I have not heard back from the Blog Candy winner so the candy will go back up for bid! It was SO fun the last time I thought I'd try it again. I'm sure you all have some useless "thing" sitting around you'd just LOVE to trade for the stamp set!!! LOL Your name will be put in a random drawing and I'll post your first name and your comment on a "Blog Candy Winner!" post. Drawing will be done on Friday evening October 19th.
Please remember I already have a first born and a husband, I don't need any more of those!!! LOL So tell me whatcha got to trade!!! LOL
And NO Katie, I don't want your father-in-law's glass eye!!! EWWWWW!!! LOL
Have fun!
I have a big bunch of paper dots I need to vacuum up off the floor that you can have! Everytime I punch a hole with my wonderful Crop-a-Dial, the holes get knocked on the floor. They're yours in exchange for the great stamp set you're willing to part with!
I have a wicker rocking chair tha is falling apart and I just can't throw away. How about it?
Well since you didn't take me up on the goodies under my son's bed, perhaps you'd like the contents of his closet. Please keep in mind he is almost 17 so I'm not 100% responsible for what can be found in there but I have been storing some Christmas decorations in the back on the shelves that you might like. Of course you will need to dig your way through at least 2 weeks worht of teenage boy dirty clothes (I'll even throw in a container of Febreeze), several half finished homework assignments that never got turned in (his teachers might like those), 5 or 6 shoes that have somehow ended up without a match, 2 pair of inline skates without the wheels, 3 belts without buckles of course, 14 plastic cups, 2 styrofoam plates and a large container that fireworks came in. I don't believe there is any food in there, but there could be. If you find his wallet in that pile, feel free to keep the quarter and penny in it but please return his permit so he can continue his driving lessons or he may never be able to move out on his own. Gah!
I have this thing that goes around your dogs neck to try and stop him barking... It is suppose to give a high pitch sound (unable to be heard by humans!) each time the dog barks to try and train him not to bark. It is unable to be heard by humans! So why is it useless I hear you ask? Well it doesn't work. My dog still barks. I rang the manufacturer to ask for further instructions and they replied 'Is it working?' Well I'm human, I can't hear it!!!!
A useless thing lying around the house? Hmmmmmmm. But you said you don't want husbands............LOL.
I love this set and how often does a person get a second chance in life. Not many and I am here to take it!! LOL!
I will trade you for a my hubbys Board game collection! thats 700 board games! mwaahaahaaaa
I have about 5 large banker boxes of yarn from my husband's late grandmother. (no, i don't knit) And her handpainted wooden Christmas village. And an old lamp from her living room. And a made in China "antique" table from her house as well. Oh, and a jelly spoon and knitting needles, too! His aunts actually paid all the shipping to share those treasures with us!
Candy not claimed! Oh well, that's are gain. No DH or kid???? I think they neat playmates! What to trade...um...um...oh oh oh that glitter left scattered all over EVERYTHING. It's yours and I'll throw in the playmates. Thanks for a fun chance again.
Well, I've got a used, empty wine glass here. The contents had been yummy! ;)
a set of fake eyelashes?? Was going to wear them as part of a Halloweeen costume, but I can't see to put them on!
NancyS (momsnack)
I will trade you a dusty smoke detector that if you put it up, will scream at you for no apparent reason other than it can. It's 12 years old and has a new battery attached and some wierd wires-it has to be plugged in the housing wiring. but it will wake you up even from a wine coma.
How about the thousands of stuffed animals that adorn my children's beds? I try to sneak them into the Amvets bag....but no luck, I get caught every time!
How about my iron/ironing board? I have a huge basket of clothes that need to be ironed and I just keep putting it off and adding to that pile. I can wear jeans everyday right?
I've got a dead orchid you can have. It used to be beautiful. I don't know why I'm keeping it...I think I'm hoping that it will come back to life!!
Cheryl KVD
Well since we I get a second chance I better make it count. Yestaerday I was cleaning my kids room...so to you I offer a lot of broken toys, Some dust bunnies from under the bed, 2 pieces of chewed up gum (now that sound tempting doesn't it?), a doll who's arms have somehow gone missing????, and here is the best part......6 candies that were hidden from MOM. Thanks for the second chance, don't know how you will pick a winner from all these wonderful things.
I have my 2 daughters' suffed animal collections. They tell me the animals really don't take up THAT much space. :)! The ones with all their fur and facial features in tact are really adorable. Is this a good sales pitch?? LOL!
I have a shoe-box of odd clip-its...pieces of ribbon and trim I just can't toss...but, would be sooo easy to give away.
(Hope this doesn't double post..I keep getting an error).
Ummmm, what can I give ya this time... hmmmmmmm... * think think think *
Ah haaaaa, how about...no, that wouldn't work.
Ummm, man, this is hard, no first borns, no husbands and now father in law glass eyes. Gesh, I don't think I have anything....LOL
ok, ok, I got it!!! I'll be happy to let you have the dishes in the sink, sound good??? hmmm???
OMG that was hilarious. A glass eye..Can't give you a hubby or a first born. I like the idea of trading. How about Bellas images?? I have a lot to choose from and maybe an assorment of all my ribbons...Cool idea..Chris
hmmmm now I am ready everyone's funny comments..I could trade the dirty wrappers in my teenage sons room along with the ants...UGH! I am always on him about leaving pop tart wrappers, sports drink wrappers and his wet swim suit & towel(his swims daily with his swim team) in his room..so the ants to marching 2 by 2 hurray! hurray!!!the ants!!!(we have great fire ants here in Texas
Okay, mmmmmm what could I trade for that very lovely stamp set, I think I could trade a huge candle I desperately tried to do the stamped thing on, I heated the tissue paper too long and it sort of melted, lol I have a very pretty Tilda (Magnolia) with lumps of candle all over her now!!!! how bout that????
I have enough extra cat hair to make a new cat, lots of dirty diapers, some moldy bread and one crank phone called received this AM at 1:17.
I found a couple clocks at a yard sale that I thought would look cute in our theatre room. Husband refused, saying they are tacky. One's a wiggley hipped Elvis and the other a wiggley Marilyn Monroe.
Oh boy oh boy...I have a bunch of lint that I just pulled from my dryer...is it a worthy trade? LOL!
Why do all our games and our puzzles always have one piece missing? Does the same gremlin that steals socks also steal puzzle pieces and game pieces? I really need to rid myself of all these items instead of waiting for the day that "the piece might turn up". How about a trade?
Unclaimed Bog, how did that happen? I've got a snowball in my freezer from 2002 that I would love to part with but daughter wants to keep. It's all wrapped in a ziplock bag and everything. I bet she wouldn't mind if it was to trade for that cute stamp set!
I have all of these old motorcycle parts that have cluttered the side yard since spring. I "ahem" reminded the person that put them there that I would like them taken to the dump, but I think they may be covered in snow soon!
I believe in recycling, however, I just have too much crumpled brown paper used as stuffing by a stmaping company I love. Just too much brown paper...
If you have a green thumb...I have a couple of ugly plants I could send your way,maybe you can revive them,I don't want to throw them out now!!! Thanks at another chance at your candy!!!
Well, let's see, I don't have anything physical you could have, but I would like to trade many thanks for you being so generous :)
I am still sticking with the contents of my recycle container...lots of goodies that are alterable...tin cans, junk mail (designer paper), those little pieces from the ticket punch, dots from the crop-a-dile, paperboard (free chipboard) and lots of other goodies. Just think of all the craft fair things you could produce for FREE!!!
I think I actually have something you might be able to do something with. I have a pile of DP that I just don't know what to do with, mostly because I don't have cs or ink that matches it. (I don't own every color yet, even though I would like to LOL!) So, what do you think?
Ummm... I have a trash bag FULL of maternity clothes I will never wear again (DH made SURE of that ;), another trash bag FULL of clothes that DD has outgrown - sizes 3T, 4T, and some 4, a pile of sb supplies that no one seems to want (tried E-bay and SCS!), and some of that brown paper twinks mentioned with boxes to match :D
Toe jam, belly button lint and some eye goobers.
Umm...err...I've already tried to give you a bunch of stuff. LOL
How about everything out of my daughter's room that you can fit in a lawn size garbage bag?? :)
Unclaimed candy...what's up with that?!! I have a lot of useless things sitting around...how about my husband's hat collection (there's at least 200)...or, I have some dust bunnies the size of small children,...and then there's this stuffed fox hanging on the wall...why??! Thanks for another chance to win sweet candy...& I'll be back to claim it! :)
~Brenda H.
Well I've been stampin so much to get ready for a craft fair next week that my house is beginning to look like a haunted house with all of the cob webs and dust bunnies. I'll trade those for the clear stamp set.
Thanks for all your work!
You passed up my treadmill, so I would gladly trade you this nasty cold or flu I am apparently coming down with and do not want!! (now that would be downright mean to you though), so...how about all the barely used shampoos and conditioners that I've opened and tried but don't work on my big hair LOL! Lots of em too! :) hehe.
Hey, Wanda, how about the expensive rotten steaks in my freezer? I left them in my car by accident this summer in 100+ degree weather, and than I froze them because I didn't want them in my trash can stinking it up and attracting (gag!) maggots. I just keep forgetting to put them in the trash now, so I will gladly trade them for the stamp set.
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