Then there's K.C. the light grey striped tabby. The one who has been sick. He had a bladder infection which is being treated with antibiotics. Boy is that fun giving it to him!!! NOT!!! LOL He's a mild mannered cat. He let the vet insert a needle in his bladder 4 times and he didn't even cry, fuss or bite. He's such a nice kitty. I got him on Christmas eve at my husband's nieces farm in 2001. He was an outdoor cat. It was SO cold that Christmas eve and all the little kitties (born in July) were just tiny balls of fur with stick tails. Their fur was drawn so tight to their bodies to keep them warm. And being outdoor cats they didn't smell all that nice either. There is another picture of K.C. found here on my blog. It's a close up so you can see his muzzle better. Don't you just love this picture? Such a rough life. And I bet the tv was on too!!! LOL
And then we have Boo. I got her close to Halloween in 2004. She smelled too but she was not from a farm she was from a pet shop where the only place to sit is in the litter box. I didn't want a typical striped cat and all the other cats in there just didn't appeal to me. I was ready to leave and she looked up at me. Well, that's all it took. I brought her home and the next day she was so sick we didn't think she'd survive. But I nursed her back to health and K.C. let her cuddle with him for warmth (they are such buds now) and she's all better. She's full of the dickens but yet she will cuddle. She's a very tiny cat and we think her illness stunted her growth. She's a LOT of fun.
SO there you have it. The three cats. Now you get to tell me which one you think stuck it's nose in my camera when I was trying to take a picture of something else and why you think it's that cat. It is not really that easy since all three of them have white muzzles and clay colored noses. You don't have to have the correct answer to win but give it your best guess. I will randomly draw a name on Thursday night, December 13th.
I think it is Boo.........LOL
Beautiful cats. I love the pose in the second photo......too cute.
I guess Boo, because he looks most curious as you took the picture! Thanks!
O Wanda You Crack Me Up!! I've gotta go w/ Boo for this one. They are ALL so cute!! Thanks again for all the sharing you do w/ us!!!
Happy Holidays!
~Lana B.~
Well I think it is Boo. Sounds like something that she would do. Plus that is the nose it looks like to me.
Debby McGillivray
Those cats are too cute Wanda! I am going to guess the middle one just because I love how he lets it all hang out...ha!
Gotta be Boo...
I love these pics Your cats are way toooo cute !!! I would guess Boo....It looks like his nose !!! Hope im right !!!Great candy!!
I think it is Boo. Millie is to scared to be around anything so i think a camera flash would make her hide also. Plus as you said KC was sick with an infection and I know mostly they like to lay down when they are sick.
Boo has to be it as he is most friendly and will look into everything. He isn't afraid of nothing.
Hi Wanda!
Thank you for sharing pictures of your fur babies...they are so sweet :)
I think the one that got into your photo is Boo, because you say she is full of the dickens :)
I don't need to win anything as you've already been so generous to me. But I have to tell you that your cats are so sweet!! I think Boo looks like he would be the camera sniffer!!
K.C. looks so comfy & his position just cracks me up. So I'll go with K.C. the clown:)
Your cats are just too cute! I think it's Millie in the pic. Thanks for this chance to win! Wishing you a blessed Christmas!
~Brenda H.
I used to have a K.C.,too! It stood for Krazy Cat! LOL! My guess is for Boo, though, with that chocolate brown nose.
I just love your creative giveaways. Sweet stamp set you are sharing with your readers.
My guess is going to be BOO!
Thanks so much for a chance.
Have a great Christmas.
I'm going to say Boo too! Can't be KC ..he's too contented in his world to bother with inquisitive wanderings..
Too cute cats..
LOL!! I say it is Millie!
My guess is Boo. You said he was the most curious and also he seems to have the most brown on his nose. Thanks for the game.
Mary Campbell
Boo, too!
Well I love kitties too. I have three also. But that nose looks like Boo's.
Happy Holidays
Beth F
How fun. I, too, have to believe it is Boo. Yet I have the feeling I'm being tricked by it's being too obvious? Thanks for a great blog. Diane
I think the cat was Millie. They are all tooo cute! My dad would be drooling..he is such a cat lover! TFS! {SMIlES}
I am going to guess Boo. They are all adorable.
The are all cute, but I think it is Boo as well. If I remember correctly in a previous post you told us about Boo.
Love the photos of the cats they are very nicely done.
Such cute 'furbabies". I love that position that KC is in. He'd get along great with my cat as that's her fav position too. Remote in paw of course.
I think it's Millie in the pic. Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm going to say Millie,just want to be diff. lol! Your cats are too cute! Thanks for the chance at your nice stamp set,woohoo!!!
I'm guessing Boo. They are all so cute. We have 3 of our own.
Great Blog.
I think it looks like Boo's nose.
Nice pictures...cute cats!
Thanks for a chance to WIN.
"Merry Christmas"
I am gonna guess Boo. Your cats are beautiful!!
It's KC all the way! Mary P.
Hi Wanda:
Great pictures of your cats. I have two myself and one that sounds like it could be the sister of your first one. Prissy indeed. My cat's name is Smokey.
I have another black bobtail Manx named Alex. He is a sweetie.
I think the picture of the nose is your second cat.
Tks for the sweet pictures and for the fun of reading aobut your cats.
My guess would be KC, since he likes to give you kisses!
Thank you for sharing your creative ideas, they are so inspiring!!!
Merry Christmas!
@~Susan S.
I would guess Boo, too! They are all very pretty cats - my Rosie looks like KC. Thanks for the chance to win!
I think it is KC just by looking at his mellow nature. He seems like he would be curious and need to have a close up!!
Thanks for the chance!
Debbie J.
Wanda; These are adorable pictures. I love the one of KC. I would have to say it's Boo though... I don't know why but that's what I'm going with. Right now my puppy Mila is hanging just like KC - too funny!
It think it is Millie...... My "boys" Giorgio and Fabrizio would LOVE to meet Millie, she is CUTE!
I think it is Boo also - love those tabbies. I had to put mine down last year at this time. I miss her. We now have a orange tabby who is having his first Christmas - he is loving the tree but shouldn't be....
I'm going to go with Millie. Just by chance she might've walked past you as you were taking that pic. ;)
If I had to make a guess based on the pictures you provided, I'd guess it's Boo. I think it could be KC too though because of the way she's hanging out. Tough one! Jeanne
Cuuuute cats! I think it's Boo in the picture.
I think it's Boo. I LOVE the guessing games...and we love cats here too. We have Cinder (all black) and Ella...a tabby.
It looks like Boo to me! You're cat family is very cute, and their stories are special, too!
I think that is Boo's nose! Thanks for sharing your kitty pictures!
You are too funny with your cats:) I had 3 dogs at one time so I know how they each have personalities of their own. The cat reclining in the 2nd picture looks like he wouldn't give a hoot about your camera. The shy one probably is afraid of cameras, so my guess would be Boo! LOL TFS:)
Well, I was going to guess Millie, but everyone else seems to think it's Boo, so I'm probably wrong! Your cats are all so cute!
I think it was Millie because she may be full of surprises sometimes. All your cats are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win your blog candy.Merry Christmas--Karen Naber (hpnaber@msn.com)
I think it might have been K.C. We have 3 cats running about here and the other day one even made it's way to church with us! It was too funny.
I think it appears to be Millie, however personality wise by your description I'd say K.C. !! They're really cute pictures of them.
I think it's boo. Both from the coloring, and from the fact that you said she's full of the dickens!! THey all look like lots of fun though!!
I think it's Millie. Merry Christmas to you. Thanks.
I love your kitties!! I think it was Millie.
hmm... it's tricky, but i think it looks like boo's nose.
thanks for the chance to win! :)
I'm going to guess Boo. That's something a cat names Boo would do - jump out in front of the camera and yell - BOO!
They are all adorable!
Boo Boo Boo!!!
I love cats and i love Boo more :)
I gotta go with Boo. She seems to be the one that is most curious about such things as a camera. Sooooo, it's Boo for me.
My guess is that it's Miss Millie's nose. Your contests are so cute! LOL
They make me laugh.
Merry CHristmas!
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