Thank you SO much for stopping by,
As with all of my cards, just click on the photo for a closer view.
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Thank you SO much for stopping by,
Here is what you need:
A canning jar
Stamp, image of your choice
Spray bottle
Ironing board or mat
Cut your piece of velvet about 4" x 4". You can iron it on low to get any wrinkles out of it.
Remove the velvet from the stamp, turn it over and see the beautiful impression!
Place a couple of cotton makeup pads on top of the jar lid.
Then there's K.C. the light grey striped tabby. The one who has been sick. He had a bladder infection which is being treated with antibiotics. Boy is that fun giving it to him!!! NOT!!! LOL He's a mild mannered cat. He let the vet insert a needle in his bladder 4 times and he didn't even cry, fuss or bite. He's such a nice kitty. I got him on Christmas eve at my husband's nieces farm in 2001. He was an outdoor cat. It was SO cold that Christmas eve and all the little kitties (born in July) were just tiny balls of fur with stick tails. Their fur was drawn so tight to their bodies to keep them warm. And being outdoor cats they didn't smell all that nice either. There is another picture of K.C. found here on my blog. It's a close up so you can see his muzzle better. Don't you just love this picture? Such a rough life. And I bet the tv was on too!!! LOL
And then we have Boo. I got her close to Halloween in 2004. She smelled too but she was not from a farm she was from a pet shop where the only place to sit is in the litter box. I didn't want a typical striped cat and all the other cats in there just didn't appeal to me. I was ready to leave and she looked up at me. Well, that's all it took. I brought her home and the next day she was so sick we didn't think she'd survive. But I nursed her back to health and K.C. let her cuddle with him for warmth (they are such buds now) and she's all better. She's full of the dickens but yet she will cuddle. She's a very tiny cat and we think her illness stunted her growth. She's a LOT of fun.
SO there you have it. The three cats. Now you get to tell me which one you think stuck it's nose in my camera when I was trying to take a picture of something else and why you think it's that cat. It is not really that easy since all three of them have white muzzles and clay colored noses. You don't have to have the correct answer to win but give it your best guess. I will randomly draw a name on Thursday night, December 13th.