorrow.
Merry Christmas,
AYour right Wanda...what an adorable face! I never would have thought to use stationary on a notebook cover. Now that's what I call creative. Merry Christmas
That's a cute idea; will have to look for some clearance items too...thanks!
That's great Wanda,love it!!
Way cute, I love these ideas.
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