My friend Peggy made these adorable cover for Jiffy Pop popcorn.
Here is what you need:
Card stock to go with whatever design you decide to do (it doesn't have to be Christmas, whatever colors you need for your occasion/season.
Jiffy Pop
2 Liter Bottle Pop
Movie Gift Certificate
Cut two 6-3/4" circles. You don't have to be perfect on the edges since they are hidden under the edge of the foil pan. For the one pictured here the dark card stock was used for the base so the circle is a full one. The light blue circle was cut in half and layered on top. Only affix it to the dark blue on the edges. You want the center part open for a pocket to place the gift card.
Decorate the top as you'd like. When you are finished take the handle of the Jiffy Pop and bend it at the rounded end. You will be bending it just enough to fit over the top of the pop bottle. You are bending it so it doesn't stick straight out so you'll need to work with it a bit until you get the right bend in it. Add the gift card to the pocket you created and you have a wonderful fun gift. Perfect for teenagers too!!!
Peggy said she got the Jiffy Pop at Target. I can't say I've seen it other places, I don't shop for it to know who has it, sorry. Isn't this just the cutest idea? Thank you Peggy. Your project came at a great time. I burned all the fingers on my right hand today baking cookies and they are too sensitive to work on any projects right now. I was barely able to get the rest of the cookies baked. I had just taken the pan out of the oven and set it on the counter. I was shuffling other pans around and grabbed that one with my bare hand and it went directly onto the floor. What a mess. And the pain. Burns are SO painful. It's slow typing with one hand too!!! Right now each finger (and thumb) is bandaged because the compression of the bandage helps it from burning so much. Touching cold things feels good until the finger warms up again and then it starts to burn all over again so I try to stay away from cold things too.

Not that I'm glad this happened but I'm glad I was able to get this project on the blog before Christmas for those of you who find it just too darn cute and want to make some for those special people on your list. I just think it's a fabulous little gift. It just has a certain kind of "warmth" to it. Curl up on the couch with your pop, popcorn and a movie you picked out with your movie place gift certificate. How sweet is that??? Sounds very inviting to me.
Thank you SO much for stopping by,
How cute is this? I had to get caught up on the last week of projects you did.....wonderful as always! With the holidays, and all the stuff that needs to get done, I have no time to craft or blog......so sad.....
This is just to cute! It amazes me how creative stampers. Would I ever I thought of this? No one will know.
This is a great idea, thank you for sharing it with us - I love it as usual and am putting it on my crafty to do list. It would make a good gift for my Sisters or my Dad, Niece, Nephew etc...
Hi Wanda!
That is such a cute gift idea...I can't believe you typed all of that with one hand just to share it with us...such dedication :)
Seriously, take care of that hand so it will heal faster!
Ouch! Sorry about your fingers; that is sooo painful...hope they feel better really soon.
This is a very cute gift idea; a new take with bending it over the drink bottle. Thanks for sharing!
Wishing you and your a very merry christmas!!
What a great gift...
Thanks for sharing.
"Happy Holidays"
We are still celebrating Christmas with our grandchildren and this will make a big hit for this Saturday night!
Thanks, wonderful Wanda, for being you.........sharing so much!
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