Blog Candy winners not claiming their prize is pretty common among those who find the Blog Candy sites through Allison's blog. She posts the blogs that are offering candy and people head on over to those blogs and leave their comment. They must forget to check back. That's the whole point of the Blog Candy, checking back!
Anyway, this Blog Candy is up for grabs again. I ran across a photo and to be entered in the Blog Candy drawing you just have to tell me what you think the photo is. PLEASE keep it clean!!! This one has potential to get a
bit bad, but it's not. LOL You don't have to have the correct answer to win the candy. Your name will be drawn without using the Random Number Generator. That software misses numbers and duplicats some too. Not very fair, is it. So it will be done the old fashioned way!! And I will draw a name on Thursday the evening of November 29th. Please do not include your email address with your comment. You do need to check back to see if you are a winner.
Please leave your comment on this post only and only one post per person.
What on earth is this????
Thanks for playing and have fun!
I think it is a baby bird wearing shoulder pads-he must be going out for football LOL!
I think it looks like cranberries in a three-some (very innocent) really. By the way I check your blog first every day and I love to come and visit for the inspiration to do more on a daily basis. Thank you
Could it be chocolate chips????
I have no idea really. I would guess chocolate of some sort.
To me, it looks like a dog sniffing a camera. It rings a bell with me because when my son was about a year old, most of his pictures looked like this because he would charge at me. Little camera hog! LOL
Hi Wanda!
I'm with Dawn...you're first on my list every day :)
Thank you for offering us another chance to win that great prize.
I think "it" is chocolate covered olives!
Pamela Anderson fallen asleep at the GMAT test. (ya think she would pass?)
chocolate ??
I hope I wasnt the winner because I have been sick in bed. Let me guess that the picture is someones fingers on the camera lens. Thanks for offering it again
I was going to guess a dogs nose as well. But I work at a veterinary hospital so everything reminds me of animals :-)
I think it's trying to get a photo of a baby bird and it's mostly fingers?
I'm going to say something being pinched between two fingers. Don't know what the something is...
Thanks for another chance at this great candy!
a whacked out potato??
Alison S
I am going to guess a little pile of chocolate chips. This is fun.
Cheryl Sims
I believe it is one of those scarecrow that are made out of pumpkins and the pumpkins are the women breast, One pumpkin is the head and the other 2 pumpkins go in a shirt to look like her breast or a butt.
It looks like hollyberries gone bad!!
Thanks for the Candy!!!
I agree with Kathy, must be the tips of your fingers really out of focus!!
TFS again!!
I think it is a close-up picture of three finger tips. I'm loving reading some of these ideas! LOL!
I think it looks like one of those Hershey Kiss cookies with the kiss planted on it upside down. :) Tis the season!!
Could it be a teddy bear?
Yep, I'm with those that think it is a tiny pile of chocolate chips.
I think its two fingers holding a piece of chocolate..when my mind isn't in the gutter, its in the candy cabinet...
where a mud puddle splashed on your camera lense? ok I'm getting confused with more than one candy offer! Cheers :) bluemoonbynite@yahoo.com
It must be some kind of turkey (since Thanksgiving just passed)? or is it some kind of nuts? Not human...but acorns or filberts? Strawberries? Shall I go on (and on and on)... Sohott
Chocolate dipped strawberries...
Somebody bit the head of of a chocolate bunny, leaving just his neck and paws.
Sorry for all your trouble with the blog candy Wanda...I would come back...promise! I think it may be a brazil nut (oh gawd, I dunno!)...
I think it's a dog nose and he is trying to sniff the camera.
I'll guess it's 2 fingers holding a raisin, or a cranberry, or a bit of chocolate, or even a small animal's head?
Am I close?
This is a fun way to give away this sweet candy. I've been wanting this for a while. Pick ME ME ME! I will claim it.
My guess is:
a teddy bear
3 potatoes
Thanks for a chance.
Wierd pic! Could it be figs, olives or kiwis? Glad to have another chance at the candy anyway-thanks!
you're right... it does have the potential to get bad! HAHA! Okay, to keep it clean, looks like a closeup of a cat...
YOU've said that you LOVE TO SPONGE YOUR CARDS. Soooo it's a fuzzy picture of your thumb and finger holding a sponge with ink on it. How'd I do?
I think it is one of the TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Looks like tulip or crocus bulbs to me. Am I right?????
It's a chipmunk with his cheeks really, really REALLY full of food.
Thank you for another chance to win!
Hug, Renee
My guess would be Muffins Im eating one right now and it kind of looks like it heheheheheh KIND OF !!!!!!
I am going to say chocolate candy - getting us ready for Christmas!
I always check your blog!!! Well let's see...I think it looks like three round chocolate truffles stacked on each other...unlikely but then the holiday season has started and well I have chocolate on the brain!
I think it's a portion of some brown gloves......it looks like a close up up something! LOL GREAT CHALLENGE! {SMILES}
I believe it may be a blurred close up of a a teddy bear - who knows!!! I can't wait to find out! Thanks for the candy op - God bless-
My guess is pomegranates. Thanks for sharing blog candy and the fun guessing game. Mary
I'm guessing a big blurry finger!
Thanks at a chance again!!
A finger photo! Great blog, I visit daily. Thanks for the chance to win.
Ilene B.
That is a picture of me stuffing my face at Thanksgiving. Or a squirrel with cheeks full of nuts.
Suzy H
I was going to say the same thing about two finger tips holding on to something.
Love you Blog!
I do believe it is two fingers holding 1 chocolate chip...why....I have no idea. That should be in your chocolate chip cookies. You know, Christmas is just around the corner!!!
Wanda you are the start of my day and the inspiration to what little creativity I have.
Please pick me so I can take this off my christmas list and put something in it's place:)
Looks like two fingers holding a cookie. very samll cookie!
Looks like a baby bird in the middle, like someone is holding it with two fingers.
Or maybe chocolate?
Can't wait to find out what it is!!!!
What a GREAT giveaway!!
I'll guess two toes, with a toe ring in between. I try to check your blog every chance I get. Thanks for the inspiration!
Two fingers.....holding something.....I haven't a clue what it is. A cutting blade from a paper cutter? That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
without looking at everyone else's comments, i immediately thought it was your fingers holding a piece of chocolate! i even clicked on the picture for a closeup--didn't help!! ;) i will definitely be back to check in...gotta know what that picture is!
I'm going with the 3 cranberries theory.
~Lana B.~
I think it looks like brown cranberries (gone bad) or maybe blueberries?? That is one strange picture.
Damn! I'm like Chandler Bing, and I can't resist making a jab, but since the rules say..stay clean, i'll be good.
Its a picture of your hands holding something..a box of cookies perhaps?
It's driving me crazy, so please do tell what it is..
I think it's someone with their hands around the back of their neck--maybe stretching or exercising after all that turkey!!
My first thought was a dog's nose too. Well, I'm a subscriber to your great blog, so if it's me I won't miss out! thanks
Wow! That's a tough one. The only thing I can think of is chocolate! It's not too surprising chocolate is on my mind! :)
I'm going to guess dinner rolls. Oh, and I always check to see if I'm a winner or not!!!
Cheryl KVD
I really have NO idea..but my guess is a banana??
It looks like a dachshunds nose checking out the camera lens:)
Thanks for the chance to win:)
It's a blurry picture of either a cat or a dog's nose. How fun was this? I bet you are gonna be laughing so hard with some of the wacky guesses!
I hope I win!
I would guess something being held between 2 fingers. Thanks for the chance at the blog candy again!
Sue R
Hi Wanda,
I think it might be the bottom of an apple. Or it kind of looks like the bottom of some of those curvy squash/gourds that show up around this time.
I believe it is a very close encounter with a chocolate chip!
Thanks for sharing your blog candy with us!
I believe it is a very close encounter with a chocolate chip!
Thanks for sharing your lovely blog candy with us!
What I think it looks like shouldn't be published. I am going to say it's a cherry being squished between two fingers. Thanks for the chance.
I would absolutely LOVE to win this candy. I would claim it, as I do subscribe to your blog.
As to the picture, I think they are 3 fingers taken completely out of focus. Just the first thing that popped into my head.
I think it looks like a little piece of rye bread.
Linda Peterson
It looks like a kiwi to me. great game and a great giveaway!
Somebody didn't claim the blog candy??? Can't believe that, what a loser! Sorry! I definitely check back, promise!
Anyway, I had little to no idea what I should guess, so I showed the pic to my two daughters (17 & 12) and they said some fingers holding a chocolate chip....
Thanks for the chance! :)
It looks like someone is holding something small between their thumb and index finger??
Michelle E.
I think it is chocolate bon bons?
Wow, great candy! Too me it looks like someone is holding something in between their fingers but have no clue what it could be
It looks like 3 pieces of chocolate macadamia nut candies stuck together : ) yum. if you have young kids, you know what I mean. found in very strange places... :)
Geez that's a tough one! I have no clue what it is, and my mind went more toward the gutter ....lol sorry!!
Is it some prima petals really close up?? Or a few muffins?? Heck...maybe some taters...I dunno....I am dying to find out though, dang it!
Oh, that's a tough one...maybe Lindor Chocolate balls...mmmm! Thanks for another chance to win this fabulous giveaway!
~Brenda H.
It look like some dinner rolls from your Thanksgiving dinner? Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas daily!
I am going to guess a cluster of three chocolate covered almonds?? If it is...I will take them!!!
Hi Miss Wanda,
I think it is you and your kitten..
she is sitting on your knees!Purrrrrrrrrrr!
Anniebananie XXXOOO
I think its a gorilla!
That wouldn't happen to be a pomegranate or cinnamon buns would it? Not very good at guessing but I just had a pomegranate and those look like three of the seeds really close up! Great blog candy!
For some reason my emails have not been getting through to you so I will try for the blog candy again. LOL, I did email about it when I won but apparently they haven't gone through.
Debby McGillivray
Well, I think it kinda looks like a kitty's nose, but it looks like an orange kitty, and you don't have one of those. I won't tell you what DH said (here, anyway) it looked like because you said keep it clean.
The best I can guess is three chocolate bonbons! LOL
I've got chocolate on the brain, so I better go on a hunt! There has to be some chocolate around here somewhere!!!
Thanks for all your great ideas! Love your blog!
I can't wait to see what this is!! I think they are 3 pears ????
Thanks for a second shot at the candy! I check your blog daily, keep up the great site! My guess at the pic would be a close up of your thumb between your index finger and middle finger!!
Karen M.
I would say it is a person holding a ice cream cone.
Now who wouldn't check back for blog candy. ;)
My guess is popcorn...LOL
I think it is chocolate covered peanuts.
I'm I right?
I love your blog and have used it several times to inspire me and as a CASE! Giving credit where it is due!!!
I think it's a baby bird being held between the a thumb and forefinger. Much like the picture my nephew took of his hampster! THANKS for all your ideas and for the opportunity to play!!!
Wow, I can't believe someone didn't claim this awesome blog candy! I tried for it the first time, so I'm glad to get a second chance! Thanks so much! I'm going to guess that this is a picture of a hand (finger pointing to the camera)?
I've been study this picture, cuz I want this sooooooooo BAD! So I'm guessing SU sponges that are cut in wedges.
This is just to much fun.
Unclaimed candy?! It's sounds impossible for me!!
I guess they're 3 chocolate covered olives, yummy!!
Is it your fingers holding a hershey's kiss? COngratulations on your blog.
Janet D.
Possibly part of a cat hairball that has turned all dark and hard? Who knows, but it doesn't look very nice or tasty for chocolate.
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