Sunday, May 06, 2007

Just Being Fair

I had to be fair and make my mother-in-law a card for Mother's Day too. I wanted her to have a special one like I made for my mom. Here's her card. I made hers in blue and I did the layout just a little bit different. I didn't plan that, it just worked out that way because of the length of the photo. I'm sure she will like it. She did like the "Like Father, Like Son" hinged coasters I made for her.
Thank you for stopping by!


  1. What a clever idea for a card!

  2. Loved both those cards Wanda, great idea, the extremely personal touch. Thanks for sharing with us, I think I'll start digging through my old photos and scan a few.

  3. Both your Mother's Day cards are so beautiful. What a creative idea - they will be cherished.
