Actually it was very fun and the suggestions were constructive and enlightening. I would like to play the "Card Game" again sometime soon!!!
Ok, the first suggestion was by Cheryl (CAKVD) and here is what her suggestion was:
I actually like the card. The only thing I would change is the piece that has the crosshatch stamping on it. I would make it bigger so the part with the boots could fit on top of it. Does that make sense? Thanks!Cheryl KVD
Here is the card I came up with using Cheryl's suggestions:
The next suggestion was by Jackie and here is what she suggested:
Well, I think it just needs a little ribbon on the bottom half to balance it out and you may be right about losing the button. But otherwise it looks pretty good!
And here is the card I came up with using Jackie's suggestions:
I will post the other three tomorrow. I do have them done but I just thought I'd keep you in suspense for a day!!!
This was a fun challenge for me and a nice learning experience. There is a wealth of talent out there!! I love your suggestions and wished I had the time and the card stock to try each one of them!
Cheryl and Jackie, please email me with your mailing address and I'll send you a little something along with the card made using your suggestions!
Thanks SO much!
These are both great cards. I love your interpretation of the suggestions and I can't wait to see what you do with the other ideas. This is really a great idea and I love how you are incorporating your readers into your card making. I am sooooo going to use this idea on my blog....if you don't mind...of course. May I borrow your idea? Drop me a note at
I like it!! Thanks for using my suggestion! I'll send you my addy.
Cheryl KVD
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