To get the Blog Candy here on this post you need to be the one who sends me a screen print of my blog when the counter is at 200,000.
Here is how you get a copy of the screen. This is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). What you see on your screen is exactly what will be copied. Make sure the counter is visible on the screen. On the upper right side of your keyboard (most keyboards) is the PrtSC key. Print Screen. Press that key. The screen is now on your clipboard and you need to past it. Open up Paint. It comes with all IBM compatiable computeres. To find it go to start, All Programs, Accessories and scroll over to Paint. Once paint is open just click on the upper left "edit" button and past it on. Once it's pasted you can save it to a file, your desktop or wherever you want to save it to. Then you can email the picture to me. And you will win the Blog Candy.
Now if no one comes forward with the print screen picture then I will do a new post and I'll hold a random drawing for the Blog Candy!
SO, keep your eye on the counter. It rolls by quickly these days!!! I'm thinking it will happen in about 3 to 4 days. It all depends on how many hits the blog gets!!! Just keep your eye on it!
Good luck to you!
Now if no one comes forward with the print screen picture then I will do a new post and I'll hold a random drawing for the Blog Candy!
SO, keep your eye on the counter. It rolls by quickly these days!!! I'm thinking it will happen in about 3 to 4 days. It all depends on how many hits the blog gets!!! Just keep your eye on it!
Good luck to you!
Ok, I'll be watching. :)
Cool two at one time.
Debby McGillivray
I'm watching!
Well, it was at 199,999 and then I refreshed and it was 200,003.
So I missed it. :(
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