Now how can you get this???? Hmmm. I think we'll do a puzzle!!! I know I've been making these things too easy for you so this one is going to be a lot more difficult. Print out the maze and time how long it takes you to get through it. Post your best time along with your first name and last initial on this post. You really don't have to be the fastest to get the gifts. Your name will be drawn randomly. I will draw a name on Tuesday evening May 15th. One entry per person!
Good luck to you and have fun!
Oh Wanda, this is WAY too hard! ROTFLOL! I admit, I didn't print it out, (I can't print from my computer and I'm usually too lazy to walk up to DH's office) so I finished it on my computer screen. It took me. . . . hmmmmmm . . . . . . .I'd say about .5 seconds to finish. ;) Melissa B.
I think it took like all of 1/2 second or less. :o) My kids would like that one!
OMG Wanda!!! You crack me up! THanks for the good laugh!
I think it would of took me longer to print it out then to complete it! hehehehehehe!
hahaha! i was all ready to print and go... took me about a good second to realize. =)
Can I time less than a second? I am gonna give this to my idiot brother to figure out.
I gotta say that is the easiest maze ever and I also didn't print it out. It was pretty hard to time it as it was under a second to get out of that one LOL. Frances B aka StampOwl
What a hoot - you really made me laugh with this one. You really dont't want to know how long it took it do this oh so hard maze do you??
Wanda! This is just WAY TOO FUNNY!
I think it took me all of 1/10th of a second to get through this maze! Thanks for making me smile this morning! :o)
Nikki B
LOL - now that was a good puzzle to wake up to this am...especially without coffee!
That was a hard one! It took me 2 whole seconds to complete this. Ha, ha! Great candy, love your blog!
Well Wanda, I havn't ever tried to enter one of your contests before because they are too hard but, thought I might try my hand at this one. Honestly when I first looked at it I thought you had accidently given us the answer duh. thanks for all the great inspriation,
Wanda, you are too funny....
what a great way to start my Saturday morning!
Would you believe, my best time is 1 second!!! (Had to slow down on the curves :)
Pat S.
Thanks for making my morning, Wanda ... tooooo funny!!!
It took me a smidgeon longer then Melissa ... .6 seconds.
Thanks for the wonderful ideas and tips!
You had me going, I was all set to print it out (I love a good maze!). Thanks for the smile to start my day. My time .5 seconds!Jenny M
Wanda, I love your sense of humor! Too funny!
That one was really funny! I was ready to print it, but thought I would just look first. It took way less than 1 second. But I have to admit I went back to look at it again to see if I missed something! Thanks for the morning gigle.
Jennifer S
This is good! Before I went to "print" the maze, I had to find a pencil. Thanks for the laugh!
Cheryl R
I didn't want to do a maze, but than I looked at it and decided "I can do this!" My time was about a second because I thought you were trying to trick us. Thanks for the giggle, Wanda.
You are too funny! I actually was printing it already before I started thinking. Once I started thinking, it took me 1/2 second to realize this is another of your mind games ROTFLOL!!! GOOD ONE!
Rosella S
LOL, it took me all of 2 seconds to get through.
Debby M
Geeez! Making me THINK on a weekend. You should be ashamed. LOL
I worked forever on this maze. I don't think I'll ever get through it.
I give up---just pick me. :o)
Kimberly in AZ
Hah! Very funny....it took me about one second (it would have taken me longer if I actually had printed it out *grin*) So much fun and thanks for the chance for the blog candy! *HUGS*Alex
Greetings, I just recently stumbled across your blog, and why not take the yummy bait. :)
I have to say, because I just started visiting, I did a double, no, triple take to make sure there was no catch to the maze.. er line. So I'm ashamed to say it took me several seconds, followed by a chuckle.
I'll be back often!
Once again you are just too funny for your own good. This is good it is one maze I finished in less than a split second,the blink of an eye, before I knew it, instant winner I can go on and on and on. (HE HE HE!)
You had me laughing out loud!!! Here I am AGAIN trying to win that infamous blog candy! Can't say I didn't try! : )
I love puzzles, but just didn't think I had time for one today. Surprise! I did have time after all. I think it's the fastest time I've ever had at solving a puzzle. I feel so proud of myself!! You should, too. Thanks for the chuckle.
LOL that is hilarious! My time was .018 of a second. ;-)
Thanks for the good laugh, showed my kids and they were very very confused :lol: How about .25 seconds!
I'm going to have to practice, and try this again...
I need to improve my time :)
ROTFL! Boy was this a toughie! Must have taken me all of 1/8th of a second to complete. lol
Diane D. aka doverdi
Okay...that is too funny. It took me less than 1/2 a second to get it. I loved it though. Thanks for the smile! :-)
Too cute! Let's see it took me about 10 seconds to figure that one out....I am a little blonde and thought maybe some of it was missing (honestly ;o( that is bad!!!)
Love your blog and great blog candy!
Jennie H.
Whoa...half-an-hour! I must be tired...grins!
LOL - sorry, but I too didn't print it out. It was just too easy. My time was .1 sec. :) LOL
That maze was really too hard:) It took me about a second to figure out that was all. Thanks for the fun this morning.
The maze was so hard. lol It took me about 1/8th of a second. lol
that os sooo funny! I think it took me all of .01 seconds!!
LOL, good one ! I was done before I started.
Claudia F.
OMG! I must be tired because I can't figure this out. Maybe I ought to go to school on solving puzzles. Did I miss something, I don't see any opening...hmmm, maybe I'll just have to print it out and solve it is my guess.
Wanda you are a hoot...I turned the printer on to print and then realized DUH!!!!! and second later I was through the maze....thanks for your blog, ideas and a good chuckle!!!
Oh my! That was a tough one! ROTFLMBO! Took me awhile......about a fraction of a second!
Thanks for sharing.
Wow that was hard... :)
Maybe 1 sec? Thanks for the laughs!
This was a toughie...but I struggled through. My fastest time was 0.29 seconds...not to bad, right?
Thanks for giving us all a laugh!!
-Jana W.
Now that's my kind of puzzle!! The bad part is I looked at it way too long before I "got it"!!
HeHe Wanda!! I will say I'm a bit disappointed though. I love doing maze's and was looking forward to it a bit! ;)
TOO cute !!!! I love your quizzes ,games and fun BLog!!!
Ha! Very funny. I thought it could not be that easy, there had to be a catch to it somewhere. So of course I took my time and looked at it from every angle. No, I guess that it is going to be that easy. Bang I finished it. Thanks for the fun.
I haven't slept in two days because of the lure of this darn maze! I see it when I close my eyes at night and lay there and try to find my way through it!
I hope you post some hints or the answer soon so I can sleep again!
Wow! This is pretty rough so many dead ends, unless you go straight through the middle. I printed it out and studied it closely for a couple of days. Yep...going straight through is the way I will go. OK be sure and let us know the correct answer, I will be on pins and needles tell I find out the answer to this puzzle.
Thanks for the chuckle!
Patty H.
Interesting maze....I will admit I didn't print it out...as it only took less then a second to do!!! Where do you come up with this stuff??!! I'm lovin' the blog candy!
Debbie J.
LOL i think it took me at the most....2 of a second LOL. That is way too funny but great candy!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Less than 1 second? It took longer to print. LOL
Good one, Wanda!
And, thanks for the chance to win your wonderful candy!!
This is hilarious. I printed it thinking there might be a trick to it when I did. But after seeing there was no trick....it took about a second. I am sure I could have done it faster, but I am a little sore from my last visit to the gym!
That is just to funny! I gotta say I cheated and didn't read all the directions before I finished the maze! Ha! Ha!
Cheryl K
Wow, this was some challenge. LOL!!! You are just too funny. Thanks for the laugh.
Cheryl Sims
Pretty funny Wanda, I saw the word maze and said forget it but after looking at it I said DUH....lol love your riddles and things
Wanda...You are way too funny. It would take longer to print the puzzle. Thanks for a good laugh this morning.
Id haved to say, That ive learned in life to take your time and enjoy things along the way, But not the case here! I raced to the finish line! About 1/2 sec!
Deborah L
I've been so busy that I just couldn't get to this maze until today! It's consumed the morning and finally, I finished it. Time spent thinking about it, doing it and leaving the post totaled 1 min. Mostly because I had to type out a comment and read some of the others comments. Thanks for the fun! Tami
OMG that was soooo hard!! LOL I guess you could call that EASY STREET! LOL..
DANG! I still can't though it. Oh well, I tried...sorta!
Kimberly in AZ
Silly Wanda:-) Just one of many reasons I enjoy your blog.
Too funny...but you almost had me as I was ready to get up and load paper in the printer. I love a blog that makes me smile so you've been added to my favorites:)
This is about the ONLY type of maze I could do first thing in the morning. lol.
This was a hard one! LOL! After I stared at it for a few seconds...duh...I finished it in under a second. Thanks for the challenge!
This is a head scratcher. I'm not sure but you might go left, then right, turn, and then there you are. Giggle
Charmaine G
This was a good one! I love mazes and challenges and I was all geared up for a big challenge. Good thing this was an easy one - with the day I'm having I probably couldn't have done much more than this!
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