Something wonderful happened to me (us) last Saturday. We had gone to Perkins for dinner and we were seated in a large booth in the corner. My son looked at the guy in the booth next to us and said, "He looks like Louie Anderson." I look over there and sure enough it was!!! I have always loved his humor and I REALLY just wanted to jump over our booth and slip right into theirs and visit with them!!! LOL But I remained calm and tried not to look over there too much. It was difficult to do. The manager was chatting with him several times. I thought that was unfair but then again I wasn't the manager. The last time the manager went over to talk to him he said to us, "Is this guy bugging you?" And I said, "No but the lady there is in the way and I can't see him very well." We got to chat with Louie Anderson for a few minutes and then he said, "Come on, let's get a picture." My son had is photo phone with him and we got our picture taken with him. How cool is that??? Isn't that just the best Christmas present???

I just LOVED it and I was SO thrilled. I couldn't wait to see how the photo turned out. Wishing I had my camera with me. But the cell phone took a pretty good picture. And let me tell you, Louie Anderson is the nicest, sweetest person you'll ever meet. I would have loved to have been able to sit there and have coffee and chat with him for a while. I did ask him what brought him to our neck of the woods. We're about 30 miles north of Minneapolis. Blaine is not known for it's celebrities!!! Well, other than me!!! LOL Still laughing at that one!!! LOL He said he was here visiting relatives. We were at the right place at the right time. How often does that happen??? Not very often in my life. SO I thought I'd make a couple of 6"x 6" scrapbook pages with the photo. Now on the ones I'm putting in my book I have another photo of Louie that I got off the
Internet Movie Data Base (if you've got hours to spend go there and check it out. One thing leads to another on that site and the next thing you know the sun is coming up!!! LOL It's a fun website). Anyway, I printed of a picture on there and added it to my page but since it wasn't my picture I didn't feel that I could legally post it with it on my page so I put "Louie Anderson" in the square where the photo goes.
I love these "side by side" scrapbook pages. They allow you to smoothly go from one page to another and in keeping the same theme you know you're still looking at something from the same event. Plus it is very appealing to the eye to have them both compliment each other. If you click on the photo you can see a closer view. Don't look too close though, I HATE having my picture taken.
So there you have it, our very fun adventure last Saturday. Oh and I'm suppose to give my son the credit for this since it was his idea to go to Perkins. I was happy with going to Subway, as long as I didn't have to cook anything I'm happy!!! LOL
Are you all ready for Christmas? I did finish wrapping the gifts. I'm done shopping and I'm also done baking. And even if I weren't "done" baking I am DONE baking. My fingers don't hurt so bad now but they do feel like leather and the look of and orange rind with the little dents in it. NOT pretty but at least I don't have the pain anymore. I do have about 5 or 6 more Christmas cards to get out and then cleaning the house and I'm ready. That is not like me to be ready this early!!! I haven't been this organized with the Christmas in years!!! Maybe it's a sign of things to come!!! One can only hope. Now if I could get my workroom cleaned up and organized I'd be one happy camper!!! I don't think I would know what it's like to find the things I need or am looking for!!! LOL
Thank you SO much for stopping by,
I love Louis too and when you consider the horrible unhappy childhood this man had and he found the courage to get thru it and make the world laugh, well that makes it even more special that he is so sweet to his admirers. Now I heard Bob Dylan and Prince are from that area too. Bet they arent as nice.
Hey, guess who I got a Christmas card from???? Jeff Daniels! "Flap"
That is so awesome Wanda! You must of been so excited!!!!!!! Great scrapbook page too! A wonderful way to display the memory! {SMILES}
How wonderful for you, and you got an awesome photo with the camera phone, I bet this is one time you are glad your Son had his phone at Dinner. I am so happy for you, so exciting....
And I love your pages (Is the green floral paper a stamp or DP, Love it?)
Cool stuff!!! That made your dinner extra special,good for you!!
What a wonderful suprise! I love Louie Anderson, too!!
My sister lives in Blaine. Too bad she isn't crafty! What fun to meet a celebrity, especially when they are nice.
Awesome Wanda!!
Wow! That's quite an exciting dinner! Your scrapbook pages look fantastic!
I'm so impressed with how much you've accomplished! I'm not ready for Christmas yet. I finished wrapping tonight but I haven't finished baking. I always make multiple batches of cookies for all the neighbors and the mail carrier, etc. but haven't gotten to it this year yet! That's really a problem because I'm working overnight Friday night, Saturday night and Monday night (Christmas eve). That doesn't leave me too much time, does it?!! Merry Christmas! Jeanne
That's so cool that you got to meet a celeb AND they were gracious and kind. That's awesome that you all had a camera with you too and were able to get a photo!
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