By seeing that I have 5 of them on display you can see these are pretty easy and quick to make. The snowflake one holds 2 York Peppermint Patties. The Halloween one has 3 mini Tootsie Rolls in it. The other 3 boxes have bath salts in them. The bath salts are in a small zip baggie. Actually there are 2 small zip baggies with bath salts in them in each box. Aren't they just the cutest little boxes??? These would make fabulous thank you gifts, Hostess gifts, Customer Appreciation gifts. They would also be great for Stamp Camps and Craft Fairs. Again this is an item that there is no limit to your imagination. Put little cookies or a cookie in it (I'd recommend using waxed or parchment paper on the inside when using unwrapped foods).
The link to the pattern can be found here. They were designed by Brenda Quintana. She holds the copyright to them so be sure you don't sell the pattern to anyone! It's not yours to sell. Have fun with these!Thank you for stopping by,
These are so grand, I love the snowflake one and the priceless one. Once again a fab job!
Very cute, thanks so much for the directions and inspiration!
Really cute, Wanda!!!
Your blog is super-helpful! I often miss these cute boxes and bags, but then you've usually not only found them -- you've also tried them out, tweaked them, and given ideas for what to fill them with. I'm trying my own craft fair in a few weeks and I'm anxious to use some of these fabulous ideas that you've shared with us!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!! Jeanne
Hi Wanda!
Your boxes are adorable!
Are you sure they are easy? I will have to try one :)
Yours turned out so well! TFS!
I just made 24 of these for Halloween for co-workers. They turned out real cute. I used the chocolate eyeballs from Dollar General inside!
A lot of work but worth it! I ran the double template through the copier at work on different colored fall cardstock. I found using the "snot" dots, as we call them (lol) worked GREAT for attaching the transparent piece. I used the smallest ones.
These look great & I'd love to make them but I can't find them on the link. Is there a direct link to the file available?????
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