Before I tell you what that odd piece of whatever is I have to tell you how I came upon it. If you read the right side of my blog you'll see that I am owned by three cats. So when I'm walking into my workroom I see this "thing" on the floor that looks like poo. My first thoughts are of trying to decide which cat would do this to me. As I approached it and saw the blue flecks I then began to change my choice on which cat I had in mind that would be going to the vet to have those flecks checked out. The whole time I'm wondering why I'm not smelling anything. I get down closer and see that it is safe to pick it up. Mind you I have on rubber gloves at this point. Oh and not to mention the excessive amount of paper towels in the other hand. I pick it up and see what it is. I had to look at it several times and then set it on top of my TV so I wouldn't lose it. I had no idea what it was. As I was cleaning I found the outsides of a toy mouse. The holes in that poo looking thing were the eye holes to the mouse. This thing was comprised of pressed sawdust and some type of paper clay material! TOO funny!
This is Boo, does she look innocent to you???? She's not the one I suspected until I found the other part of the mouse to put the puzzle together. She LOVES to play and I'm sure it was her that took the mouse apart. She's almost 3 but is very petite. She was such a sickly little thing the day after I brought her home and she went from 1 pound 8 ounces to 1 pound 4 ounces. Poor little thing. But now she's a whopping 6 pounds and is full of energy. Her favorite thing in the morning is to play "get you". I tell her "I'm going to get you" and she runs to the couch and hides her head under the pillow like a toddler would do. Only her head is hidden and I think she thinks you can't see her!! She's SO funny and SO much fun to have around. Except when she leaves strange things for me to find on the floor!!! But it did make a fun game!
SO now that the mystery is solved I want to say "Thank you" to all of you for checking in on my blog and helping it reach 50,000 hits! Keep checking in. 60,000 isn't that far off!!
Okay, here is the lucky winner of the stamp set is #28 Nikki B and this is her guess:
...I have my doubts but having put many many things through the wash that dont belong I think its a piece of cardbord roll of some sort that wet at some point and redried? :):)
I won't even begin to tell you thing things I've washed! And no, it has never been one of those toy mice! LOL
Nikki, please email me with your snail mail address and I'll get the package out in the mail to you! Congratulations and thanks for playing!
Thanks again to all of you!