I just got a HUGE order of stamp sets so I'm good with Blog Candy for a LONG time!!! Well, as long as you are liking stamp sets!!! What stamper wouldn't like a free set????
This Scrappy Cat stamp set theme is "Birthday." Everyone knows someone with a birthday!!!
Now you're asking yourself "how can I get that stamp set?" Well, it's VERY simple. Since we're in the month of October I thought you could share one of your scary Halloween memories. Nothing like having someone asking you to dredge up your past fears!!! LOL
One (I have SO many!! LOL) of my scary Halloween memories was one as an adult, if you can believe that!!! LOL A friend of mine had invited me over to her place on Halloween night. She wanted me to see this house that decorates SO much for the evening. The yard was full of activity. There was a tombstone in the yard. A witch stirring "something" in a huge cauldron with the dry ice smoke coming out of it. There was music playing and black lights flashing. There were spider webs around the corners of the house and on the trees and shrubs. There was a hole dug in the ground near the tombstone (they actually dug up their lawn for this). The dirt was piled next to it as though they were waiting to put someone in it and cover them up. Then the wolf man came around. The homeowner had a full beard and he wore a striped suit. He was very impressive with the fangs and all. Fabulous job on the hairy hands and fingernails. So that's the picture in your mind of the yard. As I walked over to the grave near the wolf man right behind me a chainsaw fires up, I jump, turn and of course it's Jason Voorhees from "Friday the 13th." Mask, mechanic's clothing, gloves and not to mention that darn chainsaw (blades removed). Scared me out of my skin. My girlfriend is laughing at me because she knew what was coming. We're no longer friends. LOL Just kidding. I just no longer go over to her place on Halloween!!! LOL SO after she had her laugh and I got my heart to beat normal we started to leave. We're a few houses down the street and that darn guy starts up that chainsaw behind me again. LOL I couldn't believe he got me again!!! LOL SO that's my scary Halloween memory!
The lucky winner's name will be drawn through the random number generator on Friday evening October 12, 2007.
Good luck to you all!
Yikes! That would freak me out, too. We didn't celebrate halloween growing up, so I don't have any scary stories to share.
OH MY GOODness, and that's the reason why I don't go to Haunted Houses, they scare me (or at least I think they will...lol) I'm not going to chance it. lol
My scariest memory would be when I was about 7 or 8. We went trick or treating at the mall. And one store was set up as a 'haunted house'. My mom took me in there cause I just HAD to see it. LOL OMG, that crap scared the ever living crap out of me. ...gee thanks, now I'm all scared again. ;) LOL
btw, love the blog candy!!
Yes, that would scare me too! When I was a brownie, our troop went to a haunted house set up for all the troops in the local area. Everything was dark, and in one room we had to feel in this huge bowl and it was full of olives in oil. Of course, I could not see them, and I thought they were eyeballs and ran screaming out of there! To this day, I cannot see olives (I DO NOT eat them) without thinking about that! Great blog candy! If I am chosen, bear with me as I am moving to CA at the end of the week and won't have access to my internet so here is my email lilstamper@yahoo.com! Thanks for the chance! *STAMPIN HUGS* ALex
I went to a haunted house when I was in junior high and it scared me so much when people jumped out of the dark and touched me that I've never gone to another one.
This memory isn't so scary, but almost ruined Halloween...We live in Minnesota and we had a huge snowfall on Halloween one year. Thankfully, the windy blizzard stopped so we could still go out for candy, but that darn snow almost made me miss out on candy! Thanks for the giveaway!
One of our neighbors used to put on a haunted house - they had a big mechanical dragon and almost a fortress like style built for the haunted house. Once up the driveway on trick or treat night, my then 8 year old daughter decided that she wanted to go THRU the haunted house. Had I known how terrifying it would be, I would NOT have gone! Daughter loved it, but I was stuck in their maze for a long, long time and was getting kind of freaked out!!!!! They quit doing the haunted house because the fire breathing dragon had to be soldered by a welder each year and the set up supposedly cost a ton -- I can't do those scary haunted houses anymore!!
We went on a hay ride, and someone wore the Freddy's Hocky Mask and started a chainsaw! It was scary for all of the women!
Trick or Treating in Flint Michigan. You cant get any scarier than that!
My scariest memory of halloween is we didn't even know about it! Being in Australia, when I was a kid it wasn't heard of. It's only been in the last 10 years that it has started to take off. My nine year old son has loved dressing up and going trick or treating in the past few years. It's starting to become popular, even the shops are now selling Halloween Gear. I can't wait till its as popular as over there!
That story is hysterical! My scariest halloween story involves a haunted house. Me, (then a teenager) my mom, dad and 2 siblings thought we'd walk through a haunted house but when we got in there something immediately jumped out at us that me, my mom, and my sis completly closed our eyes and grabbed on to my dad and brother and walked through completly blind screaming the whole time! How pitiful is that! LOL It makes me laugh to think back on it!
Oh my! I don't have anything scary from Halloween. But I went through the Haunted House at the MN State Fair when I was 16, it still gives me the creeps just to walk past it! Have a great day!
The scariest story I have is when I was 9. My then 15 year old sister made me watch The Exorcist the week before HAlloween. Like a lunk head I watched it. I was so freaked out by the movie that I stayed up all night crying asking God not to let the devil take over my body! To this day, I hate that movie and haven't watched anything like it since!
Golly that was frightening!!! I hate Halloween and don't celebrate it--maybe because I was too scared by the trick or treaters when I was a child, but I really don't remember so have no scary moment to share with you. I really don't like costumes!!! I know, I am one weird person. Thanks for the opportunity to win, Wanda.
Cheryl Sims
I guess one of my scary Halloween memories would also have to be a Haunted House one. Even though I love Haunted Houses, I hate going first so when my son & niece wanted to go into a haunted house, guess who made THEM go first. I still hung onto them for dear life & pulled them back when the creature popped out to grab us. I still swear someone touched me & scared the crap out of me. Of course I come out screaming & the kids are laughing their heads off.
As a child our family loved Halloween. (Now that I am a parent we don't get into it as much--just making creative costumes for the kids.) Any who--
this is one of many scarey things we did to the folks in our neighborhood. We made a scare crow in early October and left it on the front porch for decoration. We made a paper mache head. Then on Halloween night, I got into the scarecrow's outfit and took it's place. As the kids came on the porch for their treats...I stayed very still. I heard them discussing whether or not I was real. I didn't move until they got their candy and then scared them to death!!!
What fun.
I live in a rural area. Homes are far apart. When I was growing up Mom or Dad did not drive you from house to house. We had to walk. We were walking down the gravel road below our house, it was a long dark stretch when we heard what we thought was a lady scream. We ( me and my two younger sisters) turned around and ran all the way home. Mom laughed and said it was a jaguar, and that it was long gone and was probably more afraid of us than we were of it but I could not believe that because we were pretty afraid. She could not get us to go back out even for candy and we didn't get much candy back then. To this day I can hear that scream loud and clear. Thanks for the great blog cndy.
Mary Campbell
I think that would scare me from every going out again at Halloween. Congrats on all your hits. Great job.
I definately haven't had an experience that scarey.
Oh my gosh! That would SO freak me out. I definitely try to avoid anything that I know is going to scare me. I'm a real baby when it comes to getting scared. My husband really wants me to go to haunted houses with him but I can't bring myself to do it!
I don't remember too much scary happening to me because, as I said, I purposely avoid it. But, I do remember a few years ago when we took our daughter trick-or-treating and we went up to this one house that had a brick archway with a garden area before you got to the front door. I just knew something was up because the garden area was pretty much a mess...so as we're walking up a guy jumped up from the ground and scared us. He was laying on the ground under a bunch of leaves and stuff.
I felt bad for my daughter because she's just like me. I felt like worst mother of the year right then!
I grew up in a house that had many unexplainable things happen so I can say that I don't scare easily. However, when we lived in South Carolina we went to an old plantation for a haunted hay ride. Between the soldier ghosts wandering the fields, headless horsemen, nooses hanging from the trees, and "slaves" chanting, I even became a little bit freaked out. The mood changed, however, when I saw that my husband was hiding at the bottom of the wagon.
Well a scariest for me would be the year I was 12 ...me and a few friends were out trick or treating and well where i lived there were some lets say BAD KIds ANywhoo we are walking and all of a sudden these boys pop out of the bushes with GUNS ......WELL its halloween right so IT could be ANything .Anyways i just told them ya ok like your gonna shoot us with your lil guns well it turns out they Shot my friend Mel ..shes freaking out saying HOLLY @#$* they shot me ....all I see are her Jeans full of what i thought was blood ....Im freaking out telling everone to call 911 and everyone is laughing except me and Mel right !! WEll it turns out IT was paintball gun!!!!! I still cant see why they thought it was funny ...back then Paint ball guns were not as populare as today and it was very SCARY!!!!!!!!!
Hello! Here's my scary memory: when I was in Kindergarten, we wore our Halloween outfits to school one day. Well, with my dad being an inventor, he made my costume. I was a TV set!! A big, bulky, heavy, 1970's TV set! The scary moment was when I got to school, I couldn't sit down!!! I cried and cried and had to take my costume off!
Cheryl KVD
I don't have any scary Halloween stories per se, but I've always been terrified by scary movies -- my parents still laugh at how I run out of the room when a "scary part" comes on TV. I was talked into a Halloween movie by some "friends" one time -- I knew I shouldn't have gone!! I think they had more fun laughing at me!! I spent the whole movie crouched down in my seat with my hands over my ears and my eyes closed as tightly as possible, rocking back and forth, waiting for it to be done! I didn't sleep the next week. In both high school and college, I was voted most gullible -- I think that has something to do with it!! I believe everything and everyone -- hard to disassociate from the "unreal scary stuff"!! Thanks so much for a chance at blog candy! Good thing I'm up all night at work again tonight, because I might not sleep, reliving that memory!! jeannie
One year when my mom took us out trick-or-treat'ing, she dressed up like a Mummy. She used real guaze and medical tape that you would use in a hospital. She looked so authentic that some of our neighbors wouldn't even let her in their houses! Not really scary but definitely made for an interesting Halloween.
That would be so freaky! My parents were not really big on Halloween. We are having a big Halloween party for our kids this year however so I am looking forward to that. Thanks for the chance!
I had just fished watching the movie scream for the first time and a bigger kid wearing a scream mask came to the door and it actually freaked me out for a second!
Holy Cow!! What a description you gave...that would scare the livin' daylights out of me!!!
I would have to say my scariest Halloween moment would have been about 12 years ago....(it was my 2nd year teaching) anyhow, where I taught did a Haunted House in an old house. My students (1st & 2nd graders) insisted I go....and to tell you the truth I am not big on Haunted Houses or scary movies for that matter......so of course I went and of course my heart was not beating normal after that episode and just like you Wanda there was the trusty chain saw guy coming out from behind the trees after we came out of the house!!!!
Debbie J.
As a young teenager my friends and I went to a haunted house and I really really didn't want to go but did. Anyway, when we were inside it was really dark and at one point going through a hallway there was no light at all and I remember hands touching me but I couldn't see and something getting stuck in my hair like I was walking through a bush. I HATED it. I have not been back to another haunted house since!
We lived on a farm and Halloween was out one chance to stay in town after school with friends or our town relatives to wait until treating time - one year my Dad forgot we kids were in town, so when we had treated all over town and went to the collection spot - no Dad. We called Mom (who didn't drive then) and he was sound asleep already.......so we had to quickly find a place to stay overnite as it was too late to catch a ride with any neighbour. He never lived that down!!!
My scariest/funniest was when we worked in an office and all of us dressed for Halloween. We used to stuff my husbands old clothes like Jason hooded sweatshirt/jeans/tennies and set him in the corner or hang him in the stairwell or elevator - everyone had a sense of humor until we had him sitting in the corner next to the mail bins. One day, one of our coworkers took the stuffing out and put on the clothes. He sat in the corner and scared an unsuspected woman coworker. Needless to say I have never saw someone jump so high in my life and I don't think I laughed so hard either. Thanks for the blog candy!!
when I was 12 my BF and I had a Halloween party, and we rented 'The night of the living dead'. I think we were both scared completely, it was our first ever scary movie experience.
My scariest Halloween happened in 1999, my hubby and i decided to go to one of those haunted corn mazes We were about half way through when we kept hearing something in the corn, no big deal we then came to a dead end spot and i turn around and here comes this guy in the Jason mask with the chain saw i ran backwards through the corn, i was so scared and then i trip and fall down. He still is coming towards me and i can't get up because of my leg, my hubby helped me up and i had to go to the ER. I fractured my foot, talk about embarassing as I told the doctor how scared i was and ran from Jason. (I can now laugh about it) LOL
Congrats on your hits! Count me in on your sweet candy. Love this set and I sure can use BD sets. Ok here is my scary story. My dad would get dressed up and go to the side of the house and when the sweet little kids would knock at the door.....he would come running out and scare them to death. I don't know who was having more fun!! A few of them we would have to chase down and give them the candy, cuz they would run off. But they kept comping back every year. Thanks for a chance at your sweet giveaway.
Well, MY scariest halloween memory is actually from the morning AFTER halloween. I was probably 25 and newly "single" and went to a party with a girlfriend and drank FAR to much. I had to get up the next morning to return my costume rental and I felt like I was gonna die......oooooh. Scary!!!
This particular year my best friend and I "thought" we were old enough to take our little brothers and sisters trick or treating in our neighborhood for our parents. We were about 12 or 13 yrs. old and had gone a couple of streets over to a house where we were all standing on the porch. A guy with a very scary mask on jumped out the bushes with a axe and started yelling at us! We all screamed and my friend's little brother fell off the porch into a rose bush
and got scraped and stuck pretty bad. Needless to say, the masked man's mom was not happy with him and we went straight home after that!
My scariest Halloween memory is actually a retro-look back at costumes I wore as a kid...you know, the ones with the plastic masks that have that "stepford wife" look and just the eyes poked out. I was always Barbie or a princess or something but looking back at it, those masks were freaky.
Halloween hasn't ever really been too scary for me.
Although one time, when I was about 8, I did go on a hay ride and everyone decided to stop at the graveyard. This was a very old graveyard, where the last person buried in it probably died in 1915. There was an old story about "Headless Hattie" who didn't like anyone to come into her cemetery. Well, of course they had rigged it to where Hattie was flying around and then she grabbed my friend's day and took him away screaming! I have NEVER been inside a cemetery at night again!
I actually don't have any scary memories, never been much of a Halloween person. What awesome blog candy!
JenMarie T. in Marietta, GA
IA group I belonged to did a Haunted House one year and I was hding to scare people going thru will unknown to me one of the guys came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder and boy did I scream and I jump and knocked him to the ground. I think I scared the peple who were walking thru the house at the time. Good thing I had went tothe bathroom right before that or I might have had a problem. I can laugh about it now but I was upset at the time.
I just remember and would soon like to forget my first haunted house!! Strange how you can remember somethings so clearly 40 years ago but can't remember what happened yesterday!!!
We don't celebrate halloween so I don't really have a scary story to share!!!
I would love to enter your candy contest though. Please enter me.
I was 11 and my sister was 9. We were on the last stretch to go home with our loot. And we noticed this guy was following us. we still had T or T'ing to do. Well we went to a few more houses and he was still there. Well we started to walk faster and so did he. We started to run and so did he. Well we were getting close to our neighborhood. We just ran up on a porch in our neighborhood to call me dad to come get us. Now that changed Halloween forever.
I live Halloween EVERYDAY, we have a ghost in our house of a gentleman that died in my husband's recliner. He looks out for my son, I think since he had a grandson about the same age. We have not seen him "Ivan" lately. Maybe he has decided to move on. We also have a small animal, we think a cat, that runs around all the time. So Halloween scaries are nothing to us! lol There are certainly some good ones here!
i am a dreadful scardy cat... so i steer clear of anything scary, especially during halloween. i don't want scary movies or go on haunted rides... so i can't remember a halloween story. :( sorry! but thanks for a chance to win! :)
My scary story is I went trick or treating when I was a little girl. And I came across a group of kids and I could tell they were going to try and steal my candy. They looked at me and started chasing me luckily I ran and went into my house. Good thing my house was right there.
My scariest halloween moment was when I was a kid. I was probably 8 or 9. My mom took us to a haunted house. She went in first, thinking that if anyone jumped out at us, they would get her. But, they waited until after she had passed before they reached out and grabbed my leg. I screamed like I had never screamed before or since. I was so terrified I cried. My mom apologized for about a month after that. The funny thing is I actually love anything scary now. The scarier the better.
Jennifer S
When I was in high school I worked in a haunted house. So I got to scare people. It was such a blast. I got to hairspray my long hair completely standing up, and sit in a chair with tubes looking like they were coming out of me and scream for help when visitors walked by. I was hoars for two weeks.
Charmaine G
I don't think I have a scary story either. In 6th grade I let the air out of the tires of a 2 wheeler trailer in the alley and was so SCARED I get caught but it wasn't really scarey, per se.
Thanks for the chance to win!
No really scary stories here. However on Halloween night my father puta stocking over his head and he certainly scared many trick or treaters coming to the door.Great blog candy and congrats on so many hits--Karen Naber(hpnaber@msn.com)
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