Thursday, November 15, 2007

Feedblitz Subscription Problems?????

Some of you may have noticed you are not getting any notices in your email from Feedblitz telling you I have a new post. I also subscribe to my own blog to make sure Feedblitz sends out the emails. If you are not receiving the notices any more, please resubscribe. I will be checking into this further and perhaps considering changing to Feedburner for my subscriptions.
I did go into my Feedblitz area this morning and snooped around. I'm not very familiar with it since I don't usually find a need to go back into it once I had set it all up. I did go into My Dashboard and found the blogs I subscribe to and hunted around on how to reactivate them. I never deactivated them but somehow they were. GRRRR. Anyway, I found that if you click on the subscription a pop up window comes up and you click on the reactivate (I believe that is the word they use in the window). Sad thing is I had to do this to ALL of them. Again with the GRRRR! And trust me, I subscribe to a LOT of stamping blogs. I like to see what others are doing and I use them as a study guide. How else do you learn new things or get inspired to create something new without looking at what others are doing. And once in a while I get that coveting feeling and just have to CASE (Copy And Steal Everything) a card!!! I try not to do that too much and many times I start out casing but I end up with something entirely different, which is a GOOD thing!!! Anyway, for those of you who are not receiving my pretty much daily updates please go back into Feedblitz and reactivate your subscription or just subscribe again. I'm not sure if that will work but you'll know in the morning!!! LOL
Thanks SO much!

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.



  1. Feebblitz is horrible. Switch to Feedburner. I am taking all my read blogs-over 450 a day-to a reader. There are so many options better than Blitz who are now adding ads at the bottom of feeds that are just inappropriate. Change to a better feed.

  2. I got my reminder through email :)

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I have you in Feedblitz and it has always worked fine for me.

  4. Not getting a thing from "Feedblitz" I couln't even figure it out, so stop going to it weeks ago.
