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Monday, May 21, 2007

YUM! Blog Candy!

Ok, here it is. Some blog candy to celebrate this blog reaching and surpassing 60,000 hits. You want more blog candy, I want more hits and working together here is making this happen!!! LOL

Blog candy this time consists of some Accents fibers for your creations. Some antique square brads, a white embossing pad and an adorable Hero Arts flower set with an ink pad included!

Now you want to know how you can get this. Well.... you guessed it, another mind boggling game!! From what I read the last one was a very tough one but most of you stuck with it and muddled through! Same goes here, they're not getting any easier! But I have confidence in each and every one of you! Believe it and you can achieve it!

It's all about having fun!

Remember those Highlight magazines as a child? I use to LOVE find the hidden objects. Well, I have one for you. It took me a LONG time to find the elephant but if you sort of look away a bit you'll see it! Stick with it, never give up! I loved a lot of the comments that were left with the last "perplexing" puzzle! Keeping it fun is what it's all about! So again, leave a comment below on how long (if ever) it took you to find the elephant. Correct answers are not necessary! It's a random drawing. The first one to reply is #1 and so on. I plug the total numbers into the Random Number Generator and I find that entrant's number and viola that's the winner! I will draw the name of that lucky winner sometime on Friday. I know it's the holiday weekend so I will wait until Tuesday if I have not heard from the winner.
Ok, let the games begin!
Keep it fun!


Michele Kovack said...

I think it is unlucky to be the first one....You just crack me up!!! OK maybe now I'll win...go Number 1! Go Number 1!

Cheryl KVD said...

I like how your contests are getting easier and easier! I've got "mommy brain" so these are good for me! Thanks!
Cheryl KVD

Anonymous said...

I hate the way your mind works when your looking at these(my mind any way)Sometimes you see shapes of everything but what you're looking for, even when it is very obvious. Even though the clock was right next to the picture, I didn't pay attention to how long it took me either.

Anonymous said...

This is a super cool blog candy. I love to do these. I must be crazy...cuz I did look at the clock and I did it in less than 5 seconds. Unbelievable! Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

I love Highlights magazines - always did as a kid!

I found the elephant lickity split - even though I need new glasses!

Amie said...

Too cute! just when I thought I had found the elephant, I lost it again. Maybe it's one of those where you have to softly let your eyes unfocus...maybe if I had a glass pane in front of it I could let the image become 3-D...LOL! Thanks for the blog candy offer!

Allison Rankin said...

This is like those pictures that you are supposed to stare at until some image appears...I never could figure them out and this is in the same category!

Jan Scholl said...

I thought the elly had smoke coming out his nostril area-and it was trees. would love that picture as a silly stamp.

Elaine said...

ok, what was it again that I'm supposed to be looking for? I cannot find the trees to save the forest...or is the the forest to save the trees?? Oh bother.... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Like most puzzle solving, they get easier with practice -- ha! I have a few I'll have to send you if I can locate them. Keep the chuckles coming.

Anonymous said...

I can see the elephant standing behind the trees. This is so cute! I could see him from the first glimpse at the picture.

Anonymous said...

I saw the elephant from the very first look at the picture. Isn't is odd at how our minds work? Cute blog candy!

Anonymous said...

Very cute once again, thanks for posting all of the blog candy. Where do you find these funny games and don't tell me you dream them up overnight (HE HE HE). I am still searching he is so very well hidden.

Anonymous said...

Wow another hard one! I loved Highlights also, one perk of going to the dentist ha!

Karen Lindsay said...

Well, I'll be darned! He's hiding behind the trees!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I found him pretty quickly. hehehe

Anonymous said...

Maybe because I'm such a kid at heart, but I found the elephant immediately. He just jumped right out at me. Thanks for making it fun. Oh, and I loved Highlights mag. I didn't get it delivered, but I loved going to the doctor so I could read it. The hidden puzzles were my favorite.

Cheryl said...

Boy, I am getting good at your brain teasers, Wanda. I did this one in record time. I think you are preventing the Alzheimers from entering my brain by keeping it in shape.
Great candy.
Cheryl Sims

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the numbers. Thanks for the blog candy and the cool game. So much fun. Enjoyed these as a kid. Still a lot of fun.

Denise said...

I saw it right away, wow I must be a genius! Actually, my 4 y/o DD ppointed it out...LOL

Vicky said...

Well I didn't like to look too long as I was waiting for that scary face to pop out screaming at me and I still hve nightmares about that one!!

tyrymom29 said...

LOL I love your quizzes ,and Fun stuff Thanks for the chance!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hehehe!! This gave me a REAL good laugh this morning!! Thanks for that anyway! I *think* I've found, but you never know...I COULD be wrong!!?? I just found your blog through Allison. Thanks so much for the offer and congrats on your hits!

Mental Pausing Crafter said...

OK - I found the elephant, a man in a half suspended hammack, some sort of tree/bush thing, a possible chimmney with smoke....what was I looking for again? Oh bother, I just hope I found something of use - now where did I lay those glasses...silly me their are on top of my head...thanks for the fun!!! tami

Rosella said...

Well, this time I found the elephant before I finished reading the heading! Kind of hard to miss LOL! Wonder where you get these 'difficult' puzzles??? Who could come up with them???

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I found the hammer, rake, shovel, cat, dog, house, plate and baby, but still no elephant. Can you give out hints? I think this one might take me too long to find to win. Oh well, maybe next time.

ThreadCatcher said...

I loved the Highlights magazine as a kid. I searched high and low, almost gave up but FINALLY found that tiny elephant!

Nikki Bond said...

I just so look forward to your blog every day!!! You really make me smile and these puzzles are just sooooo tough!!! It took me all of a milisecond to find the elephant!
Thanks Wanda

Anonymous said...

I found your elephant quick as a blink...

Wouldn't that pic make the cutest card ever!!

Anonymous said...

congrats on having well over 60,000!!!

Anonymous said...

You've got some great ideas! Love this one too! Didn't take me long at all to find the elephant. Makes we wonder if I'm missing something now.......

Thanks for posting the blog candy. You're a sweetheart.

jaent B

Kirsi said...

I saw the elephant right away. This was an easy one. Have a happy day!

Anonymous said...

Okay, that was fun. However I am not putting down my answer, just in case it is incorrect!! hehe. Have a great day.

bethtrue said...

ooh Wanda this is a toughy. but i think i spot him hiding behind those tall trees!! wow. keep 'em coming! great blog candy!! hope i get picked!! :-)

have a great day -
Beth (mommy to a busy 3 3/4 year old)

Anonymous said...

Good one!! Love the trees to camouflage him. I still get that magazine here for my students.
Thanks for the opportunity to win some of your blog candy. Congrats again on surpassing the 60,000 mark....WOOHOO!!!
Oh, probably took me a whole second to find.
Debbie J.

Diane said...

I saw him right away,but I know some of them are so odd.
Great candy by the way!!!

cookiesmom said...

what elephant? I am still trying to solve the maze.

Anonymous said...

I loved the Highlights mag, but only got to see them in the waiting room of the dentist and/or doctor. Unfortunately, some kid always beat me to the "Hidden Pictures" and ruined it for everyone by circling the items. Thanks for the puzzle that I can figure out for myself, with no one spoiling it for me!

Anonymous said...

Wow! This one is tougher than the last one for sure! I think I found the he hiding under the trees?
Gee I hope I win, I have that butterfly feeling in my stomach...just hoping I had the right answer.
Patty H.

Paula said...

I am confused. I looked at the photo and saw the elephant right away. Maybe 1 second. My first thought is I had never seen this elephant stamp before then I read that we were to find the elephant.
He was right there.....LOL Oh well, too easy.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! This was a tough one, like trying to find a needle in a haystack. That silly elephant was hiding so well in those trees that I almost didn't spot him. Thanks so much for sharing, this was a fun one.

Unknown said...

I found it. It took me about 5 minutes. It was kind of like the one that was going around in e-mails that you needed to find the baby in the trees. Pretty cool! You are def. being added to my list of "readers" :)

Michelle said...

You crack me up! This is so cute! I had my kids try this too:) I almost thought it was a trick so I had my kids take a peek:) Too fun--we still do these in dentist and dr's offices! We found the cute elephant immediately:)

Hey Hey Paula said...

It took me a few seconds - I couldn't see the elephant for the trees! Thanks for making me smile today!

Anonymous said...

Elephant? What Elephant?

doverdi said...

This is too cute. That poor elephant needs a bigger tree or at least a few bushes to hide behind. He looks so sad cause everyone is finding him too included.

Love your quizzes and I know that one day you'll have me losing sleep over them. lol Probably tonight I'll be counting elephants.

Kathy said...

I counldn't find the elephant, but I found 4 TREES!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories of my long ago school days. The elephant jumped off the page at me. This one was to easy. Thanks!!

Linda SS said...

It's just not that easy to hide an elephant. A mouse, yes, but an elephant? I spy!

Anonymous said...

I found it in a split second. Love the blog new to it.

Lorie said...

Well, the trees had me stumped for a moment but I did find the elephant in about .5 seconds! You are so much fun! I love checking your blog everyday! :0)

Anonymous said...

You crack me up. Thanks for making me laugh, the blog candy is just an extra in this one. I beleive that the elephant is hiding behind the tree's! Am I right? LOL

Anonymous said...

I stood there so long trying to find the elephant that I actually had to sit down and rest. Don't believe me? Look right above the elephants eyeballs, you will see the impression of my butt print:)

Jeannie said...

I don't know if I'm confusing myself or not but I saw the elephant immediately! Was it supposed to be that easy?! jeanne

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I saw the elephant in the sky, but then of couse the answer came to me... it's a trick, there is no elephant...!!

InspiredByInk said...

Hi thanks for posting blog candy and your GREAT site! Very informative.


Vicki P. said...

Oh man, Highlights magazines, I loved those as a kid...heck, I was in the doctor's office the other day and picked one up and looked for the hidden objects! I guess I can still be a kid at heart even at 50! LOL!

Lois Michael said...

OMG....I even spotted the bags of stamping supplies she is hiding from her DH. What Fun! Thanks

Anonymous said...

My kids loved those Highlights magazines.....this is so cute. Keep the laughs coming!!! TFS

Cindy Coffman

Suzanne said...

I love Highlights. I was able to find the elephant real quick! This was one of my favorite activities in the magazine when I was a lil girl. Hope I am the lucky one, I love Candy!

Debbi (no 'e' on the end) said...

I don't think he's hiding....I think he's just bashful! LOL!

Cafe Ink said...

Wow you have rally challanged us again (giggle). I have studied and studied the picture and I think I found it.

Thanks (wink)

Charmaine G

LeAnne said...

Oh, that one was very easy---I saw it right away! Love your site & all your posts!

Andrea said...

I found it, it was really hard but I did what you said and looked away and looked back and there he was peeking from the trees. Phew!

Feather Webb said...

LOL...My daughter's favorite animal is the elephant. I am always tripping over one or two....


~Deborah~ said...

If you look beyond the Forest...You Can See! ELEPHANTS?!
Love the Candy! YUM YUM YUM
Deborah L

Anonymous said...

This was too easy! Is there anyone who can't see that elephant peeking behind the trees? He just pops right out at you! Love your blog, Wanda - keep it up! Judy H.

happy4u said...

You stinker! I was afraid to enter because it was so easy. I hope I am looking at the correct animal?!
I enjoy your card designs and reading your blog. You keep me entertained.
Donna L.