Ok!!! Here's your weekend project. You do need to have access to some binding equipment of some type. But don't be discouraged if you can't. You can always punch holes by hand and use hemp or ribbons to bind them yourself. There's lots of options out there. You can even use the "Rubber Band" book technique to bind them too. Though for that one I would recommend punching at least two holes so you can tie all the pages together. If you decide to make yours that way, make sure you leave a little extra card stock on the left side. Anywhere from 1 1/2 " to 2". And score it at 1" or 1 1/2".
To make this recipe card holder you will want to take your favorite recipe card stamp and measure it. You will then cut your card stock that size but you will add an inch at the top for binding. Or if you want your book to be bound at the side you will add your inch there. You can have these punched at Kinko's and Office Depot. There may be other office supply places and even your local printer but these are the two I know of!
I recommend you stamp using black Staz-on but a permanent black ink pad will work too. Just be careful if you are coloring yours in with light colors. The black tends to come off the paper onto the marker and making your color a little darker than you really wanted to. Should this happen stop coloring and take your marker and draw on some scratch paper until it comes out clean all around, not just on one side. And include the tip too.
On the front of this one I found some kitchen type stamps that I liked and went with it. I really like the oven mitt in the background done in VersaMark. I got the little rolling pin at Michael's and I just painted the handles red and glued it on top of the cover. Coloring the pages is what takes the most time but it's SO worth it!
When stamping the recipe card on your card stock (and the same with any larger stamp) you will want to turn the stamp up on your work surface so the rubber is facing you. Ink up your stamp. Now before you use it you are going to take a sponge and dab it on the ink pad like you would for sponging edges. You are going to go over the entire stamp, inking and dabbing and inking an dabbing. This will get rid of any uneven lines on your stamp (these lines are called demarcation lines). It will give your image a very clean look as though it was printed and not stamped. I do this on all of my large background stamps. Now you are ready to line up your card stock and put the image on the paper!
Have fun and thank you for checking in!
1 comment:
I am so amazed that you haven't had any takers on raking your yard! LOL!
I love your recipe card holder!
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