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Friday, June 29, 2007

More Blog Candy To Celebrate 300+ Posts!

Yup, you read that right. I have hit the 300 mark on posts. I can't believe I've posted that much stuff! But I'll take this websites word for it, I sure don't want to go count them all myself!

So to commemorate this auspicious occasion I'm giving away more Blog Candy. I will post a picture of the "candy" tomorrow. I'll be adding the photo to this post so you'll need to check back right here to find out what it is!

And of course it comes with another perplexing puzzle. A puzzling puzzler of a puzzle!! I know they keep getting tougher and tougher. But if you stick with it and concentrate you can do it! I have faith in you!!! Were you able to finish this puzzle? It's ok if you didn't, your name will be put in a random drawing to be held in the afternoon of Tuesday July 3rd!

Have fun!


Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said... you go 1 to 2...or is it 2 to 1?

kathy said...

I think it after puzzling over it for a while

Lorie said...

It took me a little while but I finally finished it! Wooo! That was a tough one! :0) Thanks for the smile, Wanda!

Anonymous said...

I've been told I couldn't find my way around the block (it's a blonde thing :) so I'm having some trouble with this puzzle, but I will keep working on it. Like the OJ carton says...concentrate!

Anonymous said...

I did it, I did it! I hardly ever get these right, but I was able to do this one. WOW! I'm proud of myself. Thanks for the puzzles that always elevate my self esteem. Thanks for all the blog candy you offer, Wanda, it is almost as sweet as you are!

Cheryl KVD said...

Hello! The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. So I would have to say 1 goes to 2. Please don't take away my master's degree if I am wrong!!:)
Cheryl KVD

Anonymous said...

Wanda I don't know if I can do this one, I don't know if I can count that high. Too funny! Where in the world do you find these puzzles?

Pattyjo said...

You have the funniest blog candy puzzles! I love your sense of humor. I give, what is this?

Cathy M said...

Where are all the numbers? I'm not sure where to I'm going to take a guess and say 1, 2 buckle my shoe. I hope you will be giving the answer to us when it's over. Thanks for a chance a the mystery candy.

Anonymous said...

WooHoo you made my day again!!! I believe I got it, go from 1 to 2. Maybe, I don't think I've done one of these since grade 3 so I may be wrong.

Melissia said...

Connect the dots. Okay. Hmm. The big dots or the small dots? Or all of the dots? It doesn't specify what to connect them with, so I suppose my tape runner will do since I can't find a pencil anywhere. My tape runner tends to skip so hopefully it doesn't have to be a fully connected line. One of my prima flowers just blew and stuck to the tape. Do I get extra credit for that?

Jill aka neeuqpmats said...

whoohoo. I accomplished your puzzle!! thanks for the offer. And congrats on 300+ Posts! Quite the accomplishment. Have a great day!

Nancy said...

I've never been good at these here number "puzzles"... guess I'll have to sit this one out!

Jan Scholl said...

If I go from 1 to 2 I have come down the mountain. And just for fun, I am gonna go back up the mountain from 2 to 1 because its pretty up there.

StampOwl said...

Hehehe - another toughie I see! Does it have to be a straight line????

Karen Lindsay said...

LOL! Now, I just have to "draw the line" here.

Consider the dots connected. :)

Karen L.

Anonymous said...

You do make the hardest puzzles don't you!! I think I worked it out in the end .LOL

Pat said...

A tough one, but I do believe that I got it right. 1 connects to 2 and depending on how steady your hand is, it could make a straight line. Thanks for always keeping us entertained!


Anonymous said...

It's a good thing I've done dot to dot with my grandaughter lately! I was able to breeze through it (1 to 2)yeah!!

Nikki Bond said...

I had to have my four year old help me with this one! Whewww....they just keep on getting harder! LOL Have a great Fourth of July Wanda!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.... This school teacher thinks it starts at number 1 and without lifting your pencil off your paper you go directly to number 2. I believe that is the right way. Thanks for the funny this early in the morning. Mary

Denise said...

I cheated and got my 4 y/o to do it for me....LOL

Tami Grandi said...

Well, it was a late night last night but I'm pretty sure it's 1 to 2 :)

Unknown said...

lol. I would have to say 1 to 2.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I finished it! And yay to you for hitting 300 posts! Keep up the great work!

Rosella said...

You actually want my brain to function this early in the morning? Okay, I think I got it! WOW!
I enjoy coming to your blog. Keep on posting!

Anonymous said...

I'd have to agree that you go from 1 to 2, but I could be wrong!

Cindy Vernon said...

I'm going to go with all of the above!!

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not cheating, but I got my puppy to tell me the answer because I didn't know. She is realllllly smart!

Carolyn Sharkas said...


you are too funny. I love these puzzles and even though these are tough, they are still alot of fun. It took me awhile but I think I got it.

Debby said...

Took some time but by George I think I got it!

Anonymous said...

okay, its done. I did it. I got a great time at 3.32 minutes.

Angel said...

Done...thankx for the smiles!

Kristina Lewis said...

I've never seen your puzzles before, but this is`great! 1 to 2! Way to get us`thinking!

Scott Franson Photography said...

I'd say go from #2 to #1.
Claudia F.

Linda SS said...

Boy, it makes me wish I'd have finished those last few college credits & gotten my degree! But I'll take a wild guess & say you start at 1 & finish at #2. Hard as it was, at least I'm smiling:)

Jules said...

I think you can go both ways.........1 to 2 and then also 2 to 1!
Thanks I enjoy your creativity,

Anonymous said...

OK, time me - DONE! How's that for speed!!

Anonymous said...

I never was very good at math but I thing I figured it out!

Sheri said...

It's hard to tell, but I think maybe 2 is a tiny touch bigger than 1.... No, now 1 is bigger than 2... Oh, this is SO hard! ;)

Sheri said...

These puzzles are too funny! 1 to 2 is my answer!

Anonymous said...

Gosh . . . doing a puzzle this late on a saturday night, this one is a real toughy! Love your blog!

Tracy said...

I asked my nephew to help me with this one and he is REALLy sure you go from 1 to 2...I asked him several times if he was sure but he is absolutely positive!

Denise said...

I think you go from one, circle around two then back to one. Then you draw your straight line connecting the dots. That will give you one of those cirles with the line through indicating "NO"...whatever you which it to be. I'm going to choose "interrupting stampers" to go in the center of mine!

Unknown said...

I am so puzzled, I don't know where to start. Ok, I have it start with 3. Thanks for the blog candy.

Vicky said...

Well I'll try but I havn't ever been to good at these!


Anonymous said...

Great quiz, I found it rather easy. (just hope I got it right:)

Unknown said...

These are getting harder and harder! I'm going to say 1 to 2. I always get a chuckle out of these puzzles.

Kat said...

I love a good challenge! You are TOO funny. Great Candy!!! The truth is, if your asking me to get from point A to point B, I will get there, but I could take a number of detours because my attention diverts quite easily!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I think I've got this one down.
Now if luck is on my side to figure out this puzzle, maybe, just maybe it will stay on my side to actually win a blog candy. My fingers are crossed. :o)

Kimberly in AZ

Jennifer said...

Are you supposed to connect the dots on the numbers too??? I think that may me right.

Heather Leech said...

Hmmmm....I work in a grade 5 class...I should know this....hmmm. I got it! Thanks for making me think today...and Happy Canada Day!!!
Heather L.

Stamp4hobby said...

This one is tough!
My computer screen has several big black marks on it where I missed when trying to connect 1 and 2. ;)

Cheryl said...

Congrats on the 300 posts. Everyone has been great!!! I really think you must believe that we are all very intelligent because of these difficult puzzles you are making us do. I just don't know what to think and wonder if I am just not smart enough. LOL. what fun.
Cheryl Sims

Anonymous said...

Oh the stress.....the pressure...I don't think I can handle it...ACK!

Hey Hey Paula said...

I think I got it! The 1 connects to the 2. Right? A straight line. Wow that was a tough one!

Sara said...

This is a tough one, I think... Sometimes I think way to hard. not sure if it is a straight line or sometype of a circle or square or something... I will keep trying here. Thanks for the opportunity!

CraftyMomOf3 said...

Hmmmm...number puzzles have never been my thing...but I do love a good connect the dots! Oh and color by number...those were always a big favorite. Very gratifying because it was hard to mess up!

Thanks for the opportunity to win and MANY congrats on the 300 posts!!

=) Have a creative day!


ThreadCatcher said...

Congrats on hitting your milestone. Fun blog candy you have up for grabs. I had to ponder this puzzle for quite some time, it is so good of you to challenge us in this way; keeps the brain cells working! Jenny

Diane said...

You put giggles in all of us!!
I believe it's 1 then 2...I hope I'm right,wouldn't want to be embarrassed!!!
Great candy and blog by the way!!

bethtrue said...

Wanda - this one is even harder than the last one. I did it though; thanks for the brain teaser!! Have a great day -

Beth (mommy to a busy 3 3/4 yr old)

Lesa said...

That was the hardest puzzle I have done lately but I think I got it! ;) Thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said...

Goodness, in all this heat I can't be expected to figure out such a challenging brain might melt!lol
Thanks for the blog candy!

Anonymous said...

I want to win your candy so badly but you always make it so difficult. Boo hoo

Risa said...

Ok...I give-up...when I was a kid we said."uncle" when we couodn't go any further. :) I don't have a clue but thanks for the chance to win some candy though!:)

Abra Leah Cross said...

Am I the only one who thinks it's three dots and it's supposed to be a triange?